Should gyms be segregated by sex?

>in gym last night
>flock of thots come in
>take over four benches between five of them, only use two
>use up three of the six barbells
>take all the bumper plates so no one could do any weightlifting
>hip thrusts and ten min gossip x failure
>fuck off without putting anything back, leaving empty bottles and wrappers of candy everywhere
>dressed like complete skanks
>proceed to do thot stretches
>all the guys stare
>girls get uncomfortable
Everyone wins if gyms are men or women only surely?

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Tell you gym, not us.

They absolutely, unquestionably should.

Saunas should have their own establishments and should be mixed.

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Not telling you, asking people who can understand that I was asking a question rather than a complaint.

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What about a gym divided in two, where you have the men and women completely isolated, but between them is the changing rooms and showers/sauna/steam room which are mixed?

Just ask the thots to work in

Agree current sauna is super gay

Yes, just like in saudi arabia everything in the public sphere should be sex segregated unless you are with your family. Im serious, this is the best way

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This. OP is just a scared little man who can’t talk to women and attributes his life’s woes to them. Probably a self proclaimed incel.

I have a specific work order in the gym that I try to stick to so most of the time if someone is using equipment I ask to work in. Literally have never had someone tell me no you can’t work in regardless of whether or not it was a starved sticklet or a roided out gym monkey.

No. I have better strength when I look at women's asses

The amount of /tg/ in this thread...

I go up to thots
> bulks going well
if that fails
> pregenant women should lift
if that fails
> so when are you transitioning
if that fails
> do cardo

I have a gf. I was fine I had a squat rack and I was squatting and ohping. I was just annoyed at their behaviour, like any rational person who doesn't just let women do whatever they want would.

Not a bad thing user

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>went as a group
>occupied a lot of space without using it
>made a lot of noise
>wore whore gear
>did whore exercises
Trust me, they specifically went to the gym for the male attention. If a girl actually wanted to work out, she would make an effort to learn the hours with the least crowd traffic, put on earphones, not make eye contact, wear practical but non-skank gear.

Try making an all male gym and get back to me after you're done with your civil rights suit

Would just have a male and female only section. There will be a tiny unisex area to justify the gyms existence. Problem solved.

by allah women should not gym

Fuck off islamifag


If you don't stare at gymthots and feed of their energy, have you even gone to the gym?

My answer to you would be no. I don't care that you have autism and need to do a specific routine. I got here first. Go do something else while you wait.

Lmao very based. Would gymbro with you.

extremely based

The gym next to me is. One Gym for men, one gym for Women. Allowed to crossover on weekends. Keeps people focused on what they came into do. Workout.

There are a shit ton of women in my gym but none in the meathead section for actual lifting. Normally gyms and most public places segregate themselves


They already are segregated, but only in women's favour. My gym, and many like it, have the curious distinction of being "Co-ed / women only", which means there's the normal section that everyone can use, and a women-only section tucked away somewhere with who-knows-what inside.

When was the last time you saw more than a handful of women lifting? It's rare for me to see 2 on the same day.

>Begging like a peasant for equipment that you pay for

I always say no as well. Its pretty hard to get a bench or a rack at my uni gym so when I get it I'm not gonna let someone work in with me. I'm not a dick about it though I just tell them that I'm almost done and they can have it for themselves but they have to wait till I finish


kek my first thought too

>should gyms be segregated by sex?
Hell no you fag, watching girls at the gym is one of the perks of lifting

>still trying to hate on Basedlam


Should we post some more?

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all gyms should be women only, we dont need more toxic masculinity in the west.

The only time I have ever said no was when I was squatting and a girl a foot and a half shorter than me asked to work in. And I still felt kinda bad about it.

Literaly some gyms in america that are segregated by sex. But itsfemales only, then everyone gym. Cuz fuck guys. One in a town near me is called "All hours fitness" coed gym and ladies Only. They are two seperate buildings in the same complex. Idgaf who works out at the gym as long as they aren't retarded.

no, but there should be smaller communities where people are held accountable

you're describing a real problem but the solution isn't segregation. Ultimately, the problem with gyms is the same as with everything else today -- the late capitalist drive to lure in the most people and make the most profit at the cost of integrity and true value (not to be confused with profits)

Listen INCEL nobody fucking wants to hear about how you can't handle having women in your gym. How about you fucking grow up and stop obsessing about girls like some too-hormonal 13 year old? Literally everyone else has no problem with women in a public gym, why do you? Fix your shit.

No, this is even a cope. What you want is a smaller collective where you can impose your own system of honor uniornically, like a gang. And that much is based but your rationalization about muh crapitalism is bluepilled as fuck. You are literally free to organize and create exactly the ideal you've described here, of more accountability, no segregation, etc, but you haven't made it happen for whatever reason. You can't impose that standard on all gyms though, like powerlifters can't impose squat racks on Planet Fitness patrons. Now clean your room, bucko.

unironically keep going, I just got into WH40K and find it extremely motivating both physically and mentally - especially, praise, art and memes about the Primachs

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How's this user?
I experienced that in a gym in the city I used to live in. The insulting thing to guys was that there wasn't anywhere just for us to train. The insulting thing for girls is it was just pink yoga weights for toning lmao. You also had all the pakis just standing by the women's section staring at them.

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I'm not deep enough to understand the references sadly; I basically just know all the different "factions", their charasteristics and .. have only read the first book in the Horus Heresy thus far.

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Open male only gyms in a number of cities. If you are successful, you can assume that it isn't a detrimental business model. However, your success might not be because of the demographics of your gym as much as the equipment in it. My gym has only one deadlift platform and too many machines. If there were a legitimate powerlifter or strongman gym in my town, I would go there even if they banned women. Hell, I'd go there if they required you to wear a porkpie hat at all times.

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>Should gyms be segregated by sex?

Yes. I've been saying this since I started lifting. I hate women in my gym.

No, I'm straight. I can't focus on doing my best if there is a women in tight clothing next to me doing fucking hip thrusts. It's too provocative. And when you dare look or even approach her to flirt, she'll act like you're a sex offender. My home gym was the best thing I could ever do for myself.

What to do about nonbinaries, transitioners, hermamphrodites, etc?

you know how long his donger is right

Guilliman (if that really was guilliman, could have been alpharius...) was killed by slaanesh and then resurrected in m41 by cawl and some eldar yasssqweeen. The girl he is checking out is a genestealer cult matriarch (there are memes about how he has an eldar gf so likes the xenos puss). Do you visit tg? The 40kg thread must be the most active in Jow Forums with about three to four a day with 3-500 replies.
Well he was the largest primarch, with only magnus coming close and he's red.

Biological female
Even my gf agrees about gym segregation. She has poos and pakis lecherously checking her out when she deadlifts and squats and she doesn't dress like a skank for the gym either,she goes to get better jumps in ballet so goes in a hood etc.

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lmao could you imagine an all women gym? All the catfights, crying, used tampons all over the floor


Quickest way to learn lore is memes user. Hang out in 40kg and r/Grimdank. Head down a rabbit hole on 1d4chan literally start anywhere...

Keep reading though, 4th book flight of the Eisenstein is the best entry book (first entry in each mini saga). I recommend getting them as audiobooks though, guy Healey is the best narrator.

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It may be illegal.

> My gym has only one deadlift platform and too many machines
That's the real issue then, not segregation. However, gyms apparently buy these machines to appeal to normies who dread free weights.


>may be illegal.
Don't they already have female only gyms?

halal and redpilled

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