What is your excuse for not dating asain women?

what is your excuse for not dating asain women?

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Why would I date a single mom with three kids?

whats your excuse oh pp

Im 5'6. That eliminates me from most dating pools,even asian ones even though i am white.

Being a faggot traitor sure sounds like fun.
The particular white women that you hate were corrupted and broken.

Luckily, we all know you won't reproduce.
We don't want your genes inour race, and I'm sure Asians don't either.
For you, a life of inceldom and quiet desperation it is.

And no, I didn't forget to sage.

what is it with fat white women and garbage tattoos?

Someone surely struck a nerve. Did mommy not get your tendies on time today?maybe go outside and get some fresh air,or a glass of water.

>ITT white women

asians want the "traitor" White genes. come on in bros

>they were corrupted and broken!!! dont blame those women

anyone else remember hearing this ole tune before?

Ngl, if I were a man I'd probably date an Asian chick.

they were just corrupted and broken, bros! into publically hating White men for 8-12 years lole.

but theyre ok now dont be such a race traitor

what happened to blacked posting?? is it not cool anymore, whats up. i thought it was totally fine to harass an entire group of people for a decade? stop being such an incel and stop dating asians !!

Very few live near me.

Are you talking to yourself desu?

They're boring, the sex sucks, their hair gets everywhere and clogs up all the drains, they have smelly purple viginas, their families hate you and are in your business no matter how successful you are, they turn into gargoyles after 45, most are golddiggers etc.

are you talking to me desu?

Now I am dv

>The particular white women that you hate were corrupted and broken.

When Soi Americans attempt stormfaggotry, jesus lmao

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justice for mee but not for thee

ah those rice cels at asian masculinity posting BLACKED again! nasty incels they all are

You forgot:

They're absolute degenerate sluts that will flirt/cheat on you relentlessly within less than a year and never stop or feel remorse, even if caught. They are literally incapable of loving you and are surrounded by objects (white guys) of their affection/fetish/status quest if you fail to keep delivering. They are mental and emotional children. They have an unnatural compulsion to feminize/beat into submissiveness and passiveness their boyfriend/husband while being insanely attracted to dominant/muscular/large guys.

They're insane. They're absolutely insane and demonic.

if youre a White woman, its ok to:

date non white men
accuse White men of being low test
to cuck White men
and follow White men all the way to asia to remind them of their race traitoring.
but! dont you dare say that White women turned their backs first, because they were corrupted and broken its not their fault :'(

oh thats right, asian women are all baaad. how dare White men try to date out lolle

I'm black
Okie Dokie

nevermind that Lauren southern is a channer, and dated a black man. nope thats not the issue, the issue is all these race traitor White men dating asian women! woah