Why do incels constantly hate on females that are typical, vapid, morons...

Why do incels constantly hate on females that are typical, vapid, morons. But also shit on females that hold similar views, live like a femcels, or even agree with them? Is it that they actually just hate all females? I honestly don't understand. What do you want out of females? To continue to be the thing you supposedly hate or to understand you?

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why are you taking this so seriously? maybe they just wanna be jerks. maybe theyre right, and theres no amount of understanding that will reverse the present.

yes they hate all females, it's a defense mechanism
stop overthinking it

I'm taking it mildly seriously because it effects guys that actually are INcels and would love to have a female with similar views. It doesn't make sense if you are an INcel but you ruin any chance of any of us having what we desire because you can't tell the difference.

i could sit here and explain im not all night, but you would just read what you wanna read.

because thats how women treat men that they dont respect

you wanna e-date these girls? go ahead, you can blame the rest of us all you want.

At least this is somewhat honest. I'm not going to rush to a females defense but its is infuriating watching incels give all incels the image of irrational, angry, female haters. When that isn't the truth for most of us.

Possibly but more importantly I think of the bigger picture and I would want as many similar minded females going through life open to dating incels. Anything that increases your chances can't be bad.

In most cases angry people are angry because of personal pain. And that is of course not rational. Men who hate women have been hurt by women and generalize it for all women in the world, just like women who got hurt by men have a tendency to blame all men for it. And arguments are pretty useless in this case, because hurt emotions are allways stronger then reason.

I can understand to a point, but does it never end? You just continue shooting yourself or do you try to better your chances?

oh yeah? go ahead and see what you can do, user. i hope youre not waiting on others to create the posts that you want to see.

I do, but that is filled with the same shit. Why do you think I'm asking this right now?

It's because they claim to be female incels when they are just fatcels(volcels) or just have high standards or at the very worse got ghosted a few times.

It's nothing like being an incel or even a failed normie yet they always infest the very few spaces men can vent about their loneliness without having their masculinity ridiculed or just straight up being made fun of.

What tends to happen is that a "femcel" comes onto a place like r9k and cries about how she can't find a bf(cus she's retarded) and to nobodies suprise a shit ton of robots try to get with her. The incel doesn't have this advantage and he knows he's most likely going to get out competed by other dudes here.

Femcels think they are similar to incels but in reality they are living the incels dream, so when they see a femcel crying about how hard she has it, its like a slap to their face.

so instead of posting what you want to see, youre just waiting on somebody else to post something thats only in youre head. got it

Female cant be incel. So it's annoying when they say they have the same problem and can't acknowledge life is exponentially better for them

>Why do incels constantly hate on females that are typical, vapid, morons
Obvious reasons. Everyone hates those
>But also shit on females that hold similar views, live like a femcels
No one hates them you imbecile. They hate people that insist "femcels" even exist. It's like asking "hurr why do atheists hate God so much" they don't hate God they think He's not real you complete jackass

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Ressentiment, false equivalency and so on.

Part of the Jow Forums style logic is that if they were a woman then they would have access to the things they don't currently have access to, this is largely intimacy and success. The second is that social isolation is more commonly, and in the extremes, when it comes to men. There's therefore a suspicion of the female experience of such things because it is, I think this is fair to say, usually less severe than the people here experience. Moreover, the sense that when calls for care by women are given credence in a way they aren't when it comes to men.

I think there's some truth to some of the claims in this, but it's ultimately a way of trying to rationalise their own feelings of inadequacy. You'll notice how these feelings of externalized anger are interspersed with deep self-loathing and self-criticism. These feelings are partially dealt with by externalizing them because if people were to hold all of the anger internally it would eat them up inside even more so than it currently does.

>Is it that they actually just hate all females
Kinda yeah.

Life isn't better for women. I would never want to be one. If I woke up as one tomorrow I'd kill myself. It's just that women have it easier when it comes to receiving love and affection, but that's literally it.

>Life isn't better for women
Yes it literally i-
>It's just that women have it easier when it comes to receiving love and affection
Yes and that literally makes life objectively better
>but that's literally it.
That's the only thing that matters is life

It's usually cucks, white knight faggots, and bitter cunts who make threads like this but I'll answer your questions, I don't consider myself an incel because they don't exist, how the fuck do you involuntarily become something ?, how can a decision be involuntary ?

Incels are pretty much a product of a society that has a dysfunctional culture, truth is feminism has really screwed up the culture which is why relationships are so fragmented these days, divorce rates are very high, and we have more single people then ever before.

