I honestly can't decide whether or not I should kill myself, so I'll put it to a vote

I honestly can't decide whether or not I should kill myself, so I'll put it to a vote.

should i kill myself y/n, which ever answer gets the most votes in this thread i'll do

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Other urls found in this thread:


killing yourself is bad for your health

yes of course
positivists and sisyphuses will tell you otherwise but fuck them

current tally

yes: 1

no: 1

No, there is always hope.

make sure your will includes the blackpill

If I don't kill myself, what should I do with my life?

Keep in my mind I am a complete and total failure in every sense of the word.

Counting this as a yes vote

Current tally:

Yes: 2

No: 2

>Always hope
Objectively wrong. The only thing there always is is the garantee of Death.
Shoot up some place and kill people. It's the fastest (and by now I assume only) way to make your life have any lasting impact.

That pepe has been around since at least 2011.

If you're leaving it to a vote you don't want to actually kill yourself. You're garnering for attention.

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Will committing a suicide as a protest against US foreign intervention work?

I wouldn't want to take innocent people down with me. Once upon a time maybe, but not now.

no. don do it frend

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I mean at least we'd know it was you.
Not inherently true at all.

No. Typically, killing yourself has a 100% mortality rate, and is generally unadvised for your general health. Instead, I recommend perhaps maybe some light exercise and a nice wholesome bowl of cereal.

No OP you're an important robot to this community

Also if you are going to end it why not try to do something you always wanted to do?
Why do you think you are a failure?
I think life is just this, there is nothing after this so we should try to enjoy our time here doing what we want.
Instead of ending it do something without worrying about a long term goal and see what happens.

I legitimately don't know if I want to kill myself. I feel paralyzed by the indecision.

I don't really want to die, but I can't envision any kind of a meaningful life worth living for. Not after I've fucked everything up as bad as I have.

haha, monks literally set themselves on fire in front of goverment buildings during vietnam and nobody gave a solid fuck.
dont kill yourself btw

Hang yourself, life-addict.
Not inherently true at all.

Stop insisting upon life.

Current tally:

Yes: 3

No: 5

Why not just make a straw poll?

Because I'm stupid and didn't think of that

hold on

*snap*.. yep

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nah dog, as a massive fucking failure myself just try to find your small piece of happiness in this world. just play dark souls

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Further proof to kill yourself

No definitely not, suffer like me fren

strawpoll to make things easier and also prevent duplicate votes:


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that pic seems rather violent desu

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People that are deeply suffering but still insist on more are so pathetic.

Yes do it. Everyone saying no are giant flaming homosexuals.

I can't tell if Jow Forums is being wholesome or if they just want me to continue suffering like them

Then vote on the poll

Don't kill yourself friend. You should go seek medical help in the short to medium term, but for now I advise calling a suicide hotline.

Samaritans If you're in the UK
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you're in the USA

I expect you're in one of these countries but if not just google suicide hotline and your nation's number will likely come up.

Here's what will happen, you'll talk to them for a long time and eventually you'll run out of things to say. They'll ask you things. It won't help you feel better overall, but you will calm down into a state where you can think about suicide more rationally.

After that, I advise you get an appointment with a doctor ASAP. If you've already sought medical attention, but been brushed off because they considered it not fully serious they won't brush you off so easily now.

name something more pathetic than killing..................................yourself

Suicide hotlines are complete, utter garbage operated by normalfaggots that will tell you the same exact shit you've heard a thousand times once you call with near pre programmed lines like "think of all the people that care!" or "there's always hope" (which someone posted on this very thread).
>calm down into a state where you can think about suicide more rationally.
If he were actually thinking rationally he'd have killed himself already.

Neither, OP.
They're afraid. They are too used to life and can't leave their confort zone, no matter how hard it gets, like in am abusive relationship.

hey bro robots gotta stick together

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Right now it seems to be an overwhelming no, so I'm going to tentatively put off any suicidal inclinations unless there's a surge of yes votes on the poll

well... someone is samefagging hard
only 1 yes vote

I don't understand this website
You come here every day, constantly ridiculing people and replying "kys" to anything you disagree with with the objective of completely and utterly destroying any sense of self worth other people may have simply for the sake of humor (or le shitposting XDD), but when someone actually wants to kill themselves then NOO NO OP DON'T DO IT YOU MATTER SOOO MUCH
you're trash. It's not just OP that should be pondering suicide, it's all of you
I'm not "samefagging" I made absolutely no attempt to pretend they weren't all me (the first one there isn't but still)

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Don't do it.
There are still rootin' tootin' shootin' outlaws that need to face justice!

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No, it's a permanent solution to temporary problems. If you put your mind to it, you could fix whatever problem(s) you're dealing with and you know it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it user. Stop relying on other people to inform your decisions. The only person that can solve your problems is you, so you better get to it.

