Why are some people just inherently perfect?

Why are some people just inherently perfect?

Why was I born an ugly swab?

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You're supposed to be their property. Society allows you to be free.

Jesus Christ has placed this burden on you user, be humble that you can see your flaws, Just remember that after your suffering on earth ends, you'll be in paradise with the Lord.

answer me, before I end it all

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Rejoice user, you don't have nothing to carry you in life but God. But your trust in him, don't be like the rich man who only felt secured with his wealth. Open your heart to Christ, for he doesn't care what you look like.

the worst part is that I know pic related I posted in real life

she is literally perfect
perfect grades, great personality and the looks of a goddess

why do I have to suffer, why do I even exist

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>Why do you exist?
To serve the Lord Jesus Christ, not a limited human.
>Why is she perfect?
She not, her thoughts aren't, her voice is a bit too loud, her nose is angled to the left, there's going to come a time when her beauty and personality will fade.

All those good things are caused by her good looks. Being treated well makes you a good person. If you can't be pretty then it's over.

the worst part is that I am aware of that

people smile to her more often, she gets along with the professors better and that's also why she got perfect grades
she gets promoted so fast

why is life so miserable
why do we exist
why is eugenics a crazy idea according to normies

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>Looks are the only thing that matters in life.
No they only matter to us imperfect humans, but in the end God has the ultimate say in what's good or bad.

Whether or not this is the case, beautiful people get to live happy lives on earth, then spend eternity in bliss. While ugly people have to suffer to eventually experience it.

I shit on christ and god can suck my cock
thank you

I know a guy who is a literal 10/10 man with a perfect jawline, a six pack, etc. etc. It's insane to know that a man goes through life like that. The attention girls get from men is basically what he gets in reverse, only he is privy to it exclusively because of the dichotomy of the sexes. He's had something like 40 partners as of 19 and has no intention of stopping. He's great, but also one of the dumbest people I've ever met. He also has lackluster at best social skills. My guess is that he was never forced to grow because everything was always handed to him, so the only outlet he goes towards are ones that provide immediate reward (ie. girls and working out).

have you ever heard about wishful thinking?
because that jesus faggot is all over it

Let me ask you this, are you in the mind of this person? People who live "wonderful" lives on earth tend to never be happy with the amount they have. Just like you aren't happy with your looks, that person isn't happy with their looks.

Not a good idea to say things like that. Remember the Jews complained to God daily, despite him giving them blessings.

>People who use their looks to their advantage in a society dominated by social status aren't happy with their looks.

Who are you to claim that? Either way, they have much more of an advantage over someone who is undesirable because of their looks.

She is pretty, but she really is not anything special. Millions of girls look that good, if not better. Stop putting normies on a pedestal user. You probably look better than you think anyway

You have more advantages than tribesmen of the Congo, more opportunities than a Brazilian. Why do you complain about looks user? There's always someone better off than you, and there's someone better than that person. Stop complaining and carry your cross, the way of Christ is the only good ending to this game.

Because you were meant to be an agent of chaos.

and look at the Jews now
they run the damn world
your point?

Holy fuck I always knew that
I am the incel of chaos

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The top ones feel guilty about it, and the average to slightly ugly ones are afraid of being culled.