Anyone have any cool opabinia pics?

anyone have any cool opabinia pics?

Attached: 1126325fed5a4b44fba7d2de217c99c1.jpg (1000x789, 122K)

yes but theyre private

Why would I have pictures of a sea creature from the late triassic

what self respecting person wouldn't

I do. I have a book on them with good pics but it is 200 miles away in a box. Top tier taste in prehistoric aquatic organisms. Go ask because there are some paleo nerds there

>yes but theyre private

Why I lol

Attached: y9vlq.jpg (1920x1440, 173K)

only this 1 bruv
Snibbeti snabb

Attached: 32253597_2077159709275697_2302003647753486336_n.jpg (771x681, 159K)

thank you, you truly are a paragon

>late triassic

Lmao what a retard

i lol

Attached: ricardo.png (380x392, 178K)

Thank you for cool thread OP

Attached: firstlife_7-7__opabinia_cgi.jpg (960x540, 87K)

What in oblivion is that? Fuck

that aint a motherfucking triassic animal retard.
its a cambrian one

that's a very nice picture thank you


>late Triassic
its from the Cambrian you fucking dog brained shithead go back to Jow Forums

just got some Hallucigenia

Attached: Hallucigenia.jpg (534x400, 48K)

I don't think I'm interested

>you will never get to see an anomalocaris in real life
It hurts, bros

anomalocaris is a beaut

>ywn go swimming and get attacked and have your genitals mauled by an eurypterid

why live