Ask a Chad anything.
I will have every answer you seek regarding social skills.
Ask a Chad anything.
I will have every answer you seek regarding social skills.
How are you a Chad? Do you expect me to believe you just like that? Do you know on what website you are?
fellow chad, i will assist you here today.
What possible proof could I have? Anything I post, you'd find a problem with. Timestamps, facepics, physique pics. Nothing would be conclusing proof. So what even is the point of questioning it? Ask Chad anything, or fuck off.
whoa, i'm a third chad here at your service
It's easy. I've got a body count of 50+, 25 in the past 6 months in a college town.
Seems illiterate enough to be a Chad
How does one flirt?
How does tell if they are being flirted with?
there's a txt file on my computer with the names of all the girls because otherwise I can't remember them all. Not that there's that many of them but I'm pretty stupid.
How long is long enough to put ourself back out there after a breakup? Broke up with my gf of 1 month 2 weeks ago and I wasnt really all that attached and I wanna get back into daygaming soon.
>one month
What the fuck are you on about user, immediately.
Flirting means making it clear with your body language that you want to fuck the woman, but that if she doesn't want you to you don't really care because you can easily find someone else to fuck. That's the vibe you want to give.
If she gives you solid eye contact and smiles a lot, also laughing at any thing that could remotely be constructed as being a joke, she's flirting back.
Is r9k just a board for chads to larp as incels?
Is there anything better than having a girl drive you around and pay for weed?
It's easy, you just have to read the vibe. If they're laughing, looking you right in the eyes and keep smiling and all that shit. Touching you, too. That's them flirting. In most situations the girl initiates it discreetly and it's up to you to notice it.
That's autistic
Next fucking day
>If they're laughing, looking you right in the eyes and keep smiling and all that shit.
but clearly people laugh with friends they see just as friends
and generally look people in the eyes
and generally smile
and some touching happens just when many women interact with people in general
how tell difference?
You've had sex with women. That makes you a chad?? They all be sled dogs as far as I know. How do you look? what's your money situation, we need details, little man
>and generally look people in the eyes
Not the same thing. We're talking long, uninterrupted eye contact. Lingering touches. Full on high intensity beaming smile with the eyes and everything.
I wasn't saying that to prove I'm chad, just to illustrate my retardation.
How do I keep up conversations with a girl, their sense of humor is literally normie tier, and the jokes they tell are so dry and shit
I could never find anything they say interesting
I figure I don't have a problem talking with girls since I have a couple of close friends that I've known since highschool, but in college I just lack the interest to keep conversations going when meeting new people. The
I'm definitely not gay (maybe bi) cuz I just jacked to some sfm porn
I know you weren't. But seriously, bar having had sex (achievement here definitely) what else do you have going on that justifies you calling yourself a Chad?
They're probably pig disgusting and embarrassing to be around
If they've known you for more than a week and dont fuck you, you will never fuck them. Girls know pretty fuckin quick if they wanna smash.
How the fuck do I have a conversation with a man? Do I need to know soccer and football when all they care about is sports?
a little more sense.
how does flirting escalate?
How the fuck do i stop being retarded?
Lol. You aren't a Chad. You're an ugly loser virgin incel.
f a m if I have no way to identify advances, or no way to reciprocate any advances even when I can identify them, then no they won't fuck me within a week even if they want to.
fuckin larpers are killing this place
Sure you do incel,sure you do
Hello, another Chad here. Should we start having regular /chad/ threads on Jow Forums from here on?
So are incel losers like you.
Kys you worthless shitstain
This guy is larping.
Act like you've been a chad your whole life. Seriously. If you act that way, others will think you're a chad, then you'll believe you are a chad, then you ride that big dick energy.
And I'm not larping. I just live in Statesboro and get fucked up and go home with some thot 4/5 times
I had sex with women that i met to have a drink with from tinder a few hours before, i have had sex with women i met at a party a few hours before, i have had sex with women who have agreed to come to my place directly from tinder, i have had sex with girls a few hours or days after they dumped their long time highschool sweetheart and done things to them they told me they always found disgusting before and never let their ex do (and by things i mean to put it in the pooper). Also I've never had a threesome but I did make out with two chicks at once once.
If the situation is remotely appropriate for it (party, bar, etc) if they look at me in the eyes for long enough i'll just go for a kiss. You can go for a hand on the thigh or something like that if you're a fag.
How do you not come off as "creepy" to women?
I should mention I'm quite attractive so that helps
H O W T H E H E C K do you just jump from looking in the eyes to a kiss. What if you read that wrong?
By being nice, easygoing, and smiling.
Is it possible to get laid as a neet? with a girl who actually wants to, that is, not an escort. There's no nearby college in my flyover-country town, btw.
Just don't be unattractive.
It's very important not to read it wrong. (Not that important really, she'll turn her head and you'll be an ass, there are worst things, you shot your shot and people can respect that if you frame it right)
Halo effect is real, I went from "that creepy guy" to "mysterious" during my late teens.
You see plenty of such cases on Jow Forums. Lurk moar.
How do I state the idea to a female that the interactions we are having with eachother are simple figments of the abyss and that all matter is nearly energy condensed. That we are all part of a higher being and that experiences itself subjectively through the life forms we are surrounded by.
And how do I explain to her that what we are is very real, and that we are existing in a thing that has it's own physical existence. And by existing in this place we are all fragmented and driven from unity.
How do I explain to her that niggers are the dark ones who wish to harm us. How do I explain to her that non whites are not part of us, they are a completely separate being of evil and niggerdom
First two paragraph, put your penis in her and then hold her and stroke her hair when you're done. For the third one, have white children with her and raise them in a loving and traditional household.
Threat them like you dont care if they were to suffer unimaginable pain if front of their eyes.
Treat them as if you are above them and that they are not even sentient but rather like a rock that happens to mimic being human
Becomeing friends and asking for a hug will work too. Use the hardships in your life to your advantage.
Your father just die? Use that as an excuse to bear hug her into the bedroom
chad can you explain this to me
>i don't understand exactly where i am supposed to be going?
>i go to the gym every other day, so i leave the house about half the time, to exercise for my health
>seriously what the fuck gives? where else am i supposed to be going? the only thing they seem to ever do by "going out" is shopping. i have no desire to do that, i can just order something online
>can someone please explain this shit to me? i'm thinking of making up some "friends" and telling them i'm going to go hang out with them, and then just go get some food, gym, more food, and do random shit on my phone. there's literally nothing to do just "going out" i don't even understand what that means besides "go somewhere and spend money"
this is what happends when you talk 3 min with a stacey
how do i actually get to know girls once i meet them?
They want him to socialize make friends and fuck girls
It's easy if they're attracted to you
>They want him to socialize make friends and fuck girls
OK but i do not want to do that