What are some good active hobbies for people with no friends? Im trying to lose weight but outside of my daily 30mins cardio + 1hr of lifting im sitting at a computer shitposting. Any interesting hobbies you fellas have?
Jow Forumss favourite hobbies
learn chinese
I paint warhammer
Yoga, piano and lucid dreaming. No friends becomes an advantage.
only one of these is non sedentary though
warhammer is fucken based but I can't stand the community. back in high school years and years ago I had a circle of chill friends and we would play warhammer on the weekends. but the stores I've been to try and play at are filled with people I would never want to spend time with. I've tried like 10 different stores and the experience is always the same. I want to get back into it but all of my old warhammer friends are long gone, and all the public communities I've tried are horrible.
I work, lift, skateboard, dj and do drugs at raves thats pretty much all my time filled
What armies guys? Working on night lords now.
Im lucky that i have non-onions friends who play and I never have to ever go to a store to play.
reading and skating. maybe you should get a dog OP
Uni kid?
I do underwater filming of marine life. I also cook a bunch and have a normie Instagram page
how terrible are we talking about user? what happened tell us.
Nah man I work 40-50 hours a week as an engineer. Never wanted to go to uni.Work hard party harder
Video game
I used to play chaos fantasy, back in 5th and 6th edition, with some empire and dwarf units. haven't gone back to playing due to what I wrote, I don't have a community to play with.
no stories in particular that I can remember enough to tell. but problems like really bad body smell and unbearable autism. just way too socially awkward and difficult to be around, not fun and not chill.
Live in Maine? Sorry about that bro.
I get all my models from a re-caster too because GW is going full soulless corporation. I also pretend none of the nu-lore "advancing the plot" doesn't exist, and that its still so extremely metal to the point its funny.
skiing in the winter, golf in the summer
Mine are fishing, playing harmonica and homebrewing. Me and my mate have tried making all sorts of moonshine, really fun and satisfying if you manage a good brew
golf seems comfy asf but also expensive as. Do you go to a driving range? Are you in a club?
Cooking is the ultimate Jow Forums hobby!
nah I'm nowhere close. also yea the new stuff is really unappealing to me, but I'm maybe just too oldschool and afraid of things that are different. I think the other problem is that honestly we never really played warhammer to "win" and just didn't see the game that way. it was always more like simulating fantasy scenarios like d&d or something. the rules always seemed to really break down when people really tried to min-max and play to win and the game wasn't as fun. probably my mentality to the game I got from my old playgroup just doesn't fit with how things are elsewhere.
Damn man, your my type. I make the army then the rules are just to see what my dudes do. People thinking a game centered about dice and buying the newest overpowered model is competitive makes me cringe.
Find a local bouldering gym.
Is active, can be done solo, and works your forearms and grip strength like nothing else. Needs some brain power too to solve some problems.
Go regularly and you'll probably make friends whilst chatting about beta with strangers.
I've been in a club off and on. some years I don't do it because I'd rather play at different courses and I also get to play for free through work sometimes.
I'm in an area with a lot of skiing and golfing so there's lots of selection too, and always playing the same spot isn't always as fun as going other places.
both golfing and skiing are definitely expensive hobbies. especially because after you skii your area you start craving expensive travel destinations. but my gf doesn't ski and doesn't want to use our holiday time to go skiing instead of seeing an area.
Get /lit/
install gentoo
JUGGLE, juggling is infinite and physical. This isn't supposed to be demotivating but you will never reach the limit even though improvement is insanely fast.
camping & shooting
grab sks, go innawoods
I agree with you. Majority of the store managers I've come across are real cool guys but tend to be too busy to play. The clientele who pollute the stores though are both as autistic and as zoomer as it comes. Have you considered finding an independant club? I've found a couple, and some off the guys are cringe (like the guys on a lot of the tabletop gaming and painting yt channels) but far more tolerable than a gang of zoomers. I've managed to get my gf into painting now as well and she is reading the lore so it's only a matter of time before I can play her on lazy Sundays.
Not either of the guys you were asking user but I'm currently working on a tyranid army and a home brew primaris chapter. I wanna do orks as well and maybe sob. From next month I have £100 a month for the hobby which is nice. Girlfriend is building a daemonette army.
BJJ is the most based sport I have ever encountered
Go to church user
Based. I too spend my free time ricing my desktop and posting it on Jow Forums for internet points. I always bring my x220 to the gym with me so I can shitpost between sets.
Start fishing. Healty, fun and you get extra proteins if you are lucky
cooking and gardening
gardening is based but I live in a huge city and don't have the same kind of land to work with I did growing up
I do HEMA and Oly lifting.
HEMA's dorky shit but it's actually fuckin legit and fun as fuck.
>people with no friends
I have a hobby that makes you friends if that's cool with you.
I go debating in a debate club from my uni once per week. Having to defend a thesis you don't agree with in front of strangers gets you out of your comfort zone pretty quickly. It's pretty good for brain and charisma gainz.
