I refuse to watch this movie

Am I subconsciously racist?

Attached: images(45).jpg (292x173, 16K)

I don't think anyone will hold not wanting to watch a capeshit against you

It's generic at best so I don't blame you.

Yes. Honestly, any way you slice it, at its very worst, it's just a decent superhero movie. You could watch so much worse, not only in terms of movies in general, but also capeshit.

I will. People who hate capeshit need to get the fuck over themselves.

Haha black people

I haven't watched a capeshit since watching Ironman 2 on a transatlantic flight while hungover with a massive headache.

>generic movie cover
>half of them are them niggas
why would anyone bother? it's like taylor swift tier in music. for children, pretending they're watching adult movies, or whatever.

In the abstract you could refuse to watch it for other reasons but the fact that you have to ask means probably. Or you're baiting.

In fairness, IM2 really wasn't that good.

it's pretty bland like all capeshit movies

I can believe in fairy tales and magical superheroes.

But a successful black society? I cannot suspend my disbelief that far.

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I watched Shazam this weekend. I thought it was better than Black Panther.

That's how average of a movie the best black movie ever made is. A superhero movie starring Chuck is better.

Unironically spiderverse is the better black marvel movie

In fairness marvel movies aren't that good, im2 is especially shitty

I hope you don't watch cringey anime.

I didn't watch it because it didn't look interesting, there's nothing else to it

Spiderverse was good because the writers put time into making an interesting plotline and Miles actually had character development where he didn't become a mary sue.
Black Panther was a cashgrab marketed for its "progressiveness"

Attached: Chad of admirals.png (2724x1274, 197K)

>Everyone shitting their pants over "muh first black superhero"
I feel like I've switched to a timeline where Blade never happened

I didn't watch it and don't have any plans to do so. Sick of capeshit, don't care for niggers, plus it looks super bland and generic.

No. It looks like a shit movie period. But I don't really like movies in general. That and like this fuckface says , it's capeshit.

Imagine being so far gone a film with a majority black cast is triggering for you

It's just a movie for kids man leave it alone

this lol
why does the media love projecting this image that they are strong and proud and self organizing? lol

>That pic
Why is this comparison even made? The fuck lmao

What character even is the Chad of admirals ?