>Why do incels constantly hate on females ?
Because females have absolutely no respect for men these days, they constantly want to compete against men in every arena in life, from the workforce to dating, women have a such a competitive attitude, but they don't realize that competition kills relationships, when you have women acting just like men and behaving like men of course you're gonna get a large population of frustrated guys that are sick and tired of putting up with their behavior.

One of the most annoying attribute of chicks these days is that they have a have-your-cake-and-eat-it -too-attitude, they want men to take care of them but at the same time they want to be in control of everything or in other words they expect guys to treat them like ladies but they want to wear the pants in the relationship.

>But also shit on females that hold similar views, live like a femcels, or even agree with them?

Incels typically don't trust women, sure you might have "femcels" or women that sympathize with them but women will never be able to commiserate and empathize with them because our mindsets and experiences are extremely different, you think a girl is ever going to know exactly how an incel feels ?, no they think they can but it's bullshit.

>What do you want out of females? To continue to be the thing you supposedly hate or to understand you?

Companionship, love, validation, intimacy, but girls don't want that, now what ?

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I'm a mentalcel and I like women but they don't like me :c

>Life isn't better for women
Its much more easier than for males. Sure there's whole middle east thing but if you're average looking female in west then its set.

Because women have life on easymode and still crave attention and pretend to have problems. Also they are just so annoying, callous, manipulative and selfish. I've never met one who I genuinely got on with.

A rather long-winded way of saying "Who hurt you, sweetie?" but I'll answer this anyways. I have had some personal pain given to me by bad women, sure, but why I feel the way I do about women collectively comes from the personal experiences of so many other men that have had it far worse than me or have shared the same sort of pain. I, along with many other anons, have noticed an alarming pattern of behavior that we can vent and joke about while remaining fairly factual based upon the experiences we collectively have shared. Everyone has a different perspective on life, but when a sizable portion of young men from around the world and from all different walks of life all come to similar conclusions, you should consider the possibility that what they are saying has some merit.

Also, tits or gtfo

I hate incels as well later desu, good thread bump

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They're a bunch of assholes who can't accept the fact that women don't want them because they're not only ugly, but also disgusting people with shit personalities.

and yet being ugly is the only real deal breaker

Unless they are disfigured, females are not involuntary celibate.

>how the fuck do you involuntarily become something ?, how can a decision be involuntary ?
because it's not a decision? what? what do you even mean by this question? Incel as a term is clearly referring to people who believe they're victims of something. Do you not believe things can happen to people outside of their control?

The few fembots I've spoken to over the years have been nice, they have all said that robots typically shit on them after the nice guy act dries up.
They usually stop coming online after they get a bf irl though.

They're not fembots you idiot.
You are talking to them out of your own voliton that already proves they're not bots
"Oh poor me getting all the attention in the world but are only pretending to be nice and leave me and yes I can easily just find another 10 guys to replace him and orbit me but fuck it's so sad you know!"

Where can I find the definition of a "fembot"?

Only one was a normie by my standards, the others were clearly unable to act normal around people and had issues similar to dudes here.

>Involuntary:not voluntary; independent of one's will; not by one's own choice:

Being celibate is a conscious decision, you actually become celibate out of your own volition, nobody is born celibate.

>because it's not a decision?

It is a decision, being celibate is like being a vegan, or choosing to be a vegetarian. People have free-will.

>what do you even mean by this question?

It's a rhetorical question.

>Incel as a term is clearly referring to people who believe they're victims of something.

No that's incorrect, Incel means someone who thinks that they can never get a girl regardless of what they do so as a result they are forced to become celibate and abandon all women.

In truth Incels are a victim of this anti-male feminist culture we live under.

>Do you not believe things can happen to people outside of their control?

If you're referring to happenstance then yes, but I don't see the connection when it comes to dating, sure people are born ugly but that shouldn't stop people from trying to find someone.

You are on an anonymous image board. Different people hate different types of women. Some people hate all types of women, but that's okay because they aren't going to have sex with one.

They just use celibate as synonymous with "virgin"

Just a reminder that if you use Jow Forums to hookup you're a massive faggot and deserve whatever shit you get.

Women will gladly take shit personalities if it comes attached to a Chad.

>Being celibate is a conscious decision
Thus the term involuntary?
How can someone have sex if no one wants to have sex with them in the first place.
Don't say hookers. They aren't legal everywhere.

I think it just involves self acceptance