Got fit

>got fit
>slayed >50 sluts in the span of a year
>got into a boring relationship and am now fat
>reminiscing about happier single times and the constant excitement of conquering a new female
>hairline is now going and am on the wrong end of dyel mode
>girlfriend tells me she loves me just the way I am as we shovel ice cream and pizza into our mouths every day

Are relationships the death of beauty and fun? Also for some reason I want to fuck traps now

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My fiancée and I started out both pretty unhealthy, but as I got more into lifting so did she and we’ve both been improving a lot. Relationships don’t always necessarily drag you down

Rarely are blogposts this lame. Congrats op, kys

>we shovel ice cream and pizza into our mouths every day

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>Also for some reason i want to fuck traps now

You're almost me OP except I married and we both got horribly fat, my hairline is still good, and wife emotionally abuses me and rarely hits me.

>Can't leave because kids

I second this.

>>girlfriend tells me she loves me just the way I am
She doesn't believe it
she just doesn't want you to leave her behind
You know what you have to do

You've gotta get Jow Forums again, to intimidate your girlfriend.

Only based option

That's right, she probably feels like she has permission to get fat if you keep sending signs that you have given up. I don't know why you'd work so hard to get fit to just give up and get fat.

>Are relationships the death of beauty and fun?

People have a tendency to fall into comfortable complacency once your life stabilizes, but letting yourself fall into it was entirely your fault. You could lift heavy and develop a closer bond and sense of intimacy with your gf by going on adventures and laughing at fatties but you just sit on your fat ass wasting your life watching netflix getting fat.

quit letting your days go by and do something with your life you dumb nigger, and if your girl doesn't want to come along find someone who will.

>Also for some reason I want to fuck traps now

stop watching porn

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every >tfw no gf poster is fucking retarded.
girlfriends literally the biggest fucking gains goblins.
no matter how much you like the girl, the relationship ends up being dull, you'll have to do shit you don't want, eat shit you don't want and bear her fucking bullshit just so you can stick your dick in her hole, which will also have very little pleasure after some months of relationship

Whats the solution? Banging a different slut every night tends to leave men hollow and unfulfilled from what ive heard
Terrified of both outcomes

>Also for some reason I want to fuck traps now

This happens when you let yourself go and let body and mind degenerate

yes, fucking girls you don't like is good until you orgasm. When you finish cumming a terrible sensation takes over, I just wanted to get the fuck out asap and go home take a bath.
I don't know the solution but one might as well live like a damn monk

>Are relationships the death of beauty and fun?
My relationship was the beginning of beauty and fun. I was completly content with rotting at home, getting skinny fat and balancing at the edge of NEETdom, then I actually got into a relationship with a compatible girl and we both started to improve ourselves together.

11 years later, we're lifting together, switching up who plays with the kids between sets, both of us have unique skillsets with enough job prospects that we can quit any time and get several job offers on the same day.

It just requires discussion and getting into productive arguments.

same. i think she's afriad ill leave her for someone hotter and gets that being healthy is important for herself and me. especially since her dying at 50 of diabetes or some shit doesn't sit well with me. if you love someone you should try to max your time alive together imho

keep a rotation of fwb. keeps things fresh so you don't fall in to a slump, and if you genuinely enjoy their company outside of sex you don't have that flash of post nut regret

Mother of based

you're aware that not a single part of his post was real right. that's a LARP. except the part of him being a NEET, that part is 100%
>t. actual rich guy not joking

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Possible, but whatever
You really think someone would just go and try to lie bragging on an anonymous Malaysian child trafficking forum, of all places?

I third this. OP its time.

>Calls others Larper
>Larps as a rich guy


yes i absolutely think t hat
are you functionally retarded or are you making a meme here bro

Kek yeah, Im the retarded one

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After how long is this supposed to happen? Been with my GF 2 years, in the best shape of my life and the sex is great

>Also for some reason I want to fuck traps now

>Wife emotionally abuses me
>Hits me
This.. uhh.. time to share, user. You're safe here.

