Every single guy I talk to tries to manipulate me into sending nudes. I just want a nice bf
Every single guy I talk to tries to manipulate me into sending nudes. I just want a nice bf
Stop talking to kids you fucking retarded whore.
assuming this isn't a LARP which it most likely is
just gotta say
>not all men.
yeah? ok. i don't know, i know its a meme now but like... it's true right?
well you see r9k is no better. tits or gtfo
this isent real , nothing is real.
it shouldn't be manipulation, if you want a nice bf then you need to be a nice gf and that involves sending nudes
send me nudes bb, im chocolate brown and my bbc is 12"
because you seek out shitty thirst bois
Well every single guy is like that sooner or later. If they dont ask for nudes they just start sexting me and saying hey they want to fuck me. Its fucking disgusting.
Just refuse them, they'll find your worth if you make it a challenge for them to get to see you nude.
then look for better guys.
I've never fucking been like that
I know plenty of other guys that aren't
I don't wanna sound like an incel but have you tried broadening your horizons.
or are you like Chris Chan where you "want a pretty girlfriend" despite being a fucking cow.
You just know any girl you might be into has almost certainly sent her nudes around to thirsty guys before. Men ruined dating as much as women did by being so thirsty.
shifting through the trash for nickles, op
Not true. I have fembot friends and I never asked them for nudes.
Quite the contrary. After a while being friends they usually drop some flirting or want to sext or ERP in some game.
I play along, even though I don't really have any horniness anymore, mostly because I don't want to lose my friends. Apparently I'm some sort of cyberchad or something, because they all like my ERP.
Fun fact: 90% of the girls that want me to ERP or sext with them are submissive to the extreme, and the other 10% are real romantic. Don't even know what to make of this.
>why dont chads love me etc etc
fuck off
Every girl that I talk to stops responding.
Nobody really wants a nice person.
go for boring guys
They don't exist. Stay single, it's less effort and you'll be happier in the end. Most relationships are just power struggles between monsters and the people who attempt to love said monsters.
thats because all humans are monsters and we have a desperate need to love and be loved , you will waste away to nothing waiting for good people. trust me
True. I'd rather be alone and happy than have to worry about someone else's happiness.
If there are any femanons in the Ohio River Valley and/or Appalachia regions of the United States of America, and you want a 6'6" blond lanky proto-Chad practice boyfriend, just reply to this. I will only accept ONE female to be my practice GF.
You must:
>not have dyed hair
>not be obese, chubby is fine
>not have not be "lesbian bisexual curious"
>not have daddy issues
>not have a penis, aka: no faggots or trannies
>must be white, no darkies or mutts
I prefer for you to be a virgin. If you aren't a virgin and have had a boyfriend before, please don't waste this opportunity because there are women worse than you that need this. How you contact me will be figured out as you respond to me. I don't mess with Discord or any social media shit like that, so whatever.
This is an opportunity of a lifetime for you ladies ;). Don't fuck this up. Impress me.
Just send cute pictures of yourself instead, or semi lewds if you are comfortable.
they want to make sure you aren't a tranny/trap.
That's what happens when you go for the chadbots. Everything happening to you is your own fault.
are you saying guys only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting?
How about talk to guys irl?
You're a thot, what do you expect ?, I bet you're the type of roastie that dresses provocatively and then gets mad at all the guys hitting on you.
I'll be your bf, I'm Asexual
the 2019 pick up line , classic
tits or gtfo, thot
seriously, just show them
>be nice to a girl
>she likes me because i never ask for nudes or force myself on her
>i also never judge
>in return she makes me feel like shit and pretends to care about me
>tells me about all the guys she dates
>can't understand any of my feelings because female
>tells me she doesn't have time to chat or whatever meanwhile she's just doing other things in her free time
>constantly lies to me
>gaslights me
yeah no thanks
post feet please
original original
I promise I will never ask for your nudes.
I don't even want to see your body at all. I want to go out with you wearing a dress and stockings and long sleeves and a high collar top and just be with you like a real person and not a feminine pile of meat to touch.
If we ever had sex I'd turn the lights off and avert my gaze if you're still visible.
>I just want a nice bf
No you don't. If you did, you wouldn't keep going after the same type of men
Dude any white girl that's not fat and doesn't practice self-uglification can easily get an irl BF. They aren't going to look for someone on r9k.
cant find this anywhere photoshop until proper source