>b-but youll become a suicide statistic

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hey tranny I got a question. What do trannies like about men?

You wouldn't be making this thread if you were really happy you fucking disgusting freak

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You may pass now, but good luck passing when youre an old man in a dress, fag

legit question I'm curious too

>Hey tranny I got a question. What do trannies like about men?
I like men that treat me like their beloved property
bio women get old too

Why get so upset? Hmmm? Upset that people have it better than you? Hmmm? Upset?

Trannies are better than no one. There's a reason they are so hated.

Except trannies age better than most women because unlike the majority of women they take drugs that make them look young and feminine and they take extra care of their appearance. This aging shit is a cope. If you pass you'll always pass.

>You wouldn't be making this thread if you were really happy you fucking disgusting freak
im just shitposting
>getting called a wrong pronoun causes you a mental breakdown
I never get misgendered but I if was misgendered id be ok with it because im not an sjw who is against free speech

if they pass now, then they stay passing
do you know how hormones work retard?
if a girl takes testosterone, she doesnt magically ungrow her beard and regrow boobs because she hits some random number?

God damn does it hurt to be this fucking dumb?

They literally don't, you can't change genetics. Besides, "passing" is a meme. You can almost always tell something is wrong with them.

>Implying you have more value than even a tranny

Yikes, you browse this board because you're actually worthless. Trannies browse this board because they're trannies.

you are a disappointment, a waste.

>Yikes, you browse this board because you're actually worthless.
I browse this board because I'm bored and it's the best place for actual discussion on this website.

>bio women get old too
Not asians

pics or fake

That's exactly how it works. Ad hominem because you lost an argument? Are you upset, baby boy? Go get your tendies and collect your parent's allowance.


There are maybe three trannies ON EARTH who "pass", and two of them are Norwegian.

If you aren't Norwegian, I simply don't believe that you pass. Sorry.

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approvaI.

Sounds good, hope things keep getting better for you friendo : )

>pics or fake

Pics wouldn't prove anything.

You either pass in person, under fluorescent light and with your neck exposed, or you don't pass. It's that simple.

You're quite clearly not smart or mentally stable then if you can relate to people and have discussions here. You're not just bored, if you were you'd either go to a much better place which isn't full of hate because you're smart or you wouldn't be able to relate to the people here if you weren't a complete loser. Also you're hateful to trans people, isn't this proof enough that you're so mentally fucked and behind everyone else that you'd actively spread hate?

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>You either pass in person, under fluorescent light and with your neck exposed, or you don't pass. It's that simple.

And with your hands and feet completely visible and uncovered.

>B-b-b-ut that's not fair!

Yeah, I *knew* you didn't pass.

If you actually did pass and were happy, you wouldn't be here.
t. another tranny.


You are a mentally ill tranny with bi-polar.

Your highs might be high. But your lows are downright suicidal. Lmao

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I disagree with a lot of shit that is said here, but there are plenty of different opinions on here because this isn't fucking reddit.
And everyone I know in real life hates trannies. That's not some bizarre, mentally unstable conspiracy bubble opinion. Trannies are a joke to the average man.

Very insecure of you to post this. Is there something you want to say

Holy shit you can see the pain in his eyes, like he's ready to snap at any moment.

>t. another tranny.
post feet plz

I'm fine with that, do whatever the fuck you want.

But you're delusional if you think you can pass a face-to-face inspection. Camera angles don't count, thanks , bye.

To be fair not even girls would pass under those circumstances

Trannies age better than women because their E levels never drop off like menopausal women
Pic related is 40 years old

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im just a histrionic shitposter
>But you're delusional if you think you can pass a face-to-face inspection. Camera angles don't count, thanks , bye.

im ok with not passing perfectly, because im still attractive

You can tell that he's not mentally stable. They all have the look.

>because im still attractive
Oh the lies people tell themselves

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Literally what the fuck are you talking about, looks fine to me

Wow so you really are that fucking dumb and not trolling.
Holy fuck I knew some people were stupid, but I didnt think they were that stupid.
Sorry you dont understand 6th grade science.
Damn nigga I hope you dont think your pp is gonna shrink back to 6 year old size once you hit your 50s.

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Of course they look fine to you, your brain has grown not to notice. It's like how you can't smell your stench but other people can. That's obviously a tranny.

Why has my brain grown not to notice though? I don't get it. Obviously they look like a tranny, but that doesn't mean they're mentally unstable, that's why transition is considered a TREATMENT for gender dyshporia, because it relieves the mental instability.

>because it relieves the mental instability.
It doesn't, the rate of tranny suicide doesn't change. Thank God for that.

No wonder you only make friends with other just as mentally unstable individuals like you. No wonder you behave worse than trannies and have that "semi-failure at all levels" feel to you. Might want to do some introspection.

