What the hell is wrong with these people

What the hell is wrong with these people

On what fucking planet do you have to be to think this is even remotely ok

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It's not like they were using it anymore. Would you get upset at a homeless person eating your food scraps?

The Left was able to push for acceptance for quite a while, but they've finally reached the breaking point with trannies. They're just too blatantly degenerate and crazy to be accepted by mainstream society. In a way, they truly are the ultimate robots. Hopefully they all get purged soon enough. Luckily the ones dumb enough to go on hormone pills see double digit IQ drops due to it and then castrate themselves, so they're not much of a threat to us.

The better comparison is how would you feel about a male you're rooming with finding your cum socks and using them to make tea.

>I have a female brain!
>My brain doesn't make female hormones
Lmao these people deserve their suicides

>>My brain doesn't make female hormones

>implying this actually happened
imagine getting fooled by reddit KEK

I don't have any cum socks so that analogy didn't occur to me.

That's fucked up sure, but

>tampon tea
>"don't feel safe"

Women are a joke

Many things wrong here
>This is not Reddit
>That is something a robot would do
>We're not the tranny board. Trannies think we are because of you
>Phone poster
>Facebook filename

I'm confused. Does drinking "tampon tea" make you into a girl? D-does licking used tampons do the same to you?

>a male
You mean an FTM, right?

I was thinking the same. Brave independent women sure do seem like total wimps.

No, just a male. Women don't view men the same way that men view women, flipping the genders isn't an equal trade. A mentally ill man in your apartment is collecting your fluids and using them to make tea, what do?

ahahahahaha fuckin libs

Hopefully the normalfags start to realize that the trannies are a genuine menace to society. Sexual degenerates like that should not be tolerated.

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I'll take shit that didn't happen for 500, thank you kindly

>no thread on /lgbt/ with OP's pic
missed opportunity

Your brain doesn't make sex hormones

That's awfully naive. Have you ever spoken to a transsexual?

>A mentally ill man in your apartment is collecting your fluids and using them to make tea, what do?
Charge him for the privilege.

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>Would you get upset at a homeless person eating your food scraps?
On my property? Yes.

>Women don't view men the same way that men view women
is this how they excuse not giving a fuck about the opposite sex?

if i'm not going to use these socks anymore why would I care, my roomate can pick my turd from a toilet and spread it on a toast for all i care

I am pretty sure eating plastic bags and drinking tap water has higher chance to turn you into girl

what in the fuck
okay i am trans and think this is so fucked in the heard

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proof that traps are fucking disgusting scum.

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>cumming into a sock
>leaving your cum socks to be found

>Making tea out of some thots' used tampons, disgusting them and making them feel unsafe in your presence
This thot slayer has my support. That's some descended shit.

normies don't like being around mentally ill people it disturbs them and on top of that women are easily frightened

On the one hand that bitch is pathetic, but on the other hand do you really believe someone like that wouldn't possibly eventually try to carve a woman open to eat her ovaries so he could become a real girl? It's not that many steps removed if you think about it like a mentally deranged tranny.

You fucking retards will sit and say "leddit meme" if anything is even remotely related to that site but the moment its shitting on trans people you're all fucking normies. You're just as hypocritical as the people you hate who go out and shit on others for no reason to fit in.

You're at the popular table now. Nice one ledditers

That's like saying pissdrinking means you would carve out someone's bladder.

One's using something that is literally not alive and is essentially trash. One is cutting open a human being and killing them. The fact you think these are even related betrays how fucking weird you are

That's +1 thing to add to my list of things to try before I kill myself

You're not thinking about this like a narcissist that's obsessed with changing their body into their own version of perfection and has little to no regard for the feelings or well-being of people around them.

You literally just said "It's not that many steps removed if you think about it like this". WHY can you think about it like that? You're fucked up dude.

And quite frankly, if this person had no regard for these people, they woulda just killed the housemates. No point secretly stewing the tampons if you don't care about people.

The fact you think trash-digging and being gross is on par with murder is retarded and shows you're fucked

>being able to imagine how another person thinks is mental illness
Wew lad sounds like you might just be retarded.

It's true though. Ask someone to imagine if they were a serial killer, or to imagine if they were a murderer. Most people will tell you they can't imagine being indifferent to human suffering that way, and can't even comprehend the logic of people who do those things.

It's called emotional intelligence. You might be lacking in it, which isn't uncommon, but is unfortunately the number one sign you're autistic.

>It's true though
No, no it's not you literal low-functioning retard, it's a basic function of human beings. Anyone over the age of ~18 should be able to reasonably assess and simulate other people's mental states to understand their motivations and predict behavior. If you can't you're just mentally retarded, by definition.

>posted on plebbit
>obvious bait subplebbit
>ridiculous story
>everyone takes the bait
really gets the (((noggin))) joggin

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>understanding other people means you lack "emotional intelligence"
Holy fuck I actually missed this, you really are stupid. Being able to do this is a sign of HIGHER emotional intelligence you dumb fag.