Also most people that debate are super open and friendly. For example the people in my club invite everyone (including newcommers) to join them in a bar down the road and have a few drinks till midnight. They treated me like a friend and asked questions and stuff even though I was super shy and quiet.
A year later many of them are my best friends.
Downhill mountain biking is best hobby :-)
but you have to ONLY ride park
that sounds super comfy, I wish I was in uni rn, but im applying for next year where I hope I can get in some clubs n sheit
I was really thinking in trying it out. Went to some training once, but I wasn't able to go again. Still thinking about giving it another shot. It's quite expensive, isn't it? Takes a long time till you have a "real" fight I guess
definitely fishing
also amateur ham radio and gardening
Very patrician hobbies user.
This. I envy people who have plots of land or even backyards to experiment with gardening and farming. Living in a building is really the root problem of being sedentary.
I'm also not very social. Used to be insecure about it but when I started lifting/cardio, I grew some confidence to try things on my own. Started attending workshops and classes on basic skills to build stuff. I'm trying out leather-crafting because I like to do stuff with my hands. Also, in workshops, you get to interact with strangers. I don't really make friends because I don't know how to (or don't really want to) build bridges so I just enjoy the short time talking and chatting with random strangers I won't ever see again. It's nice
Here's some off the top of my head:
-meditation (also helps w/ mental)
-going for walks in pretty places and taking pics
hiking is a based hobby but the problem is that you run out of hiking trails extremely fast in my experience
sounds good. Might need to check if my city has one.
i mostly just do gardening and cooking
Just quit your job and go on a long distance hike
I do plein air painting. One of the few creative hobbies that's also active/outdoor
Buy a katana.
Unironicly learn engineering. It's pretty much the purpose of our existence.
I had to take a break from lucid dreaming because I started murdering people in the dreamrealm for fun :(
It started happening after a week of no fap
Personally I like frisbee golf. It's not terribly physical but you'll do lots of walking up and down hills, and you can always jog to your disk between throws. The local course by me is about an hour to play through and I'll go around twice playing three disks trying to beat my own scores, so that's nearly two hours of low intensity cardio.
I draw and it is pretty rewarding, gonna try to make something out of it
desu I always wanted to learn to draw just so I could draw naked women.
This. Having control over your nutrient intake whilst knowing how to make things tasty is pretty damn good.
that is also one of my goals, but not really lewds. I would like to be able to draw and paint a woman, sitting in a chair by a table, reading a book and a vase and some flowers.
Drawing is super fun, you just have to have a pretty good idea of what you want and how to achieve it. It's also hard to be disciplined when it come to creating stuff, but I love it. Here are some titty studies and my leg/knee. Ignore the ugly torso on the right
do you have any ressources on how you learned to draw?
You're very talented. Your hard work and persistence definitely shows through your sketches.
not him but there's not going to be a perfect resource to get you started, you really need to start doing everything yourself out of your own interest
I just picked up playing guitar a couple of months ago so I could have something to do other than watching tv or masturbating, I still suck ass but progress is progress.
yeah sure thing. keep in mind that drawing has a leveling-up aspect to it, if you want to draw naked women you shouldn't start with drawing naked women if you never drew before.
Here is some stuff to start you off, keep in mind that while things in art cross and knowledge in one field translates somewhat to another aspect of art, you should decide what you want to do.
If you want to draw cars, check out scott robertson, if you want to learn how to paint, you still have to learn how to draw first to a degree. I really love Steve Huston, he's a draftsmen/ painter. Check out Ilya Mirochnik as well on youtube. For ink etc, check out Alphonso Dunn, for abstract and a bit kooky stuff check out PeterDraws. For characters etc, I like Ahmed Aldoori and lots of other stuff.
Maybe start with Peter Han, he lays down good basics and has really solid drawings because of the way he constructs things.
Important - draw outside of comfort zone and grind different stuff, but always also make stuff that you want to do, if you want to paint horses, paint horses, flowers, flowers etc
Volumes - planes - final outline, something like that.
probably full of uber liberal SJWs.
I'd prefer that honestly. Getting to BTFO leftists in a debate environment makes my dick hard.
never actually happens in practice, most debates leave both sides feeling like they won
To add to this: Be aware of where you are in terms of skill. Don't be frustrated if it doesn't look good, think about what is wrong with it and how to improve it.
Also: stuff you see like concept art, people that can churn out amazing poses without reference etc etc have years and years of practice behind them. They maybe don't have to go through a list of things like measuring stuff and putting down volumes like tubes and squares etc in order for it to be great-looking but you do.
example of what I mean:
Draw shit from life, dont use photos. set up a still life and start drawing it. take figure drawing classes. dont learn from the internet or photos, it's mostly shit. Any local community college, art school/center, maybe even library will have figure drawing classes, if you're broke there are usually uninstructed open sessions where a model poses and you pay like $5-10 per session.