Must be a nice being a normie

you're a fucking idiot if you don't realize she wants you to get fatter + ugly so she'll be your only choice, it's a control thing masked by "it's okay i'll love you no matter how you wanna be!" as she shoves junk food into your throat

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Just wait until you have a kid lol.

Whatever makes you sleep better, user.
Pic is how we managed to lift and raise a kid at the same time. Dungeon gyms are a blessing for lifting parents, because everybody loves kids that play with rusty weights.

I've been here since 2005. Made her watch every single episode of Azumanga Daioh, Mahoromatic, School Rumble and GTO. With subtitles. I get laid 20 days out of 30 per month, with playing hot-seat HoMM as foreplay.
Don't remember the names of coworkers, but I do know what were the IVs of my Treecko in Emerald.

If that's what normie is to you, than sure, I'm a normie.

Attached: My 1st kid and the gym owner 2016.jpg (2048x1536, 468K)

My girlfriend told me "you don't have to keep working out and stay fit. I love you no matter how you are." I told her "I know. I do it for me."

Post wife's body

>slayed >50 sluts in the span of a year
how tho

What is that gif from?

Tinder and $200 in boosts. Got it down to a science, plus I have a motorcycle and a nice camera.

Euphoria. Spoiler: it's a dude

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yeah off yourself

>one might as well live like a damn monk
yeah, it's either love or abstinency tbf. I recently broke up (stupidly, I might add) with who may have been the love of my life and been trying to "fuck out of it" for months, nothing happens - I just feel like a piece of fiilth.

post proof of being rich

sorry to hear.
I've never been in love, not actively looking for it but if it happens, it happens, not worried.
good luck though, wish you all the best user


No, the one in OP is a chick for real

>Uses his kids as an excuse..
P a t h e t i c.

Its obvious you've never had divorced parents.
If my family life had 1 of my parents emotionally and/or physically abusing the other id be fucking glad the day they'd get divorced,
you think your kids cant pick up on the general energy and anxiousness you both give off? Let alone if they actually witness it day to day which they probably already do.

Theyre probably already have anxiety issues because of you 2 fighting and arguing all the time and making the home a place where you DONT want to be, which is the opposite of what a family home is supposed to be.

relationships balance out your life. Instead of going between highs and lows constantly, you get a mild buzz on a daily basis.
They're beautiful in their own right, but provide less intense dopamine spikes, which you're confusing for "beauty". And yeah, they're slightly less fun in general, but only if you think the only way to have fun is to have sex with different women all the time.
You can have a lot of fun with a partner that you can't have with some idiot who's also only looking for sex with new partners.

Having sex with sluts is fun. Having your qtπ gf mumble "I love you user." before falling asleep is fulfilling.
Having neither is being Jow Forums.

Which is why if you're going to settle down with one woman, make sure it's with someone's who's hot with a banging bod. That way you'll need to keep working out otherwise she'll leave your ass and upgrade, there's your motivation.

You look like the Slug Count from Berserk.

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Well, yeah. She knows if he gets jacked again she'll be way out of his league, he'll realize it, and then proceed to cheat/leave her.

Her only choice is hope he stays fat, or if he does get jacked she work out too, but that's too much effort for her, so she wants the first one.

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Have you niggas thought about calling the bitch out on her bullshit? Never eat anything you don't want to eat, do anything you don't want to do, etc. A relationship goes nowhere without a man leading it

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Motorcycles don't help unless you're hot unfortunately. They are a ton of fun and I don't care about tfw no gf while I'm riding at least

was it rape

Been with my wife 17 years. We have sex every day and lift together. Shes more fun than any of my friends. Relationships take work and you gotta put in the effort to get the good out of it.

This is entirely correct, but hinges on finding a partner that didn't fall for the degeneracy meme


happy to hear brother.
all the best for you and your family

>tfw skinnyfat and no gf