Why is there a /drugfeel/ thread on here when doing drugs is illegal?
What if we have a thread dedicated to pedophilia? lol
Jow Forums is so inconsistent.
I'm not a pedo though I just value purity and inexperience in my potential life partner. Unfortunately in our society that means girls under 16 years old.
Because drugs don't hurt anyone besides the user you fucking degenerate. I'll stay doing my drugs peacefully while you can go to prison for child porn or some shit.
You don't have people who care about you? That's dark.
But if a girl wants to do stuff with you wouldnt that make her impure no matter what age?
Youre a pedo just trying to talk it nice.
As much as i agree mostly with laws against pedophilia. Noone has any right to act morally superior. If you're eating meat or wearing clothes made by slave children then you're just as bad. Even if you're one of the very few who don't do those things, just think of whatever it is you DO do that makes you as much of a hypocrite...
Fork in the road here for humanity. We either stop being the scum of the earth, or we stop judging what we consider socially unacceptable.
>doing drugs is illegal
Motherfucker hash (cannabis) is 100% legal in my state you can suck my big toe till it tickles
People do care about me, but not enough to put into rehab. So way I see it is, I'll just keep enjoying myself and I'll die pretty soon. Win win
You motherfuckers need a bullet to the head, you fucks are perfectly fine fucking little boys and girls and destroying their future ?, traumatizing them for the rest of their lives ?
This is the absolute state of R9K, fucking hell, we got traps running amok now we got fucking pedophiles.
>eating meat
kys hippie faggot
>eating meat is as morally wrong as wanting to rape children
That's a hard no from me, dawg.
use the door, wanker.
After you, m'lady.
A fucking britfag having an opinion on pedos when your whole country is ran by them. Kill yourself cunt
Why? Because it's not you that does the dirty work?
Then how can a child trafficker be held responsible if he's not actually fucking the children? He just offers the service.
Don't be another fucking dumb clown. The brainwashing is deep but i think we're over this at least. It makes perfect rational sense.
Just keep in mind i'm not condoning fucking children, or eating meat. But we either correct this problem now or stop judging other for their crimes.
Jow Forums was founded by pedos, newfag. You could say they are the lifeblood that keeps this board alive and stops it turning into just another normie chatroom.
you're fucked in the head, stupid trap, just because I'm not a fucking trap and not a pedophile all of a sudden I'm a newfag and normie ?, go neck yourself dickhead.
That's exactly right. You should just join some facebook groups that match your interests instead of trying to fit in here in the robot's domain.
chill bro they aren't your children anyways why do you care?
>dirty work
>killing animals for food is dirty work
you're fucked but if you think it's wrong. I could do this myself no problem but guess what, I don't own any animals nor have time and money for it so I pay someone to kill it and give to me.
t. mad he can't score drugs
why don't you go drink period blood stupid trap
>under 16
you're one amoral piece of shit, I'm not a sick fuck like you, stupid degenerate.
Is it better to have no standards when it comes to age?
I honestly would have sex with anybody, 10 year old, 90 year old. It does not matter to me. And this is coming from somebody who really does not care much about sex.
because you cant prove anyone in drugfeel is doing drugs
they might be larping and any image of drugs may be baking powder
pedophilia is very easy to prove
cp is cp
fact: anti-pedo = jew/cuck
there literally isn't a location in the world where it is illegal to be a pedo, outside of some obscure 3rd world shithole, and even then it's probably outnumbered by 3rd world shitholes who make being gay illegal
sure many actions typical of pedos are illegal, but go ahead, literally cite one law that says it's illegal to simply be a pedo. not even the most cucked progressive countries on earth are on that level of thought controll
dude what is your problem they would get banged later anyway may aswell prepare them for their future liberated sexual life. i bet you're a 30yo khv who is jealous of people who still has lust and libido so chill out a bit you're being annoying
haha nah that's not even accurate newfaggot
Candygram for Mongo!
There is a difference between a pedo and a child molester.
One hurts children and the other does not.
I'm not a pedo, but as long as they are not distributing cp and molesting children they arnt really hurting anybody
What about anime lolis? They hurt no one but it seems mods always delete threads with them
You seem only concerned about the posting of child pornography. But you didn't think of people who brag about having sex with kids? That could also be larping.
you're literally fucked in the head, it's because of pieces of shit like you these kids grow up to become faggots, traps, serial killers, drug addicts etc they usually kill themselves in the end after being traumatized all their life.
It's because of degenerate scum like you this country is going down the toilet, no morals, no family values, nothing, we're stuck with faggot predators like you who want to fuck kids and scar them for life.
What the fuck are you ?, I bet you you're some 15 year old that got molested and fucked in the ass by your uncle, and since no girl likes you because of your autistic social skills, you're tired of jerking off to traps now you resort to kids instead, fucking pathetic dude, you might as well kill yourself dude.
There there, user. I'm sure you have quite a few skeletons in your own closet. Tell us about the thing that happened to you to make you so filled with anger. Something that happened when you were just a child, maybe? I want to help.
>I bet you you're some 15 year old that got molested and fucked in the ass by your uncle, and since no girl likes you because of your autistic social skills, you're tired of jerking off to traps now you resort to kids instead, fucking pathetic dude, you might as well kill yourself dude.
Projecting much?
My thought on this is growing up in a bad environment could have a negative impact on a person's development. Usually associated with alcoholism and drug addiction.
People can get their dick sucked as a child but if they grow up in a loving and healthy environment, they'll turn out fine. Sex is only bad if there's violence involved and it's violence that you need to be concerned about.
Are you new, retarded, or both?
Oh, jeez. It's not even worth being bothered by.
Eating meat isn't a crime you dimwit.
so I love lolicon hentai and fap to it often. The thing is I don't want to touch or fuck the little girl. I want to be the little girl with my little cute body and cute clothes and then have a man or woman fuck me. Its pure suffering I can never achieve this unless reincarnation or some sort of mystic powers allow me to change to a new body.
Drugs do hurt people, when you commit crimes to fuel addiction. In theory pedophilia wouldn't hurt anyone either.
Pedophilia is such a pleb fetish. Mommy gfs and thick women with jiggly tummies are vastly superior than done snot nosed little shit. I just don't like any women under 25, milfs and Christmas cake are where it's at. Still I'll give you this, at least pedophiles are better than the faggots, holy shit what a waste of space they are.