You got it? so shut the fuck up

you got it? so shut the fuck up

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it's actually only fatties that perceive this and fatties that shitpost about other fatties getting better at the gym

so it's actually yourself you should be saying shut the fuck up to, you goddamn fatass shut the fuck up

But so many fat people go eat after the gym because they think they can work off a bad diet.

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Jow Forums doesn't make fun of fat people that are actually trying
you should delete this thread op

I've literally never seen someone make fun of a fat person at the gym most people just stay to themselves or socialize with the people they came with.

Do people who make these memes know how gyms are? It's not like high school PE

outside of the gym they are fair game though

Yup, im gonna vent on people whom which i will probably never meet in real life for others having triggered my insecurities.

What's next? Hating on firemen because they came to put out the fire at your house?

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Only normies and DYEL people actually do this and never really in person. If someone fat is actually putting in the effort I want them to succeed.

The ones that are just starting and boast about it before theyve put in any work just to brag and get compliments on social media can fuck off though.



This is not a gym cringe thread. Post em.

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I guarantee that 90% of Jow Forums agrees with this
The gym is the one place where fat people should never be mocked everywhere else is fair game though

Bad bait OP, there are fat people in my office and the only one I have any respect for is the one who goes to the gymnasium

When I was a fat person going to the gym, the people in the gym were literally the first and only people to ever encourage me in my life. I still remember the personal trainer that looked at me busting me ass and she said "It's worth it. Keep it up" I actually almost started crying. Gym people are superior to normal people that never try. I lost over 100 lbs and have kept it off for 2 years now.

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Fat people need to be bullied until they're no fat anymore

99% of the fat people trying to change, WILL FAIL
because they're weak-willed losers that fall prey to their impulses
even going to the gym is an impulse to them
>yeah I'm gonna finally change my life, gonna go to the gym and stop eating shit
2 weeks later they stop going to the gym and will never be seen again
All these losers will stay fat and there is no reason for me to believe that fat mongoloid going to the gym a few times deserves any respect until they've actually made it

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no one makes fun of others in the gym. in fact, people are super open and helpful towards each other.
this is a myth perpetuated by fatties and dyels so they can justify not going to the gym

I make fun of fat people at the gym, but i tell them to keep at it

Imagine a stinky bum at a job fair. Like no resume, being mentally unstable, drinking liquor out of a dirty cup, probably couldn’t hold a broom or scrub a toilet. That would be pathetic. Your analogy therefore is flawed.


The only fat deserving of hate is the HAES/Being fat isn't unhealthy. They deserve all the ridicule and ire one can dish out.

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Fucking Joe's Pizza is so goddamn good. NYC pizza is the only pizza worth eating.

Welcome to 2019 nerds and virgins. Everyone gets made fun of
Manlets,dicklets,singlelets,fatlets,whitelets,colorlets,ethniclets,femlets. Being fat doesn't mean people aren't gonna make fun of you when they make fun of every other group out there

We're making fun not because they're in the gym but because they're fat in the first place.

I make fun of fat people everywhere but the gym. If they really were trying to avoid ridicule they would have to live there.

people should be more tolerant these days, variety is the spice of life.

Haha oh man you're so mad

Most people at the gym aren't making fun of you.

There are memes about what happens at the gym, and then there is what actually happens at the gym. I actually admire the fat people who go to the gym. I remember how scared I was walking is as a DYEL. I'm still dyel, but I go.

It's wrong to make fun of fatties at the gym, but if those niggas are talking shit on twitter it's fair game

yeah but they stare


Whenever I see a fatty it's easy to remember them because they stick out. Chances are I won't see them again, ever, after maybe their second or third session. Untill you're a regular I will laugh at you just like I will laugh at a fatty in the street.

If you can’t lift 1/2/3/4 then you shouldnt be at the gym in the first place

The gym is the one place fat people won't be ridiculed. It's literally a safe space for them, as long as they try. Planet fitness pizza parties do not count.

90% agree with this. The other 10% is for the fuckers who are disgusting human beings who stink up the fucking gym and sit on the machines and stare at their phones for 10 minutes before doing 3 reps and getting off the machine. And by stink i dont mean they worked up a sweat from excersise kinda stink i mean the stench that comes from not knowing what a shower is kinda stench. I ran into one of these dudes at the gym and i has to stop my self from stopping mid set just to get away from the fucker because the smell was making me gag like Jesus christ i get trying to improve yourself but start with finding out how to fit into a fucking shower first

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This. Literally no decent human being sees a fat person at the gym and thinks anything other than "ayy good for them", or absolutely nothing because they don't care.

Believe it or not, when like 60%+ of the people you see are massive seeing a fat person isn't even a thought anymore. You people aren't circus novelties anymore, you're the average. Literally no one cares.

The only people who would do this would be non-regulars

Gym people are either super-insular or encouraging of others. I've never encountered anybody being shamed

On what day of nofap are you?


no one cares

Damn straight, have my upvote.