Ok psychopath. That's why there are entire crime channels and documentaries dedicated to figuring out the mindset of killers and psychopaths... because everybody can understand them.

They're massively high grossing and super popular because everybody knows how psychopaths work and it's not a mystery to anyone. Right. Whatever you say, autist.

You misunderstand the meaning of emotional intelligence, which is a comprehension of your own emotions, not other people's. But it is reflective of autism and psychopathy. Better luck next time, or maybe you'll just google it next time.

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You fucking stupid faggot, holy fuck.
>That's why there are entire crime channels and documentaries dedicated to figuring out the mindset of killers and psychopaths
That's called entertainment dipshit, once you've seen about two or three of them it's pretty apparently what they do and why. The intricacies of exactly what caused them to become fuckups are not the same thing as being able to go
>Hmm, I'm a pig farmer and I wanna kill people, how do I hide the bodies?
>Maybe feed them to pigs?
Idiot. Not to mention it's mostly women watching those things because seeing violent men gets their pussy wet even though half of them would never admit it.

>being able to understand others means you are not aware of, control, and express your own emotions
>being able to understand others means you cannot handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically
Once again, you're retarded.

You're just proving you're just a psychopath who thinks cutting out ovaries is a reasonable line of action. The crime channels have consistently sky high viewing rates. t. the Ted Bundy tapes, that just came out.

People don't understand psychopaths and criminals and their logic, and that's why they watch these things. Entertainment is not entertaining if it is predictable. That's why people don't like cliche fiction, retard. Neck yourself

i'd be weirded out for about an hour, then decide to start charging him for my fresh cum

You're either pretending to be stupid at this point or are legitimately too stupid to bother talking to.
>People don't understand psychopaths and criminals and their logic
>Oh man i just don't understand why this thief robbed someone! Why would he do that?

>>being able to understand others
I don't know if you knew this, psychopath, but most people don't "predict" people's future actions when they interact with them. It's quite an autistic thing to do that makes up for a lack of emotional intelligence.

Because people can't interpret emotional cues in real-time, they try to imagine what might happen in the future to make up for their lack of familiarity with this social aspect. It's to make up for social inadequacy, aka not knowing these emotions yourself/not being able to interpret real-time cues adequately.

Look up autism in women. They're very often copy-cats in this sense and have to "predict" people in this way, like psychopaths.

Have you honestly never noticed you're unfeeling?

Refer to Also telling me to kill myself directly means all your own points apply more to yourself than anyone else in the thread, by your own logic. Faggot.

I'm retarded, but you think people all understand how psychopaths work and that's why its a billion dollar business making films of them?

Also violent crime =\= theft. Weird that you would bring up theft in a conversation about violent crime, like you did with the OP. Makes me think you're a psychopath who can't really differentiate the intent.

And the fact that you keep responding makes me think you're insecure about it. Take the aspie test, you might learn to fake it better after therapy.

Also, you're acting like saying neck yourself isn't a common turn of phrase. Inability to adequately understand social environment and non literal metaphor = autism symptom.

Check it out.

Nice digits desu, b&r

Most people are NPCs without any creative thought, and you appear to be one of them. Just because you can imagine something doesn't mean you're fucked in the head. Does that mean literally every normal author is insane? Fucking retard.

I would feel little wary if he would start sniffing my panties and eating my poop.

Ravioli, ravioli
Make toast in the bathioli

I'm an author, fucking retard. And "imagining" is different to "understanding". Any normie will tell you that a serial killer's logic is incomprehensible to them. That's why it makes good TV.

Why is Agatha Christie so popular, you fucking idiot? People enjoy the idea of psychopaths because they're incomprehensible. How did this person appear, through emotional signals, to be normal and like me, but does things I would never do? That's the allure of it, retard.

NPCs. People who unironically accuse others of being NPCs are literally a cut and paste template online. You are just as boring, you're just in the "uncommon" category of collectibles. Go try and get a gf and fail, autist, and get a test when you're too old to fix your ways.

Rage harder

Boi when you so angry yourself it be funny to see a comment like "rage harder"

>"it be funny"
>posting on r9k
Normie gtfo

>le ebin author
That card doesn't work on me faggot, I write too for one and for another your authority means jack shit
Of course lemmings don't understand it, but it doesn't require a psychopath to do so. I can understand perfectly well myself yet am nowhere near being one, what it takes is someone who's able to think rationally and understand things from perspectives entirely different from theirs. Yes, it's alien, so normies will never get it, but ironically it takes higher emotional awareness to understand it from an outside position. Now stop larping as intelligent and go suck off the librarian ' bookworm.
>rage harder
Lel, you should take a look at yourself first.
>takes one to know one
Maybe you're projecting?
>t. psychiatrist

Yes. They love being the victim always. It lets them straight up abuse men with no remorse.

And western society protects these people. Absolutely abhorrent.

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Are those pills really expensive? Are they still patented?

So you're saying you think like a person who watches these shows and to not think like that is abnormal.
These shows are very popular you say, many people watch them, you could say it was perhaps 'normal' to watch these shows, the shows people who think like you do watch?