Have you ever been recognized on Jow Forums? While posting anonymously of course

Have you ever been recognized on Jow Forums? While posting anonymously of course.

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Multiple times. Mainly because I have a seething hatred for specific media, concepts and characters,

No. I recognised a girl from my uni whom I had a bit of a crush on several years ago on /b/ though.

no, if you get recognized without using a trip you probably are avatarfagging and in that case you should be banned

Almost nobody knows me irl and those that do I highly doubt come here regularly if at all

I was on my country's general on Jow Forums, describing a one night stand and how mediocre the sex was, and someone called me by my first name, and told me to fuck off. Couldn't believe it was the girl, especially since she was a foreign exchange student, but it was the very next day, i hadn't even bragged about it to anyone yet.

No a lot of the time it's like they're just guessing, although in some of those "that guy" thread there are like 12 different posts about "that guy" and 9/12 of them were about something I said one time.

This pic was taken at my school wtf

found an old friend in that minecraft event whete every board gets an island

>describing a one night stand
fuck off normalscum abomination non virgins arent welcome here

Does not mean a thing now user.This place is dead.Overrun by normies and redditors.

I've been a non virgin on Jow Forums since 2007 fuck you user.

Yeah I recognised one of my online friends from his image filename and mannerisms and he recognised me on Pol a year ago was pretty cool

I recognize one of my real life friends pretty easily on a smaller board we frequent. And he recognizes me relatively easily too.

i think i got recognized a few years ago because i got a bit too personal. i dont know if that person still posts here or not though, i dont really care all that much anyway

I'm pretty sure an user called me out on saying I said in another thread the other day. It was probably a janny or something, since there was njo way of knowing it was me.

>never ever post pictures of myself here, not even body shots
>if im ever telling a greentext story from a real life i always change the details and currents a bit so it would read like a different story
>always lie about my country and city
>use memeflags on Jow Forums
No one will ever find out about my secret

*on something
am rarted

rarted? was that supposed to mean

Nice user, that's pretty much exactly what I do as well. I always fudge and change some details if I'm telling about something that happened to me in real life.

edumacate yourself

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My name is Olive do you recognise me?
I've made three threads today
One time I made all the ones that were showing
I make most of the letter threads and vocaroo ones sometimes

thanks for extrapolating

Once by one of my few frens from school who also posts here
Multiple times by discord frens

>non virgins arent welcome here
Nigger it's 2019 don't tell me you're still a virgin lmao

Once, it was quite spooky.
I was posting images of myself crossdressing

one time i was shitposting and this guy replied to me with my irl first name. not sure if lucky guess or dox but spooked nonetheless.

no but ive been memed about

that happened to me once when larping as a femanon

>Tfw someone you know recognizes you off of a video posted on a pornsite.
Surprisingly turned out better than I thought it would.

Yeah, unfortunately I was anonymously posting my gay hook up with a straight friend.

you're not the only sven in the country, sven.

I got a lot more paranoid with my crossdressing pics, since then.
They're very cute though, if I dare say so.

found my now wife's ex posting old sex videos of them on /gif/. recognized it was her because she has a very distinctive birth mark and, well, it looked like her, and was definitely the bedroom of her old place.

at the time we were engaged and i guess he thought if i found them (he knew i browsed Jow Forums) that i would break up with her. i responded to him right there and then, name and everything, of who he was and to cut it out, that it was pathetic, and that posting videos of what they did in the past wasn't going to make me break up with her.

No, but I recognized a former guild mate as the OP of some random thread back on /b/ ten years ago, and only because the thread subject was so typical of him. He had never ever revealed his power level back then, so he was obviously shitting bricks and probably didn't post again for months.


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Better someone find a pictures of you crossdressing, rather than a full blown video of you getting fucked while crossdressing. At least with the pictures you can pull the "It's just a prank bro" line and have it be somewhat believable.

>full blown video of you getting fucked while crossdressing
post it

Not sure if it's still up. It was posted in a /soc/ thread a while back, but I think Master took it down once someone I knew recognized me.

shame, I couldn't find it.

Only once. It was kind of cool I guess, made me feel special or whatever.

Only when complaining about my life. Been told to grow a set. Thats about it.

Somebody recognized me on soc once

>those people who still recognize me from my /jp/ and /v/ days
>the people who recognize me from Jow Forums
At least people don't recognize me for Jow Forums

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It was a few months ago so it's not that surprising.
We've talked a little about maybe doing another, but I'm not sure. It's exciting but the attention is a little overwhelming. Knowing that a bunch of people could potential watch me, jerking off, and leaving comments makes me super self-conscious.

they're clearly enjoying it, so I doubt that it's the bad kind of self-conscious

It's a weird feelings since he's convinced me to go out crossdressed before, and past the first time or so, I never had an issue with it. Maybe it's because when I'm out in public I know people arent directly looking at me. Whereas with a video, I'm what people are focused on.

>he's convinced me to go out crossdressed before, and past the first time or so, I never had an issue with it.
I wish I had the confidence for that
or someone to push me to it

I recognize my exhusbands posts all the fucking time and it makes me want to die every goddamn time.

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What's up touhou1990?

It's much easier to do if you have someone to push you, actually accompany you when you go out, or at the very least make sure you look alright before you go out. Having a little incentive never hurt either.
If I didn't have someone I probably never would have gone through with it. First time I went out was in the dead of night and I was still terrified despite no one being around.

Of course.
I guess I'll just have to find a cute gf who likes this sort of stuff.

>Women liking submissive men.
I got some bad news for you user, women loath weak men. Even if they don't at first, they will grow to given time. Not saying go gay, just saying be careful. I kind of consider myself lucky being bi. I might like to occasional put on a skirt and get fucked by a man, but I like fucking girls. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna take shit from a woman.

I don't see how wearing cute and girly clothes or needing some encouragement to go out dressed up is submissive, desu

Generally a man dressing up like a woman is seen as an emasculating thing to do, inherently making it a submissive act.
I'm not saying you can't have big dick energy and be assertive while wearing a skirt, just that most people won't see it like that.

Of course. But "going gay" isn't an option, unless I find someone already as thin and girly as myself. I think I'd be more likely to find or make a dom gf.

Not that any of that matters because I have trouble speaking to people at all.

Never recognized personally.
Once recognized as a poster from a different forum.

I'm a careful boi

yea, I posted my pics too much in diaper thread
I mean it's comfy that people thing I'm cute, but I'm also nervous about how many of my pics are circulating out there

I know it seems like ten cent advice, but go talk with people. I had issues talking to people for a long time, so I busted my ass to improve.
Just start with little interactions everyday. Just stuff like interacting with a cashier or a waitress, maybe even a neighbor, and gradually work your way up from there.
I suppose you could always talk to random people online, just to get basic conversation skills down too.
Don't be afraid of fail. A bunch.
Don't give up, user.

Stop being a satania poster faggot

do you know the girl and will she bdsm with me?

Literally this, when I recognise my ex gf posts.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that I have been and have also caught someone else once.

Someone made a post on Jow Forums about a coworker they had a crush on or something, and it detailed a few things that were strikingly similar to how I acted around a coworker I had a crush on. Asked the poster "did she look like x and had y" and they never replied back. Go to work and my once jokey, friendly coworker is extremely awkward around me, and the dynamic never recovered.

Shit haunts me because I'll never really know.

No I only ever get mistaken for someone else. Usually I have a distinct name too so it's kind of funny.