Nicotine addiction thread

Nicotine addiction thread

Just got one of these, they're super cheap for some reason. 11$ for unit and 2 pods. How long does a pod last? What are you fiending on? Do you smoke?

>general nic thread

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ran out of rolling tobacco a while ago, been smoking cigarillos since then.
look like they fell out of New Vegas

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Looks pretty nice. Are they expensive? I used to be quite a roller myself. Weed and baccy

Canadianfag here, smoking export a blue. When I'm broke smoke rolling tabaco.

>i used to be quite a roller myself


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Fucking things are 14 dollars a pack. Only pick up packs once in a while.

Yeah I started vaping a few days ago. It's cool knowing I can be tweaking on nicotine 24/7 and not have to worry about cancer

Is smoking as good as ive heard? Ive never smoked before but i could use a new bandaid solution.

I got them free, there's only 2 left. They're smoother than most cigarillos I've had, it's almost like rolling a king size cigarette. 10/10

I also have 60 something of pic related, got them for free as well. I just seem to accrue miscellaneous tobacco. They're stronger than Balmorals and slightly lower quality which is strange considering they come with a tin. 8/10

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Smoking is a good hobby. It's very relaxing. When you first start smoking you'll get head rushes that feel cool. Also it makes you look cool.