I'm sure this is at least 70% Fitness related. How many of you Jow Forumsizens have been in a fight...

I'm sure this is at least 70% Fitness related. How many of you Jow Forumsizens have been in a fight? Would you say that you can't just lift heavy weights and bench press and expect to be able to throw an effective punch? I have this person in my life that has definitely giving me every reason I need to not only start the fight but be the aggressor and actively seek him. I'm wondering though if I see him at a distance will I hurt my hand if I get a running start? Am I stupid for running straight towards him trying to get a swing in? I've tried Google and there's no results that describe how to punch someone as your running towards them. I don't know if maybe I should go for a take down attempt? I don't do enough cardio so I don't feel like I have that much stamina so I guess can somebody give me a rundown on how to start a fight?

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Don't throw the first punch dumbass

I've heard the most disorienting thing in the world is to be thrown/pushed to the ground

Been in fights since like grade 9. Was the only fat kid at school, lost a lot of weight, was still made fun of by skelly asians, told them to put up. Was actually fun as fuck, too.

A running start is stupid since you can't plant your feet and punch accurately. Just walk up to him, call him a faggot, wait for the punch, and then knock him the fuck out.

>I've tried Google and there's no results that describe how to punch someone as your running towards them.
this is anime shit bro

This is a blueboard you cumbrain dyel
Everyone who posts whores deserves to be banned

Why? I accept being called a dumbass because I've been in "high school" fights. I'm almost 30 now and I dont know what I'm doing but I know I'm mildly in shape and I used to use kickboxing as a workout but never sparring just hitting the bag.

Let's say you're at a parking lot, no cameras and legit some guy who kicked your dog or cat the other day is standing there talking to someone and doesn't notice you see him. What's your next move?

I'm not worried about the legal reprecussions

Good to know

Trust me man I felt stupid as fuck. There wasn't a way to ask Google without looking like a weeb

Ok fren sorry whores grind your gears

Casually walk towards him, maybe with your hands behind your back. Once you get close enough just hook him in the jaw. easy

If you want to fight ask /mag/ or some shit. Also actively picking fights is dumb as shit.

>I'm not worried about the legal reprecussions
Then just give him the ol lock n' sock

Here's the thing, I'm not exactly Rocky Balboa. But what your saying is to just walk up to him first and then get into position?

Like I said, I've thrown punches, I've had friendly gloves on sparring like THREE times at the most, but I've never started a street fight before.

What would you do exercise wise to prepare for an altercation as the aggressor?

Pic unrelated. It's the only non nude thing I have saved at the moment

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I dont want to kill him I just want to get even

See this is the kind of stuff I like hearing. Why would I ever give anybody any indication that I was ready to hurt him. He didnt do the same for me. I got hit by someone but I didnt fall or get knocked out. I got hit from behind by the house owners friend and then kicked out for arguing.

Being good at benching and lifting heavyweights doesnt make you a good puncher
Practicing punching makes you a good puncher
That being said having extra mass does add more force to your punches but most fights i see people dont know how to throw punches or are super stiff and lose out on alot of power in their punches
As for running and punching good luck landing it cleanly if it even hits
As for starting a fight? Dont
Its never worth it as you could get fucked up badly and maybe crack your head on the ground and die or the other way around
Stupid way to catch a case

when you get in someones face, its your opportunity to prepare for a fight.
start by planting your foot of your less dominant leg in front and grip the ground with your toes.
Allow your opponent to swing first and easily dodge away from their wild jab/haymaker by stepping back with your dominant leg and leaning into it.
Plant your dominant legged foot down and grip the ground with your toes similar to your weak foot. Simultaneously engage your lats and cock your arm back to build explosive tension in your arm. Lock your wrist straight and tilt your hand to the side to bring your first two knuckles forward. The space between the first two knuckles should be linear with your wrist and all the way down your forearm. You should attempt to make contact with your first two knuckles only.
Squeeze your glutes and pivot your hips toward the arm you plan on using to throw the punch. Make a twisting motion with your body as you propel your body forward with your legs, and allow the foundation from your legs to power your body and build torque.
In one full motion, you should be pushing off the ground with your glutes, hamstrings and quads, twisting with your abs and obliques, firing with your lats, biceps, triceps, delts, and traps as you rocket punch the fuck out of this dude.
Aim for the ear or chin. A strong hit to either will disrupt their inner ear balance and send a signal to the brain to go limp. Your goal is to make them sleep, not kill them. Do not punch them in the throat or neck!!! This can actually kill them, and you dont want a manslaughter charge on you.
Your punch should only be used if you can make the case that your life is in danger, but even then you should still never go for the throat/neck.