Any tips on learning or any meal ideas bro?
Camping and hiking. If there’s a state/national park near you, go every week.
thank you my man, I really enjoy it and have bought stuff for doing handpoked tattoos. Several people have already said that they would like to get something for free, friends etc and am excited. This will be my last image of my work, cheers and good luck, persistence is key here.
The 2 on the left are 3 years old I think, two on right are where I am now, I still have ways to go but I won't stop because I genuinely enjoy it
mirin skills
well you'd still have to defend SJW viewpoints half of the time then.
gardening is my favorite. You also can get swole by tilling the soil with a shovel.
music production.
Lifting to your own juicy DnB tracks and spotting weak points to improve as soon as you get home is pretty neat.
Plus it's a nice mix between technical and artistic work and you get much more out of all music you listen to.
I play acoustic guitar and create guitar arrangements of my favorite songs. currently learning to sing as well
before I got into it my only hobby was playing fighting games
Sorry dude been out.
Depends on the club how long it takes to spar. Which is a shame because my club was at its best when we let anyone spar that was other martial artists would show up just to try out with swords and there was so great pressure testing a learnt alot.
It's quite upfront expensive. You'll want your own mask at least cos club ones can be pretty gross. Not club boxing glove bad but bad enough.
Honestly that's all I would buy for the first year or so if your club has enough swords and gear.
>doesn't build weapons for a living
>doesn't get drug tested
What kind of engineer are you? If you are a mech you have failed
Old schizo-batshit warhammer was and is the best. Bring me back to 2nd and 3rd edition artwork with the Imperium being Byzantine as fuck and so grimdark it splits your sides
Guitar, fishing, hunting, hiking, skateboarding, snowboarding
I do blacksmithing. I make tools and weapons. Chef's knives, swords, daggers and other cool stuff. It is my full time job, but I like to think of it as a hobby.
I also read a lot. Reading makes you smarter. I try to read at least one book per week. I just finished "astrophysics for people in a hurry" by NDGT and now I'm starting "The future of socialism", by Paul Collier.
Unlike blacksmithing, reading is inexpensive. It has a lot of benefits. You probably won't become a genius by reading, but at least you'll die smarter.
I also play the piano sometimes and I try to do many different sports, but only because I have the time to do so (which is why I didn't mention them in the first reply). I'm part of a rugby club, I play tennis and I go golfing on weekends.
Very jealous.
>guy on Jow Forums never went to college, huge drug user and partier
double dubs! congratulations, user. Now I'm jealous.
I'm qualifying as a boxing judge because it's free and I then get to watch boxing for free on a monthly basis.
based and smartpilled
Get off Jow Forums and other social media (or make rules for yourself ex. I used to browse 5 different boards and was a phone zombie but now I only browse Jow Forums, don’t use ig, use YouTube for only course lectures but 1h per day for subscriptions), nofap, and try a new drug like dmt, lsd, dxm, lsa, or shrooms.
Once you have yourself in order you’re ready to complete the next step in life whether it be school, a job, learning something, etc. Through those you can just naturally connect with people through projects.
Once you meet people make sure to keep initiating to meet more etc. until you’ve met enough people that you’re like overwhelmed with the amount of people that you communicate with, and, then, you’ve made it IMO.
How do I into blacksmithing? Can I make a forge at home?
And then you keep meeting their friends and connections until you fit in with a niche that you really like. It’s hard/unfair because the majority of people have had life long friends and socialization and close knit groups but even if you’re in your 20s you can still for sure form these solid relationships.
Humans are a social species and I find that I self destruct when I don’t socialize with others.
My hobby is making ends meet so I don't starve and can afford at least a bit of comfort in my life.
Go karting
What I would recommend is first going to a blacksmithing class. You will learn a lot of skills in just your first day. If after that you're convinced you do like blacksmithing and you know you want to do more, you can make a forge out of a pit in the ground. There are plenty of videos online which explain how to create a basic forge and a basic anvil. Carry on going to the blacksmithing classes and be the best student there. Be useful, ask the right questions, sweep the floor, get out of the way when you must. Make your teacher like you, so he will be more inclined to help you get into blacksmithing. That's how I started. Blacksmiths aren't mean people, we love sharing our skills.
I play dota in my downtime on weekends when my gf isn't bitching at me to spend time with her
sounds cool brah
Reading really dense books and writing is a very time-consuming hobby to pick up, you should do that. Maybe pick up an instrument, takes a lot of time but you can still watch YouTube and shit while ya practice.
Climbing is tough and chill at the same time. Dogs are good pals that you don't have to constantly talk to.
video games and mtg at the local (and only) game store, has every loser stereotype, from the dude that smells like garbage to the autist who faps to furry porn
except you right
>mtg at the local (and only) game store, has every loser stereotype, from the dude that smells like garbage to the autist who faps to furry porn
This is part of the reason I stick to Vanguard. Its player base is just a bunch of standard Asian nerds.