Dear robots

Dear robots,

Not only am I a fat girl...I am also ugly. You know how some fat girls can at least be cute in the face? Not me. Does that mean I am a fembot?

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How about you post your tits or get the fuck out.

well, that's another problem. For being fat, my boobs are actually kind of small, for my size. I am like the worst of all worlds.

Are you at least fertile and a trustworthy person?

why is this such a big deal? theres no cohesive identity to this place except being a jerk

I don't know about fertile, but I am trustworthy.

Lose some weight become a flat chested loli.

that doesn't help the ugly part

>I don't know about fertile
Okay, let me rephrase this. Are you of sufficient age where the probability of birth defects in any children you might have would be significant, or have you been proven to be infertile/sterile? If no to both questions, you're probably fertile.

Most women are capable of having kids. Too many, however, are either choosing to not have kids, or become single mothers. If you can provide a man with a child, and you can be trusted that the child you give him is biologically his, you have something to offer that even many attractive women can't/won't.

Nice, how old are you and do you want to marry me?

Well dear, you may have no idea how fascinating a vagina is for all the virgin nerdboys out there. It doesn't matter if you are beautiful. hundredthousands of young men don't dream about girls with beautiful faces, they dream about just touching the body of a female person. You think your tits are not good? You may can not imagine how desperate all the lonely geeks are to touch just any female breast. Most of this "nah this ugly bitch is just 3/10 would not bang" is just showing of because of fear and insecurity. Your female body is a gift from the universe. Use it wisely.

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This is nice to hear. Seriously thank you.

how ugly are we talking
some peoples ugly is other peoples beautiful

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I dont know. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I guess maybe im not ugly to everyone.

Step 1: Lose fat

>beauty is in the eye of the beholder
No this is a lie to make ugly people feel better. What is good looking is pretty much universal and it's only the tiny details that are subjective.

ok, lol. Well, it was a nice idea for a bit anyway.

No people aren't supposed to change themselves. Especially if it's not their idea

oh really?
well i bet that you dont find this attractive even though i do

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Depends on your definition of ugly.
Sure, you should get fit, not (only) to get pretty, but also for health.
That said, yes, fat women can be cute, but that shouldn't make you feel pity for yourself. You are ok the way you are

That's kind of a cute tum, even if it has a bit of extra pudge.

my gf is fat
she's got a great ass and legs. it's nice. do you have a big ass? or big tits?

Ohohoho momma that's a tummy worth a rub

everything on me is big. but my boobs arent as big as you would think they should be.

thank you. you are sweet.

Would you date a fat ugly guy?

Of course not, im only into tall and thin guys


This wasn't me

most honest sign ever

>Does that mean I am a fembot?

you have to be a permavirgin too if you want to be part of the club.