>Stand up straight like a soldier
>Stand shoulder width apart
>Slide right foot back or left depending on dominant hand
(If you bring your feet together again rear foot toe should be touching your lead foot heel)
>bend your knees a lil
>tuck your elbows on your sides
>index fingers should touch cheeks
>Chin down forehead forward
Congrats you learned
“Basic ass boxing stance.”
If you move remember it’s lead foot step and rear foot slide

The world famous 'Hey, you. Haymaker'
Don't just punch people out of blue with a running start my man, this isn't anime

Been in plenty of fights. Won some and lost some. Every fight I lost was too a skinny guy who had better stamina and knew ground control.

Never lost a fight to a guy who weighed more than me. Stamina is literally the most important thing besides fight knowledge. Punching is a literal meme unless you have boxing training. You know how many little breakable bones you have in your hand? A lot. If you want a quick end to a fight learn how to head butt or leg takedown effectively.

Nigga wtf is wrong with you? Act like an adult and sue him for kicking your dog.
If your really this autistic, your only option is sucker punch his ass

How to defend takedown
>Get your arms under his arms(underhooks)
>If his arms are under yours do a swimming motion and make a blade with your hand and slide in it through the space between y’alls chests
Alright so your arms are underneath
You should be strong so the next steps will be easy
> use your underhooks to lift like a forklift to prevent opp from grabbing your legs/hips
>get your butt/hips back step back if you have to but stay in a fighting stance
>once there is enough space extend your underhooks to push his pecs/armpits
Now box

>Am I stupid for running straight towards him trying to get a swing in?
That's not how to go about it. Start by talking to him, just some random shit like ask if hes seen [insert random normie] lately then out of nowhere sucker punch him. That should disorient him a bit at which point you get a few more hits in till hes down on the ground, then throw a few kicks while hes down and run away before you get busted

This is how you do a surprise attack
>t. from shithole council estate and done this to a lot of chavs I hated

Im reading all the comments guys. I knew I was being anime tier but I know how to find him and I dont know what to do after I see him at 20 yards. Do I even approach aggresive?

I'll ask again-
The guy who slapped your moms face is 20 yards away and you see him before he sees you. What do you do and what would you have done to train yourself for that moment?

My dumbass only knows hes going to try to backup or run so I dont want him to escape.. but jogging towards him with the intention of trying to be one punch man goes against everything I've read. I'm well read in techniques and I've used boxing and kickboxing techniques for workout purposes only.

I love head butting things.

Don't use violence. It solves nothing. Fight less. Talk more. Say sorry sometimes.

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It was an example I didnt get my dog kicked I got sucker punched during an argument by someone who wont face me so I can fight him straight up

This is gold. Were you fit at the time? What's your level of being in shape? Genuinely wondering not trying to interrogate you

I tried that. I tried using my words and then I get sucker punched and kicked out. I wish I could punch YOU. Let's see how much you use your words then

Oh i get it. you are severely autistic.
Just give up. you will forget about it by next week and you have no hope of winning a fair fight, and you are bound to get an assault charge or worse.

Don't do this. You sound like a 16 year old. I suggest you grow up and focus on yourself.

You would not punch me. Because I will not enable violence to escalate. If he punched you in the first place it's because you're immature children who can't compromise. And even if you did punch me I would not retaliate. I would submit a complain at the local police station, because that's what civilised people do. You americans think everything can be solved by violence, when that's just the complete opposite of the truth.
Let's suppose you do go beat him up. He won't learn his lesson. He will be mad at you. He will come back with a friend, a knife or a gun. What will you do then? Bring your whole gang? Violence always escalates to extreme levels in a matter of minutes if you let it escalate. It's OK to forgive people for messing up even if they hurt you in the process. Not everything has to be a war. Calm down, go for a run and let it slide, then try to think how you can avoid getting punched in the future.

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Its been a month and I've been openly challenging him with no response.

Now it's your turn since you want to be condescending. I'm sure you have some sort of belt or trophy or at least gloves since your the fight expert. Let's see it pussy. I'm not asking for a face pic. Put up or shut up

I had a guy give me a running headbutt. He'd been giving me shit for ages because I'd been fcking his ex wife. I stepped with it but it landed. Funny i didn't actually know it happened until after the fight. I was calm throughout and I didn't fight him because he was know to pick fights with his wife then call the police on her and play the victim he was planning to throw the book at me.

