Why are men so fucking gay...

Why are men so fucking gay? Half of you fags want your ideal woman to have a 12 inch uncut cock and kiwifruit sized balls, the rest probably just stick to watching BBC gangbangs, compilations and cock reveals.

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isnt this what you women wanted, equal representation in the economy?

Yeah, I've been watching tranny porn a lot and trying to get back into mainstream shit feels gayer than the tranny shit. It seems like the girls are just there as props for the guys. It's always so dick-centric. The best shit I found was yanks. They just do solo and lesbian shit.

uhh NO I want my gf to have a nice small penor with cute little balls!

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No bitch, fuck you! It's women who are gay. You all fuck other women. Society encourages you to be gay. Popular culture encourages men to treat bisexual women like the most thrilling partners. Women fuck other women and then everyone readily forgives them if they're ever embarrassed by it." Oh she was just a young woman experimenting, I'm sure she'll settle down with a nice man."

Most women are queer and it sucks.

>Most women are queer and it sucks.
Why? Surely you'd rather a girl you want to date had been licked rather than dicked.

being gay is so common these days it actually feels adventurous to be straight

>most watched type of porn by women : Lesbian
>4th most searched term by women : Big black dick

I know it's (((pornhub))), but c'mon.

>just want a normal girl with no penis
>still too gay for most girls either way because I've had a bf before
It's an odd feel

you have to have registered a pornhub account to factor into those statistics. the """women""" are probably 90 percent male

pornhub stats are all bullshit. it's based on the gender selected when you make a user account. do you see the problem with that?

I know they are kikes and they are probably cooking the numbers. I know they push the BBC meme and the incest meme and all the degeneracy.


There are still approx 600,000 amateur videos of coalburners fucking niggers.

She can't raw dog Jamal without catching a little niglet. She can fuck her girlfriends without ever being caught.

and theres probably 20 million amateurs taking white dicks

hi faggots
i will kill you all

thanks4bump thrad

reported2FBI thx

whats ur address nigger?

1234 first avenue westeast
christchurch, NZ

thanks i will come and visit

>Half of you fags want your ideal woman to have a 12 inch uncut cock and kiwifruit sized balls

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tfw wish I could leave Jow Forums and all the gay shit but there's no where else to go.

women are dykes