He's back bois. The actor might have changed, but Papa Franku is finally back

He's back bois. The actor might have changed, but Papa Franku is finally back


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i'll never accept it, not for a single second. he's a fraud.

make sum death metal and then get back to me, cuck

Watched that vid and the loser reads hater comments one. They weren't bad, second vid made me laugh a bit, but it wasn't Filthy Frank levels of great.

I wanna see what his guy does. I wonder if he will run out of ideas quickly, or if he is gonna try some gay ass batsu game.

Yeah, I liked the other one better too. I'm sure he can improve comedy-wise, otherwise he's already pretty top notch. Maybe a bit more spontainity and passion would do good

If he doesn't shit on old Frank for becoming the type of wanker he made a video about originally then its a missed opportunity

Filthy Frank is dead, just like AVGN and asdfmovie.
They were projects of a different time, and without the historical context around them, they fall flat. Even the best episodes are mediocre at best.
The internet has changed. These are old ideas that cannot ever be revived to the glory they once held. Not because they were bad in and of themselves, but because the framework to support them isn't there anymore.

And so it will be with everything we have loved or will ever love, robots. It's normal for things to change during one's lifetime (you lose friends, music and movies change etc.), but we were born in an era where this change began happening so fast many of us are unsure of our identities anymore. And this change will continue to become even more rapid.
Remember: We are alone, and forever will be.

You sound like a contrarian


That opinion doesn't seem too far off the mainstream to me ?

In a way it isn't, but the fact that you're dismissing the idea in such a cynical way is rather against the norm

Nah, it's equivalent to Netflix's Death Note. It just ain't the same man.

Cherdleys is a better modern filthy frank

>2015 is old
Fuck me

FilthyFrank? more like LANKYFrank haha

Wow it's even less funny, surprising considering filthy frank wasn't even funny to be begin with.
le epic pink man makes funny noise haha

Well Cherdleys are really good indeed, but I think even they've declined lately. Too constant output maybe? Or maybe they're just running ideas

What are you, fucking retarded?

epic destruction of my argument non

looks like a filthy kike

he's not Papa Franku, and never will be. that kind of content is impossible to make money from now, which is why everyone who used to make it has become a total cuck or slid into irrelevancy. the golden age of Youtube is long dead, thanks to SJWs, the mainstream media, Jewlywood and Jewgle

What argument, it was just a shitty opinion. You just proved my point

>that kind of content is impossible to make money from now
Franku is a character played out of passion, not for money

he is not as great as Filthy
but I really enjoyed wayching it

Not enough filth, you can see that the actor is quite self aware that he's doing a bad job of doing quality trash.

>There will be no other frank

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Im quite sure OP is the owner of the channel. Getting retarted traction out of copying another are we?

making videos like that takes a lot of time and effort, and to maintain a significant viewership one has to produce content regularly. with a full time job, regularly producing quality content is near impossible, so content creators became dependent on Youtube to pay their bills. when they started demonetizing any channel that was "adult", "controversial", "political" or worst of all "racist/sexist", it basically killed the channels producing worthwhile entertainment. the only ones that survived were the ones popular/established enough to get a following on Patreon/Subscribestar, or the ones willing to censor their channels hugely for the Youtube dollars. Papa Franku didn't want to deal with either of those situations, so he just switched to making mainstream mumble shit-hop, as getting a non entertainment job is out of the question for him at this point. this new hack is just trying to cash in on his old image, but it won't work because that cash cow is long dead and its udders are dry as the Sahara

>mfw you made me remember that papa franku will never come back

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I trust on him