Absolute faggot. He got in another fight later and went to the police about it. I assumed i was involved so did a witness statement, turns out i wasn't mentioned but since he'd attacked me it invalidated his claim and he dropped his assault charge on the other guy. I also got a case reference and since I asked, the police advised me if I see him again and feel threatened, 'don't worry about hitting first, just don't take the piss when he's on the ground'. They also advised him that they'd said this and I've literally never seen him again.

Would have been satisfying to annihilate him but would have been GBH if i'd got started.

So if we worked together and I punched you in the face you'd be the bigger man and just let it go?

Pretty Jow Forums in the sense that I live an active lifestyle and have great cardio, but my body isn't at all impressive. In a room of normies I'd be doing the mogging but I'd certainly be the smallest in a room full of gymbros.

And I'm by no means a pro fighter, but my dad taught me to box and I've been in a lot of fights in my life (not by choice, like I said I'm from a shithole where random guys you dont even know pick fights with you in the streets).

Yes I'm American but you don't understand that Americans don't live this way so that whole the pen is mightier than the sword is just going to get your ass punched everyday and the cops aren't going to do s*** about it. You don't understand the kind of people I live and am surrounded by. The stupid cavemen get what they want around here and I'm sick of being the person who wants to feel high and mighty for being able to use his words into be above his opponent cuz all it's done is gotten me punched in the face

have sex

I wouldn't plan to jump someone weeks in advance and post on a Singaporean goldfish collecting forum about it. If you were gonna fight you should have hit him back right after that happened. You didn't because you knew you'd lose. Now you're planning an assault. Waiting and planning an attack is weak and sociopathic. Get a life, move on.

Competed in boxing and MMA as a teenager through my early 20's, then drifted away from it as I started working a desk job and gradually gained 40 pounds. It'll creep up on you as you age.

Starting in January I went on a hard cut, got on a lifting program, quit drinking alcohol, started running and joined a local gym run by a coach of various world champion fighters. At 33 years old I'm two weeks out from running my first full marathon, scheduled to box as an amateur in October, and I've lost 40 pounds and gone from 25+% body fat to 13% as measured by a DEXA scan.

As anyone with experience will tell you it all comes down to diet and consistency. Boxing is my first love and by far my biggest motivator, since lifting and running are somewhat boring whereas learning fighting skills is always an adrenaline rush and a challenge.

you first wonder boy.
how about you challenge your behavioral therapist for stronger medication

The stupid cavemen will kill you if you kick their ass. You got punched in the face? Tough luck, kid. Move on. Don't hold a grudge. If you decide to fight, the only thing you will manage to do is rise the price on your head and get yourself killed. You live in a country of savages. If you escalate violence, so will they, and tomorrow you'll be in the hospital with a bullet in your head. Is this what you want?
You Americans think honour is about getting reparations for something wrong that was done to you. Real honour is not this, real honour is saying sorry, it's showing that you're morally superior to your opponent by not retaliating.
Look, kid. My wife got hit by a guy who was drunk-driving and skipped a red light. She died two days later. At first I wanted to kill the guy. By his fault I had lost my significant other. But then I realised that killing him would not bring my wife back from the dead; killing him would only create more violence and more hatred. The world doesn't need this. He was judged, and got prison time, but I forgive him.
NB4 "hurr durr christcuck", I've always been an atheist.

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>simultaneously engage your lats and cock
I have decades of training in this!

If you scream like a rabid berserker as you're laying into him, it's likely to stun him

You're a coward

fighting is for apes and lower class people. Haven't been in a fight since puberty ended because I'm not personified trash

I wish a man who trained his whole life to fight met a man who trained his whole life to talk his way out a fight.

youre acting like a tough guy on the internet yet you have no experience in fighting and asking for advice
do you not realize how retarded you sound?
chances are you're just mad at this guy for some petty ass shit and he just feels bad for you thats why hes ignoring your "challenges"
you can try to be hard and tough until one day you cross someone who is about that life and has no regard for his own future and then you will suffer the consequences
you're almost 30 maybe its time you started to grow the fuck up

You don't understand the difference between being brave and being stupid. There's nothing cowardly in choosing peace over conflict;

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I'm glad cucks like you are getting assaulted, raped, robbed and outbred. You are the very quintessence of the decay happening to white western homelands.

