Has anyone here gotten banned from a gym?

Has anyone here gotten banned from a gym?

>go to 24 hour gym
>always go when it is completely empty
>bring ipad
>between every set I watch porn to boost my test
>go to gym one morning
>access key doesn't work
>check my emails in case payment bounced
>email saying that I am banned for watching porn in gym
>turns out the security cameras are monitored by a human
>have toolbox in car
>wait till someone else comes along
>walk in door behind them
>unscrew a bunch of bolts using Allen key on random equipment
>few weeks later
>get registered letter
>gym is suing me for costs of having technician flown in to check every machine

I'm moving to a new state soon anyway so I think I'm just going to not show up to court

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At least you didn't draw out the posting of your BS story.

>unscrew a bunch of bolts using Allen key on random equipment
If this is real then fuck you. Reconsider your behavior. You could have seriously/permanently injured multiple people because you were a pervert who got banned for watching porn in a public place. They have nothing to do with your beef with the gym, and you were banned for a valid reason.

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I bet you're an ego lifter

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based and equipmentdismantlepilled

it was all really obvious stuff like i removed the top bolts on the bench press rack things so the hooks were upside down and all the seats were sideways on the machines

how can you ego lift in an empty gym idiot


based, if you’re using the machines you deserve it

Why the fuck would you do any of these things
If they want any substantial sum they're gonna chase you user

Should have shit in one of the lockers.

Based and redpilled.

>go to 24h gym late at night
>me and gf basically all alone working out
>after workout literally noone in that place
>decide to fuck in the womens shower
>seething fatty catches us as we leave the shower
>reports us to the gym staff
>banned for life

I hate fat people.

there's these two bearmode guys who always work out at the same time as me then go have sex in the bathroom, I considered reporting them but they would know it was me because I'm the only person who is ever there aside from them.

I have no assets what are they gonna do garnish my autismbucks?

>I'm moving to a new state soon anyway so I think I'm just going to not show up to court
Enjoy having your future paychecks garnished to pay the default judgment.

I have autism so I get disability, idk if they can garnish that and my only asset is my car which is worth like $200 it's a 1988 ford laser with 500k miles on it

>this is your brain on porn

>not reporting gays for their degeneracy

He mentions the bench rack tho

You're 100% scum for trying to hurt innocent people because you hate the gym. You knew they had cameras and you went in and fucked with it anyway, I hope they find you and sue the shit out of you faggot.

degenerate. kys

Of course you're a disabled waste of oxygen. Your new state might just extradite you to be jailed for failure to appear.

Normally I'd say you're full of shit op, but knowing the sheer amount of autism in the world I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. So why did you expect to get away with sabotaging gym equipment when you knew the had fucking cameras on you?

I wish you went to my gym :(

Cringe and cumbrained

>watching porn in the gym:
>chaotic neutral
>fucking up the gym equipment, potentially injuring many people
>chaotic evil
tbqh, I like your style OP

Attached: kstew.jpg (1232x1200, 470K)

>not joining in


>be autistic neet
>use your free time to avoid people because of your autism
>watch porn in gym because "muh test levuls"
>get mad when thrown out
>fuck with the equipement
>changes state when confronted with it

You either have downsyndrome or are a fucking nigger lmao

You can't just post something like this and not post proof

Autists should be euthanized. I legit believe this and your story convinced me even more.