Do you think being trans is a choice?
Do you think repressing it is beneficial and doesn't cause more harm than good?
Why do you hate trans people?
Do you think it's natural to hate them while knowing that your hate is a survival instinct that is supposed to help you fit in and is not rational in the least?
Have you actually met a trans person and didn't try to start a conflict to try to validate your opinions on them?

this is natalie portman 4 years ago

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Unironically looks better, looks like a real person

Literally so upset because he knows his opinion is wrong. Try an actual argument. Ad hominems only work on redditors.

It does actually change. Only 1% is actually dissatisfied with themselves afterwards.

Then why do they still try to kill themselves?

theres nowhere else to go dude just stop
youre factual wrong
theres no opinions or even an argument
what you said was just stupid
just let it go and pretend to be someone else with an actual argument
good luck on your next attempt to not embarrass yourself

They don't, like I said 99% are fine after the treatment and the 1% was suffering from other things as well as dysphoria.

Are you actually gonna show us a good argument or are you gonna keep projecting your failure and trying to use ad hominem attacks as substance for your posts to try to turn this into a war of attrition because you think the person who gets the last word wins?

You dont even know how your own dick works.
Thats my statement already.
Go figure out how dicks grow then come back and apologize for being retarded and I might forgive you.

>age better than most

But most kill themselves so..

nice cope trap, why don't you kill yourself so you don't have to cope anymore.

and most of them are transtrenders so...

>99% are fine after the treatment

Why do trannys commit suicide at a higher rate even in tranny-accepting societies?

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nobody passes.

most of them are mentally ill autistic fetishists that kill themselves once they realize they arent trans.

the rest kill themselves because transitioning doesnt fix their brain disorder. its a treatment not a cure, plus in current society, they probably already spent 20-30 years living a nightmare fucking existence which caused them to have permanent mental issues.

I mean you see how fucked up people are just coming from a single parent household and you willingly accept those statistics, why wouldnt you obviously agree with how fucked up a life the average tranny has to live and what that would do to a person?

>tfw biological male without any kind of gender dysphoria
>tfw people often aren't sure whether I'm male or female

Sometimes even non-trans people can fail to pass as their own gender.

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based femboy

is that bad luck bootsy?!

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Hayama was a trap, baka
F writer of the novel

It's a bit of a paradox, but male failing on occasion doesn't necessarily mean you pass. A lot of tranners get mistaken for a girl in boy mode, but look like obvious trannies once they start presenting female.

i think its usually because they have zero fashion sense or makeup skills

I don't have to, you will.
pic related

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No, I won't do anything other than this:

P-please be my gf, please respond. I want a trans gf so bad ;_;

But you'd have to be a weeb and love cosplaying with me and doing things like that. Please, thanks, you too.

Because they don't pass as female. Next question, redditor.

I am completely indifferent except for the fact that you guys try to get under my skin with cuck / trap / sissy / etc. spam, which I resent and has made me hostile towards trans people as a whole

That's the Jews pushing their cuck shit and assmad black people for whatever reason not us.
Real trannies hate sissification shit.
It's like black face to niggers but for us.

Oh OK, we can be frens then

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>posting here
nice cope/bait
your posting here as well kek
pics would indeed prove or disprove you mental fuck
see pic related

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fucking kek
once more fucking kek

Why are you acting like being a suicide statistic or some other problem *in addition to* being a tranny is the issue here? You're a man who was tricked into some weird modern fad where you're told you can "be a woman" to treat some nonexistent "brain disorder." That's the issue. Everything else is just compounding that first part.

>homosexuality and gender dysphoria is a choice

Also another ad hominem? When is the argument coming?

Keep telling yourself that buddy.

>homosexuality and gender dysphoria is a choice
The "transgender" meme is an obvious fad. It's following the same trends other pseudo-medical fad bullshit like ADHD did in the past:
>Five staff from the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) clinic have quit
>Clinicians concerned children are having unnecessary gender change treatment
>One whistleblower only stayed in post to stop more children having treatment
>Number of youngsters referred to service rose from 94 in 2010 to 2,519 last year

Ew, unironically ew, that's poorly aged user yet you don't realize it

>94 in 2010 to 2,519 last year
You literally cannot explain that any way other than "transgender meme is manufactured bullshit and you fell for it." There wasn't some transgender virus that made the GID service referral rate jump by a factor of TWENTY-SEVEN in less than a decade.

that is some reely nice bait

Autism was at 0 back in the 20's
Depression was at 0 back in the 20's
BPD was at 0 back in the 20's

Amazing how many illnesses these Jews can fabricate in such a short time span right? Fuck the Jews I'll never forgive them right?

>Autism was at 0 back in the 20's
>Depression was at 0 back in the 20's
>BPD was at 0 back in the 20's

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How does it feel to actually have no arguments left? Is it embarrassing or just making you angry? Come back with some good argument or something, this is boring.