>Ur a pussy
>Even though I need weeks of advance to figure out how to jump and ambush a guy in a fight rather than fight him straight on
One, you're a retard for trying a FUCKING RUNNING PUNCH like you're some kinda Naruto character, and two you're a pussy ass bitch for trying to pick a fight weeks after shit went down and you now think you can ambush him. And the best part is you're a 30 year old man asking an anonymous imageboard how to deal with the bully who hit you. You are at a level of pathetic loser that is almost impossible to rival.

What if I fucking kill you.
What if when I drop you my 1-2-3
double leg you and take your neck off your shoulders and don’t let go when you pass out?
What happens then the police get me and I go to prison and get fed for life
Or since no weapons were involved I’ll just say it’s was self defense cause I’m ALIVE and get a good lawyer and get a good plea deal for some stupid shit
Yeah what if I fucking kill you

do you seriously think someone would just let you kill them willingly
good luck with your delusions of grandeur

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I'm not a fan of OP's Naruto punch idea, but these white pacifists are truly the most despicable people in existence. I applaud every act of abuse and violence done to such people.

You're a middle aged dude who thought a running punch was a good idea and who has very obviously literally zero idea on how to actually fight and who's best source of info is fucking Jow Forums. You aren't killing anyone, and your online tough guy act loses its validity considering you got sucker punched and the shit knocked out of you.

>Getting into fights in his 30s
>Planning to ambush or suckerpunch someone when he doesn't see him coming
I'm sorry that you're a nig tier trailer trash, but actual white people with money don't do that shit, at least not in their FUCKING 30's. They don't even meet or interact with those people majority of the time.

Nah, they just cuck to their boss, wife, bank, govt and social norms that are against their nature and interests.

30 is not middle age unless you live in an absolute shithole of a country. He's still a colossal autismo faggot tho for making this thread and planning such dumb shit at his age.

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Yes and you're a wild and primeval alpha male who lives like a nigger we understand Cletus.

I just dropped in
I train MMA and I just thought what you said was fucking retard
You know how to defend a double? You know how grapple? You got a black belt?

enjoy getting yourself fucked up buddy
best of wishes

>Walk up to him
>”Hey bitch”
>Call him a bitch and slap him with enough force to make him angry and aware
>keep my head off the center line and stay back
> land my jab then hit him with a straight
Repeat until necessary
> if I can double my jab and land the hook
Just fight him to be honest I don’t know if knows how to fight but I know I do so I’d just beat his ass.
Once he knows my hands are better he’ll just try to grab me
Once he knows he can’t grab me he will break
Once I decided for control I get it and he can’t do shit about it

>guy had MA and fight experience
>I don’t
Haha hope someone fucks you up cause I can’t
Enjoy your meme life

Read Jack Dempsey’s championship fighting. Since you intend on a street brawl maybe the defence parts are less relevant since low blows and grappling can be an issue but if nothing else you will learn how to throw a punch. Ever since I read the book I’ve been able to fight back against my nightmares whereas before my punches always felt like I was wading through molasses. So if nothing else my sleep quality has improved. You probably shouldn’t instigate a fight tho.

He's American dude. You try and go in for the kill decent chance you'll get shot if not by him then a "bystander"

Yes let me shoot a double leg on concrete and scrape up my legs and prob telegraph the shoot so hard get sprawled on and kneed in the face bravo good game plan

just shoothimindabackddahead OP

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How about I slap you in the face and call your mom a whore?
I know how to box kid go join a gym your insecurity is showing

Dumbass. Whoever hits first always wins

>t. bloodboiled idiot that has gotten in a lot of fights cause they are fun

Lol you prob took like a month of mma classes from an instructor whos 0-2 in your local circuit and trying to broadcast your "experience" on an anime imageboard
Stop fake claiming you look like a retard

>I dont know what I'm doing but I know I'm mildly in shape and I used to use kickboxing as a workout but never sparring just hitting the bag.
Unless you have a lot of experience hitting people who are trying to hit you, you've got no business getting into fights. Any guy with even minimal experience will fucking wreck you. And if you sucker punch him while he's talking to a friend, you'll end up with two guys beating you down.

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Hit first. Suckerpunch him if you have to. Land the hit on his mouth or nose. Hit hard.

That is all you need.

You first need to learn to throw a punch. Took boxing for a while. The biggest mistake you'd see from new people would be that they didn't block their face. The second biggest mistake was that they thought your arm throws the punch.

