Just fished this out of the shitter, is there a parasite stealing my gains? What's the best course of action here? Been eating mad cloves to try and flush the motherfuckers out but apparently to no avail.
Just fished this out of the shitter, is there a parasite stealing my gains? What's the best course of action here...
This is either mucus or a parasite. Any idea how it happened?
Ur gonna die tonight
>cloves instead of a doctor
Looks more like onions to me. Actual onions, not the euphemism for you-know-what. Have you been eating onions?
Take your nitazoxanide
That's c diff nigga. Jk more than likely it's skin that hasn't been digested.
looks like sauted onions
maybe he should put it in his mouth to find out if its zangy or not haha
That's onion fibre you disgusting nigger
pleeeants are indiestibuuhl. hehe.
ahnyons are taaxic. they *liiiirally* make you cry.
thanks for watching.
why were you digging in your shit?
bandana hidding his baldness
No it's undigested plant bits
Also if you think you have parasites go to a doctor or to a pharmacist don't just eat fucking cloves like some burgubdian peasent
Undigested food and plant matter or parasite? I don’t want my gains being stolen.
Some more shit floating in shit from another day. Mucus in stool as well.
Perhaps if you have concerns about your bowel movements you should talk to a doctor or Google the symptoms of parasite infestation instead of raking through your own shit to photograph it and post on Jow Forums
All I've learned is that OP digs through his poo on a regular basis.
Post more
Chew your fucking food fatty
You need to chew your fucking food, dude.
two on the right probably tomato or bell pepper skin. small thing in middle is a seed. dk about all that other shit
>he doesn’t occasionally dig through his shit to make sure your not dying
Excellent thread op
Post more bro
That's just plant matter dude. Chew your food better. I was worried about this exact same
Until a particularly undigested piece came out and I realized it was just a bean sprout
They're great for cutting. Just drink a couple of white Monsters a day so you get enough vitamin B for you and your stomach snakes.
Shut the fuck up faggot! Do you want him to die?
Grab a bowl of warm milk and squat over it, the parasite will believe that is still your bowels and swim there wait for it to come out completely.
this is unironic btw, my grandma thought me that they used to do this in the old days when someone got that from eating undercooked pork, her words.
Looks like someone has the Subway Shits.
(Really op. That's what I see when I eat something with shredded lettuce.)
u retard, eat pommegranites to get rid of parasites. Cloves are for toothache
Eat food grade diatomaceous earth. That shit will dry up and shred the parasites.
>imagine the smell
chew food
OP go to a doctor and get them to do a stool panel if you want to know,
showing your poop to fit is like reading entrails thrown at a wall.
You're not supposed to swallow the condom too, you dumb faggot.
Based poo whisperer. Thank you for blessing us w/ ur doo wisdom
What did you do to expel these parasites fren?