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i wasnt the same user you dipshit

based tranny i'm proud of you

I don't hate people for their choices, and yes I do think being gay or trans is a choice whereas hetero sexual activity and attraction are evolutionary programming and root instincts stored in the limbic brain. I literally think trans and homosexuality are rationalized in the frontal cortex and due to various atypical environmental exposure and behavioral grooming/confusion.

To reiterate my point I don't hate them; however, if I see homosexual PDA or observe unironic attempts at being transgendered or transsexual, I experience an involuntary response of finding it repulsive. It turns me off, not just in the sense that I find it unsexy, but like it "turns me off" from those people personality wise, values wise, I am repulsed by then. I experience an urge to distance myself and shield my children from those behaviors and their normalization.

My big question is, if they're born that way, I'm just as much born THIS way, right? And if I'm expected to not only accept them but appreciate and even celebrate them, why isn't it just as compulsory for others to accept MY involuntary natural response to those sexualities ??

In other words yes I am a homophobe and a transphobe, it is not a choice and thus it should be acceptable.

Well nobody is forcing you to go after them. They're not going after you but you are going after them so it clearly is a choice for you. They all want to distance themselves very far from you yet you somehow manage to come in contact with them? What's the problem.

Anyway your science is flawed but I'll respect it since you were born wrong just like them and since I accept them I should accept you as well.

No, I'm not "going after" anyone. I very clearly explained how if/when I encounter homosexual acts of PDA--PUBLIC displays of affection, which is understood colloquially as sexual or romantic affection, not "love ya pal". Kissing mostly. I don't like seeing straights suck face in public at all either, but gay kissing elicits from me an involuntary recoil of disgust. That's all I was talking about and youre on about who's " going after" who. I don't want my kids growing up thinking homosexually or transgenderism is normal, either. My natural instinct is that it is abnormal and evolutionary forfeit, against gods commandments (not important to this discourse) but the point is I didn't choose to be disgusted by gayness any more than gays choose to like it. Yet my point of view is beyond demonized, its practically criminalized.

I can't wait until you jump off a bridge when you start balding and start looking like a dude again LMAO

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based rational user

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What country do you live in? Do people just randomly kiss in public? In my country that would be repulsive even if it was straight. I get what you're saying just stop talking like such a nu-male trying to find excuses if you're just gonna say you're a homophobe at the end.

Detailing my rationale is not "trying to find excuses", its the only way how people get anywhere with discourse otherwise its just
>respact homos bigot
>no fuk faggets ew yuck.

At least I stated frankly and unequivocally that yes, I am a homophobe. Its part of who I am and how I was born now don't you dare judge me for it Nazi.

Thank you for understanding, I was starting to feel like a crazy person

Well you are crazy. But just like fags you'll find a safespace somewhere.

Nah those were clearly just excuses. Everyone can tell your hate is irrational lol.

You will never be a woman. You're just a man. You can't change your chromosomes or your skeleton. You'll never afford FFS, and if you get SRS no one will want you. Your parents are disappointed and hate you. Your siblings view you as a freak and an other. You ruined your family and friend relationships, You have no one. You aren't a cute girl in need of a rescue, you're a disgusting shell of a man the world would be better off without. You won't pass. Your voice is shit. The anti depressants won't make you feel happy. No one finds you cute. You will never grow up as a female. You won't go to prom in a dress with your boyfriend. You won't have a first kiss under the stars with a cute boy. You won't find anyone, no one fucking wants you. You won't have a husband. You won't wear a wedding dress and walk down the aisle. You won't have kids of your own. You won't have grandkids. No one will remember you. You will die and be buried under your male names. All of you are a question of "when?" and not "if?" you will kill yourselves.

You uh you lookin for a boyfriend dawg? Ill treat you like shit but Im not hideous.

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Nice cope. Its not a fear, BTW, e whole "-phobis" thing is just stupid inaccurate colloquial semantics. Its a distaste or dislike for, and it is completely rational and/or naturally rooted in deep instinctual judging modalities. Most people feel it but would rather suppress it as hard as humanly possible and parade around with rainbow dildo hats on their heads so others will think they're good people.

People who dislike gayness are literally closeted at this point, and i am simply "out". It is healthier for me to live my life being the person I truly am, genuine and honest, without shame or deceit.

Delusional trannies are hilarious
>inb4 response
I'm genetic perfection there is nothing you can say to me

>tfw ywn have a tranny friend to play video games with and give her head pets for doing well

if youre actually telling the truth, then congratulations youre one of the lucky 1%.

>ITT: OP gets utterly BTFO by multiple anons with different arguments

If you were that happy you wouldn't need to tell other people about it to experience it.

can we go back to being lonely neets without trannies and pinkpill faggots

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