Uhhhh guys...think he finally snapped

Uhhhh guys...think he finally snapped

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Story, link to the video?

until we see whether he's wearing converse or not we can't say it's him

>be american
>get shot

It's called Saturday desu here...

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no he's still going strong fortunately

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mirin ankle mobility

In a Wal-Mart, no less.

I wonder if they post on Jow Forums about "Cringe! Look how he holds his gun!"

It's the american dream


its in El Paso, apparentyl 22 people dead as of an hour ago. Still active and there are more than one shooters. Source- live here

Where are all the good gun owners? Why didn't they have a civilian shootout?

What the fuck is wrong with today’s world?

So a normal day in the greatest country in the world, huh?

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Jow Forumsommando here. He's holding it like a tryhard faggot.


full of jews and darkies

shut your mouth you frogposting faggot

Looks like the commies started early.

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22 casualties is not the same as 22 dead, for all we know it could be zero fatalities

that guy is white

>americans still believe in gun ownership


top kekk

black hair = not white

full of them too

looks like the 56% face tbqh


>whiteboy MAGA Jow Forums poster in texas shoots up a walmart cause he was taught to have brown people by the internet

lel. pottery

You can't tell if his hair is dark brown or black from that picture of a shitty screen,

>hurr just make it illegal to own guns so that the bad guys can't get them anymore cause bad guys never do anything illegal

It's part of what our country is built on. It's my God given right and if you don't agree with it then get out and stay out.

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le good guy with a gun state

Funniest part is most of Jow Forums ain’t even white L M A O

Sounds like you're just pulling that out of your ass.

>white guy
>non-white guy
fuck off Jow Forums and /leftypol/ retards you guys are annoying as all hell

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it's all proven already you goofy ziocuck. get shot

le enlightened centrist

Its not centrism its being annoyed by racists constantly shitting up tragedies with their autism

>mfw getting ridiculed for not falling for jewish tricks
that's right, I don't have a face

What are the chances that that guy happened to be a Jow Forumsizen, got frustrated and decided to perform mass shooting?

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people used to have families/houses by their mid 20s and something to provide/live for, now for a lot of people its just a decade+ of aimless introspective self-loathing without any sign that it will get any better


This is a blue board.

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homogenic culture and race confirmed working the best

>a current shooter already has all of his internet information pulled up and is shared by media.
Please provide source

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Usa is even behind India top kek

Because those retards only stop 1 in 100 of these

how many black people does india have?

All of them?

Turn 18.

>unironically cries about racism
>tells others to grow up

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Pretty sound logic bro

again user you have to be 18 to post here

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>wearing ear protection
Maximum cringe.


Only when you count niggers.

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Shit, meant to reply to

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wow what do all of the highest countries on that list have in common?

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The stoppage rate's a bit higher than that.

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