Lifting for 9 months

>lifting for 9 months
>feels bad man

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That's completely fine for 9 months.

Thanks sweetie. This could better though

what do you mean I can't get world class in just 6 months? wtf! never going to gym again

ffs, did you expected elite in 6 months?

Should have done face pulls so your face muscles would be blue too.

That's not bad

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In this age we're used to getting everything right away.

I did. Everyone else on Jow Forums is an elite Olympic lifter with a 9 inch dong with 3 instathot gfs.

This site if anyone is interested

How did you make your penis stronger?

Hip thrusts

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4 months

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nice, routine?

Did SL5x5 for like 2 months, then a slightly modified PHUL.
Seen a lot more progress from PHUL.

17 months.

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4 months doing high reps and low weight as well as weight loss diet, 2 months doing high weight and low reps

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I'm still Blu man group.

inb4 all of the world class estaters start posting

Post those forearms

If I was green I wouldn't die

Been gymratting for a few years (treadmill, rowing etc) and started lifting 8 months ago

Im 104kg and 6ft1, upper body is stronk but lagging behind with lower body due to pelvic tilt

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>tfw almost turquoise man

Started only two weeks ago, pls no bully.

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Are you me? Just got my pecs purple with my last session. We're gonna make it.

Keep going user. You can do it.


About 10 months in - skipped too many leg days at the start and don't deadlift too often but rows and pullups are my favorite movements so this makes sense.

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aint doing benchpress. but im ok with my progress

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5 years

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9 months too.

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9 months, was decently athletic before lifting.

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t-rex mode tier

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Novice: The lifter is stronger than the average untrained lifter of the same sex and weight. Lifters in this category have typically been training for a few months or more.

Intermediate: The lifter has been consistently training, likely for at least a year. The majority of those who go to the gym regularly fall into this category.

Your progress is normal.

1 year exact

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1 month

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Why does subpar come before untrained?

Lifting for 11 months with prior sports training
Don't worry man, we're all gonna make it

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untrained is a normie, subpar is below your expectation for someone who hasnt ever lifted

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Because untrained means average every day dude. And subpar means a couch potato.

Do some pullups for those lagging muscle groups bro.

>11 months
>already elite

Literally me, how the fuck do i hit pecs properly? I dont feel anything on the flat bench.

I don't believe these stats at all. You guys are not being honest to yourself when inputting data.

Yeah, I did a lot of rugby and climbing prior
I can post my lifts if you want?

>2 years
>half blue man group half intermediate

WTF is wrong with my pendlay row? are you allowed to let it touch the ground like a deadlift bc i havent been doing that..

aside from that im pretty happy with this 6 months progress

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I'm guessing most people aren't posting. Of course, the strong people want to show off a bit. I would.

Lifting 1.5 years at 30 years old. Next program I'm starting I'm getting my shitty bench in order.

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Aren't you supposed to get intermediate in less than a year?

This is about right for 9 months

If you trade in your natty card, yes. You'll get to intermediate in a year. Otherwise you'll be lifting for a long ass time to get anywhere.

I feel stressed out because these are my lifts after 9 months
40/60/80/110kg for 5 sets of 5 except deadlift which is 1 set of 5.
Is this bad? It seems bad to me.

5 months, strict recomp diet, reddit ppl with the 5/3/1 bbb modification, on track for full green man in a couple more months.

Get good kid.

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5 years

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That was an old one, this was updated as of a little while ago if anyone is curious

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lift more and eat more

That's fucking terrible. You should have that after a month


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