What are some good active hobbies for people with no friends? Im trying to lose weight but outside of my daily 30mins cardio + 1hr of lifting im sitting at a computer shitposting. Any interesting hobbies you fellas have?
Jow Forumss favourite hobbies
learn chinese
I paint warhammer
Yoga, piano and lucid dreaming. No friends becomes an advantage.
only one of these is non sedentary though
warhammer is fucken based but I can't stand the community. back in high school years and years ago I had a circle of chill friends and we would play warhammer on the weekends. but the stores I've been to try and play at are filled with people I would never want to spend time with. I've tried like 10 different stores and the experience is always the same. I want to get back into it but all of my old warhammer friends are long gone, and all the public communities I've tried are horrible.
I work, lift, skateboard, dj and do drugs at raves thats pretty much all my time filled
What armies guys? Working on night lords now.
Im lucky that i have non-onions friends who play and I never have to ever go to a store to play.
reading and skating. maybe you should get a dog OP
Uni kid?
I do underwater filming of marine life. I also cook a bunch and have a normie Instagram page