>Yes your honor I was threatening and provoking him but I didn't throw the first punch so it's self-defense.

I don't get assaulted. I don't get raped, robbed and outbred. Because I don't get into shitty situations. I teach my daughter to defend herself, but the first thing I taught her was "if you can, run away. Only use what I teach you as a last resort. Only use your gun if no other option is possible". I don't care about the West. The West is full of pretentious people who think they know everything and who fight over petty things. It might be better than the rest, but I don't like it. You are clearly too stupid to understand what violence does. You treat violence as something casual, because you've never seen true violence. You've never had your wife taken away from you, you've never had to kill someone to save your brother. Your petulance is not only ridiculous, but frightening. You accuse me of being what's wrong with the west, but I think you're the real problem. If you're incapable of seeing what's wrong with violence, you're part of the problem.

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>Punching is a literal meme unless you have boxing training. You know how many little breakable bones you have in your hand? A lot.
That's why you use the heel of your palm if you need to hit someone and don't have your fists taped. You can adapt the regular boxing punches like this, just takes a couple inches off your jab and cross.

this thread is the type of quality autism i come to this board for. love watching retards furiously arguing on the internet about fights

based popcorn poster

Based Lotus poster

Hey pussy are you still there?

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then you should definitely check out /heem/ over at

>The stupid cavemen will kill you if you kick their ass. You got punched in the face? Tough luck, kid. Move on. Don't hold a grudge. If you decide to fight, the only thing you will manage to do is rise the price on your head and get yourself killed. You live in a country of savages. If you escalate violence, so will they, and tomorrow you'll be in the hospital with a bullet in your head. Is this what you want?
That's why we have stand your ground laws in America. When a stupid caveman initiates violence, we can legally skip straight to putting them in the morgue.
And just coincidentally, stupid cavemen mostly only do stupid caveman shit in the states that lack those pro-self defense laws.

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Sounds like someoen is a onions boy who lives in a city.

That explains your ridiculously high homicide rate.

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I actually live in a remote place in Burgundy. I used to live in Paris though.

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I'd beat you up, take you down, make sure you're harmless and either run away or immediately call the cops while pressing you down to the ground with all my mass AND twisting your arm out so that you're unable to fight back, possibly smashing your head into the ground a couple times from that position if you tried to struggle too much
But I'd do that immediately as a response to threat, I would not actively seek out a fight like the teenage nigger you have the mentality of

unnnnghgh yeah baby rockign that dick head looking booty yeeeea even a gay nigger like me can dig that yumm yum yum yummers

Most fights are over in one punch you retard. Anyone who squares up knows what time it is, and if you get your opportunity you better take it because you might not get another.

Our homicide rate is mostly from black guys in the ghettos shooting each other. The rest of the country is far more civilized and well armed.

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Just put a pound of semtex under his wheel arch. Driver's side.

Nah you somehow, maybe subconsciously, immediately know exactly what happened and you can actually get your bearings and spring back up pretty quickly.

Learn judo or to wrestle. Maybe some bjj. There are some very small people who destroy me on a weekly basis on the mats. Learning to grapple will give you a real chance in an altercation. Judo especially gives a good grounding in controlling a standing opponent without going to the ground.. And if it does go to the ground also gives a half decent ground game for pins and control. For learning to fight for self defence the real ideal combo would be judo and boxing. Manage the distance with boxing and then if they get close enough use judo to control your opponent.

No, that's because of blacks.

YES teach your white daughter "self-defense", please do that.
You're an unnatural, cucked little idiot and your family will 100% feel the results of this.
I love how you think your money will always be this shield against the nature of this world lol

Violence is fun, but you don't think so because you're a brainwashed, neutered fag.

STRIKE FIRST. He who strikes first wins!

either way you’re still solving it with violence. You are only passing the use of it to someone else. If you report him to the cops, then you must want him arrested. The cops then must use force to arrest the guy, and if he resists, violence. All power is predicated on someone’s violence or another’s. Deescalating might sometimes work and even be preferable, but some times yoh have to fight.

I have absolutely ZERO confidence I can win a fight, despite looking like I can.

I mean this behavior is indicator of having brain damage, so you might as well seek him out and let him finish the job.

If you want to learn how to fight, do martial arts. Fight to disarm unless your life in danger.

You can’t sue someone for hurting you pet.

What fourth world country do you live in where you can just destroy someone's property (living or not) and go unpunished?


Smoke and mirrors, if you look big and strong people might think twice about starting a fight.