Yeah, they tell you platitudes. I know. I've used them. I've also had someone tell me about how gr8 I seem and so on. They're not useful in that way. They're useful in that they give you space to articulate yourself and to allow all these thoughts you have which range from explicit to deeply inexplicit to show themselves and for you to recognise them. Moreover, they nudge you in a useful direction towards more help.

no, look at dog. do not kill self

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>give you space to articulate yourself
I've already done so repeatedly with 2 psychiatrists over the course of 4 years and no, Life is a negative.
>Moreover, they nudge you in a useful direction towards more help.
That isn't useful you fucking Sisyphus shitter.

Vote for no
Think about it this way my dude. If you're going to off yourself anyway, why not try living life with reckless abandon? Act as if there's no tomorrow. Take those risks you didn't want to take. Go for those far fetched goals.

Jow Forums=/real life

>putting your entire life in the hands of retards on the internet

>bye user

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Has nothing to do with what I said

Don't do it. It's not worth it at all. Try living, you literally can't fail if you try.

>you literally can't fail if you try!
Objectively wrong and I don't even understand what mentality you'd need to have to believe otherwise

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I've attempted 4 times, been hospitalized 3 times, and been on 4 different antis; that shit rarely actually changes anyone and I'm pretty sure SSRIs fucked up my neurotransmitters.
While you're hospitalized, you're normally with a bunch of other people who can relate to you (cuz practically everyone is in there for depression, or pedophilia) and you're with them 24/7 so it's really easy to build deep relationships even if you're socially retarded and with all the care you're given and the total lack of stress you will feel your depression go away, but once you leave it almost instantly goes back to the exact same way it always was. In my state, it's illegal for patients to share contact information or some shit so even those friendships you build won't help you in the long term (I don't know if it's like this everywhere). Of course we do it on the sly but time and distance kill relationships quickly and in a few months it'll likely end up as if you never met them.
Just an hero, but make sure you don't fuck it up like me

just listen to some Jordan Peterson bro

No. Don't kill yourself, you could regret it at the last second/you could fuck it up and be even worse off.

Go to protests and riots. Get on Camera as much as possible, hell, become a meme. Just argue for just causes and keep arguing until some tyrant gets pissy and shoots you dead.


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>running in it's line of travel
>not running to the trees on the side

LMAO brainlet normies

the dude on the right did run for the trees, and how were they to know it would spin out and tail whip like that?

you woulda just frozen and stood still cause of your death wish anyway

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Don't do it OP.

>permanent solution to temporary problems
Fuck off with this normie tier crap. Life is a permanent problem with suicide being a temporary solution because reincarnation. You must escape the wheel of life through meditation OP.

This right here. Write I hate niggers or faggots or landwhales. If you don't get murdered (you wont) you will feel exhilarated and raise your t level by 50% and all your problems will be solved

Who care's just get escorts and be happy don't kill yourself over bullshit..life sucks but it's the small things that are worth living for

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>dude reincarnation
Ok OP don't kill yourself it's this guy that should do it instead

I wouldnt if I were you
Just do whatever u want, might as well

No. I think suicide is ok sometimes but if you're indecisive at all you shouldn't do it. Most people who attempt suicide regret it before they even lose consciousness and then come to be glad that they didn't do it successfully.

no, but if you do, do it on stream

Seriously, if you leave suicide up to a thread on a Mongolian Basket Weaving forum, then all it tells us is that you're not very serious on the topic. I get that some days "le depression" can get out of hand, but to make a thread like this is callous to the people on the edge.

Although it may sound a platitude, suicide is a perennial solution to a temporary problem.

Thinking that he inherently can't be serious about suicide because he asked Jow Forums about it is retarded. There are lived below even that

Life is a permanent problem.

No. as long as you aren't an asshole that would kill innocent people, then please stay alive and help us out.

There are no "innocent people" and the fact that you only want him to stay is so that he could serve you and "help you out" proves you aren't innocent either.

It sure as fuck is when you're as deformed as me

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I can't just post an 'n' tho, but yeah don't do it.


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You aren't actually gonna do it anyway.

no. you can grammar correctly. the world needs more non brainlets like you.

daily reminder to clean your dragon and rescue the belly of your room from the fatherbeast


if you're genuinely going to kill yourself because a thread on an internet forum got enough "yes" votes on it, then i suggest you do so. You obviously are not worth the air you breathe or the precious materials you use. Seriously op, you need to rethink your life. You obviously have problems, and if you're such a little cunt that you'll kill yourself cause you "can't decide" on whether or not you should do it, that you ask Jow Forums of all things. Fuck off mate, just seriously fuck off and rope.

**fbi i must put this here, i'm just showing op how much of a loser he is, i'm not actually telling him to kill himself, i'm just making a point**

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You're the billionth guy in this thread to say that asking Jow Forums if you should kill yourself is a dumb idea. You entire post isn't new or insterest and just like them before you, you're wrong. You added absolutely nothing to this thread so fuck off

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a small favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really nice server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join by entering this link in your URL bar now:


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do not do it, originally

Fuck off op, you posted this last night too