Post your routine.
Post your routine
SL + curls
Calisthenics using modified PPL
Sean10mm 5x5
>heavy upper
>heavy lower
>hypertrophy push
>hypertrophy legs
>hypertrophy pull
>literally just starting strength but with rows instead of cleans and keep the weight the same as long as possible, plus ab work
I basically just do a custom-tailored routine i made up that uses the main barbell movements and bodyweight stuff. Also some unconventional lifts and olympic shit
no rest
Doesn't it make more sense to train legs for strength and not hypertrophy if you have to chose one?
run 10 miles everday. do it every day
no because im juiced to the gills
your petty physiological laws have no jurisdiction upon my gainz
Included weighted pull ups on pull day and weighted push ups on push day.
Is it normal to only do 2-3 exercises per session?
1x1000 bicep curls every day with 5kg weights
I should add more cardio but fuck running
Started yesterday with Day 3 and it was really fun
home gym adjustable dumbells + ab wheel master race
day 1 bicep curls, cross hammer curls
day 2 ab wheel roll outs / russian twists, lying leg raises
day 3 tripod rows, side lateral raises
day 4 goblet squats, bulgarian split squats
day 5 rest
everything is 5 sets till failure
this gave me otter mode with chiseled core in 5 months
This is me. Added lat raises and leg press a few weeks ago.
just benches and farmer walks with some ab workouts, mountain hikes have given my thick legs and thighs since i was like 8 so im good there
What's the routine in the pic?
I get up in the morning at 11 am
order some churros and a coke and have it delivered via doordash
if I'm feeling adventurous I'll lift a 10lb dumbell while watching malcolm in the middle for 20 minutes but otherwise I'll just play games
by dinner I'll eat 2 burgers, some fries and another coke as an average meal and then go back to gaming
then I go to bed at 2 AM and start the process again the next morning
Im doing slavic swole
opinions about it? I'm training for hyperthrophy
Cardio, 1hr