Best boy edition
Best boy edition
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Death to all fags
god how i hope that is correct, i really want to die
Death to all sluts*
>Implying Narancia isn't best boy
Ok retard.
List your three best/favorite facts about yourself
Here's a tagmap, I thought user's idea from the last thread was pretty good. Join if you want, but you don't have to.
>thinking about deleting all my video games
>want to focus only on getting Jow Forums and drawing
>and most importantly of all, getting a qt bf
>scared to quit the thing I've been doing ever since I was a little kid
I don't know if it's just because I'm immensely horny from nofap or what but I've been feeling an urge to improve myself
I used to like my hair but then i cut it short. That's all.
i look decent
im good at video games
i think im a nice guy
i'm very sweet
my hair smells really nice
i know how to cook
I used to have the highest score in the world for Down by Jay Sean on dance central for the Kinect
I was a certified massage therapist
My favorite color is periwinkle
my servant slave is annoying
>first post is "death to all gays"
>thread is dead on arrival
What did he mean by this
it's burger time, of course its dead
Well fix it.
im a yuropoor and im going to bed soon
>getting into gay furry porn
I don't want to be a degenerate but the femboi stuff is so damned cute.
some furry porn is drawn pretty well desu, i cant blame you
>no artist names
Don't leave us guessing user
Sleep tite, user
don't get stabbed by muzzies
Toki, Sethpup, Powfooo and general hard blush type stuff.
Is this the thread for me when the only time I wanna suck dick or get fucked is when I'm extremely horny but other times I'm 100% straight and would gag at gay porn
i'm 20 hours late, but yeah, you can be my punching bag.
no, it isn't. not unless you're romantically attracted to guys.
i'm halfway decent at tetris
I like cuddles
Purple is neat I guess?
am i a degenerate if i suck one dick outside of a relationship?
I have a decent somewhat popular youtube channel
I'm fairly wholesome
I really like history
You are absolutely a degenerate. Jesus himself said so, "He who touches a pee pee that is not his nor his bf's shall be thrown into hell"
>tfw no bf to listen to mercyful fate with
i value my intelligence, even though it isn't all that stellar
my face looks nice
i like that recently i've managed to improve my mindset a lot, i even go to the gym frequently
precisely why you lose
i lose? what did i lose?
Man I fucking hate JoJo. That is all, you may continue trying to fuck each other in the ass now.
I hope I'm not the only one completely repulsed by the "LGBT community" and their public displays of faggotry, especially when it involves youths.
Can anyone else please support me on this? Pride parades just encourage sluttiness and I hate them for it.
>tfw no older, taller indian bf
The consensus on /r9gay/ overwhelmingly hates normie gay culture and everything that entails.
Though I do wonder for many its just sour grapes.
well what did you win?
how about you provide me an instance of which you achieved victory with your supposed "intelligence".
post channel pls user
i knew when i mentioned my intelligence someone like you would start giving me shit
i even said it wasn't all that special!
it's not about victory, it's about being smart. i like being able to understand things and have meaningful conversation
when you make everything about winning or losing, you're the one losing, user
a wise man said that pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source
no the jannies will remove my post anyways
grow a pair you pussy
here's a song about you, r9gay
t. guy who gets angry when they see someone mentioned intelligence
go start an argument somewhere else
Wow, that sounds pretty gay user, but in a cute way.
>tfw no guitar playing bf
>No qt poetic, brooding, post-hardcore Jordan Dreyer BF
I hate the parades and gaylisp and American bloggers and immigrants.
Look at this pathetic groveling after straight men. You should be ashamed.
i fucking need it. i need it so bad, it makes me shake.
i need a boy to hurt. why does he have to fucking leave me again.
i seriously can't handle it, i'm going to hurt someone and it's going to get me in trouble.
i want to yell and scream at one while he's tied up, i want to be inches from his face while i rage
i want to sit in a boy's lap and gnaw on his neck and face till they bleed, and i really, really want to taste a boy's blood
i want to slap a boy and apologize and kiss him, then punch him and do it again
i want to make a boy bite down on a knife and tell him that if he doesn't bite it hard enough i'll shove it down his throat, and toy with his body while still trying to force it down his throat while he desperately bites it
i want to tie a rope around a boy's neck and drag him around
i want to pull the rope over something to force him in the air
i want to watch his face turn different colors, and i want to let him down and bring his face close to mine so i can feel him catch his breath
i want to lick the bruises from the rope
i want to punch a boy in the gut
i want to spank him till his ass is nearly bleeding
i want to force a boy to tell me he loves me while i hold a knife against his back
i want to beat a boy till his face is covered in bruises in blood
i want to love a boy so intensely i can't stop myself from hurting him
Pride parades in most Western countries are corporate-sponsored events now, they're far removed from the roots of the gay rights movement when people were worried enough about trying to get the police to stop harassing them on their way home from a gay bar
Bad b8 m8
I like my bf and I'm gonna make him wear cute stockings In the bedroom and stroke our bodies against eachother. And do degenerate shit.
