Nether and dairyland strength gonna fight?

nether and dairyland strength gonna fight?


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>scaly pagan in tune with the true overlords of reality BTFO’s a semitic wretch
cannot wait desu

Why would 2 beta lifters who don't train fighting fight each other?

It's gonna be so gay.. both will gas in 20 seconds tops

that video of nether is a deep fake video isnt it ? it sounds and looks so strange, I am pretty sure Dairyland is getting trolled by some autist using an AI. Or Nether is a literal robot.

Nether is mentally ill

nether used to do mma or some shit for a long time he wasnt very successful but its not like he has 0 experience with it

Nether is 4-2 as an amateur and 1-1 as a pro, just that by itself is so far beyond the average lifter it's not even in the same ballpark. Dairyland is doing the equivalent of trying to bench 405lbs when his 1RM is lol1pl8.

Attached: 9sIB8jZ.jpg (800x1000, 306K)

pretty sure Dairyland must have some combat experience otherwise why would he ever go up against someone who is a trained MMA fighter ?

wtf, netherbeast is looking like a corpse

Pretty sure him and Bugez were wrestlers in college

Dairyjew is unironically strong

bugez was. dairyland was just his beta friend who followed him around like a puppy lmfao

he hides his strength with unconventional lifts, fag

so does bugez 700 lb max sumo deadlift and netherbeast

Funny how Walmart Bugenhagen dairyfags channel was entirely meme lifts with shit form then he completely changed as soon as it became cool to shit on alphadestiny. He was pushing that shit far far more than alphadestiny ever was.

holy chit dairyland going to get beat down like a step child

nether was actually a fighter some years ago
dairy just practised wrestling for a bit
it's obvious who would win, plus nether is fucking insane so he's more willing to go all out

is that archive of Nether's old videos still around or has the channel been deleted?

fairyland already backed out lmao
as you would expect from a larper jew


that was deleted as soon as nether started up his new channel, which pretty much confirms that nether was behind it the whole time desu

no shit he will back out at some point
compare their bodies, dairyjew is a twink while nether is still a fucking roid viking with some mma experience + hes insane so you never know if he wont like try to gouge his eyes or bite his jugular out

the best drama in Jow Forums history is still going strong
never forget may/june 2018
goat drama time period

kek noticed this as well
he actually stopped posting heavy lifts for a while so he could have the time to get his conventional lifts up to par lmao.

annnnnnd dairykek pussied out.
color me surprised

Attached: neverforget.jpg (1127x540, 67K)

it was so good
the whole hook grip thing with alex btfo ing everyone was fucking gold
how the kike even dared to show his face afterwards is still a mystery to me

The second I saw the acceptance I knew he'd find some half assed way to chicken out. Could have just said he's not getting in the ring with someone that's both obviously fucking nuts and has a personal vendetta against him and I doubt any of his 6 subs would have cared. Now he just looks like an even bigger faggot than he already did.