It should stay in the bedroom or lewd sites...not in the streets
>not wearing a jockstrap in public is being cucked by heteros
>not having a faggy lisp is being cucked by heteros
>not spreading a deadly illness for a fetish is being cucked by heteros
>not having homosexuality being the entirety of my personality and identity is being cucked by heteros
Seek help originallyyyyyyyyy EEEEEEEEEE
Curious how none of these seem to account for the other guy punching back
2,319 members no way fag
Completely agree. As it used to be said on here: Gays are cool, faggots are disgusting. If someone can't tell you're gay, then you're the right kind of gay.
Also being non-hetero is some sort of trend now, so it seems pretty shallow even now when someone flaunts their sexuality.
if a boy punched me back i'd punch him harder, if i could.
i'd want a boy to fight back, it'd only make me angrier and hurt him more
What do you like to cook and what does your hair smell like
>tfw experiencing an episode of instability
>desperately try to not talk to my only close friend about it
i don't want to lose them because i'm crazy.
at the same time i'm SCREAMING because i'm so fucking angry at NOTHING
if he hadn't left me this wouldn't be happening
>He does not drink and fuck the situation up even more
> then feel full of anxiety for 3 days
What do ya'll think of the boys in this music video?
The blond is just gorgeous imo
Why do I keep preying on mentally ill guys? Most of the guys I talk to and crush on are depressed, lonely, and abused. I love spoiling them with affection and attention and making them fall hard for me. Am I fucked up? Just to clarify I never dump or ghost them, merely just enjoy pulling them out of their woes.
This is a service. If you actually make sadboys feel loved you're doing us all a great thing.
the blonde drummer is clearly the cutest, although he's cute in a "fashion model" kind of way. Nice to look at, but that's about it.
Thanks, that makes me happy to hear. I do it with complete intentions to be with them, but most of the time they move on from me due to things going on in their life. Maybe one day I might actually have someone who sticks.
You're not really preying, I guess you are just like making people feel something other than bad but you're unable to go further. Maybe due to your own hang ups or worried about getting committed with someone with a lot of issues already. You shouldn't really do that though, at least make it clear you don't have the intention of taking things further.
this gave me a raging hardon
I am going to sleep well night guys. I cut the grass and did other yard work today and I am tired. Tomorrow I have to do more yard work but I am kinda excited for it because it is just going to help with my summer body. Anyways goodnight you wonderful faggots.
deserved you cuck
i hope your penis withers
having an e-boyfriend that talks to me all day every day and falls asleep with me and plays games with me and watches movies with me would make me one of the happiest people in the world.
They're all cute goofballs.
Fuark bros.
Well it's not that I don't as I said. It's more so people begin to realize they themselves can do much better than me once they reach a position that is far better than where they once were. It could also be I'm just not as great as they once thought. Nonetheless who knows. I'll keep throwing broken guys a chance just so we can feel something other than loneliness.
Sorry I misunderstood. I can get the feeling, you seem nice enough. I'm sure the right kind of guy will come along and stick with you.
Death to all veterans
literally wet paper towel of a person
fuck off and die you hypocrite
you should post that in the Op and then maybe someone here would actually find a bf
It's cute, but pat taught me to never trust a man that plays guitar and I take that seriously.
Matt and pat?
finally he went to sleep
literally sleeps like an angel
when he wakes up he always stirs up trouble
Your cat? Or what are you talking about?
Pat the bunny, otherwise known as patrick.
Very nice user :D
good night anons, sleep tight!
>have to go to uni tomorrow
>probably gonna have to take a break to shit in the bathroom during the lecture because my stomach is stupid and it takes me well over 10 minutes to shit
>tfw want a fellow fgo bf to cuddle while playing together
Why can't I have this, why must I be alone
>open map
>only 9 people on it
>no one in my shitty country
I've embraced my body type and started lifting a little again. I'm defined and sometimes people notice; rarely someone will comment. It all seems so superficial. I still get jealous of people who can pull off cross-dressing. Of boys with very pale skin. Of boys who look like a stiff breeze might blow them over, or a bad cold might kill them. The ones that don't exist outside of their rooms during the day and only exist in cozy, secluded areas at night. I don't want to be defined, I want to be squishy and cute like them. But I know it wasn't meant to be. So I maintain myself at being toned and wait instead.
Wait for when tfw no bf becomes tfw bf
Thanks. I hope one does for you. If you already have one, then I wish you both best of luck in that case.
What map and is it good?
i'm sure it'd be better if you were on there user~ ctrl+f tagmap
so did you and your crushes get a chance to talk anons?
Adding myself later when I am up from bed.
we did, but it was short
i even texted while in class because i love him so much
peter if you read this, i really love you!
I have no one, stop bringing up this shit. It hurts.
I wish I had one so that I can at least be happy when I see him, instead of regularly being bitter and feeling a sensation of longing.
yeah, he responded with "gay" three times in a row then laughed when i said him i wasn't :(
I'm watching an episode of Battlestar Galactica with my crush right now! He's my bf!
Well he knows, why are you hiding it?
fuck off normie
oh i'm not seriously trying to hide it, it just makes my pp jump a little when he makes fun of me for it and stuff