Stay motivated, user. Stop jacking off, and get back to jacking up

Stay motivated, user. Stop jacking off, and get back to jacking up.

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It's not working out man it's fucking homework. I like my career but damn sometimes I just dont feel like doing shit with my brain. Wish my brain had as much energy as my body does.


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I started eating like dog fucking shit again you guys. But I keep going to gym which is good I guess..

What if I do both?

Ye, thats pretty basado

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I was doing fine until you fuckers started posting pictures of qt girl feet.

Jow Forums fucking help me
I masturbated today
and have been having weak erections
I just got a message from a girl who wants to bang in about 2 hours

what the fuck do I do
I'm panicking- I won't be able to get hard and stress out to ED

help me anons in my time of need

Don’t go bro

user I wish, but this is the first girl in a year since my ex cheated on me that's given me a chance
gotta do it and somehow get and stay hard for all of it

>girl who wants to bang in about 2 hours
>what the fuck do I do
>I'm panicking
Imagine letting a woman decide when you have sex. Imagine not knowing what the fuck to do. Imagine panicking. Are you even trying to make it?

>relax m8, stress kills boners.
> take some zinc its an aphrodisiac.
> in the future don’t jerk off so much if you are having trouble getting it up once or twice a week is plenty, and if you do stop watching porn it really helps

>Are you even trying to make it?
yeah I get it's pathetic. It's been a rough year, so having this opportunity is kinda of a 'wow I never thought this could happen to me' thing so i'm over doing it. I know I need to stop idolizing sex

Focus on the gains and on God, not on these worldly women, my man.

nice gains, pepe

I feel, user. Persevere for what is good!

Jesus knows I need the help. I strayed from the church this last year, been feeling hollow since

Why not do both? Jacking off helps me get a restful sleep after an intense workout.

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Come back to the Church, user. The Father’s eagerly awaiting your return home.

I get so fucking depressed when I don't jackoff. I just spent 3 hours lying on my bed doing absolutely nothing listening to black metal. I'm gonna meet this girl next saturday so I really don't wanna fap cause I've had problems with ED with her before but fuck me I just realized how much time I used to spend fapping that now it's free and I don't feel like doing anything else.
t. virgin

>stressed about being stressed to the point of ED
just stop being stressed you incel

You worry about it not getting hard, which makes it not get hard, which stresses you even more, which makes it go even softer, and the cycle repeats itself for the next 6 hours until you drop her off at home and seriously consider suicide for the first time in your life.

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We all go through phases. The important part is to at least hang on to one part of the routine and from there eventually you will get back into the swing.
Important part is to know you will get back into it no matter what.
It's a journey, not a race user!

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Let me tell you all what the fuck happened.
I got led into a middle of a thunderstorm, given a wrong number and told that she enjoys messing with guys
Me and all my shit is fucking soaked
and now I'm chilled going to bed alone
If this isn't a divine lesson I don't know what is
I've got to abandon thots and pick up the cross again with more focus on the gains and healing the self

Jow Forumsizens I'll need your help- but fuck if this wasn't a wake up(that I'll probably still fall for as I recover)

fuck I feel fucking humiliated and disgusted with myself

Get moderately drunk

We need White Sharia

im gonna stay inside all day and play videogames

you were played by the succubus

Ohhhhhh yeah

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Glad you got the wakeup call, user. Christ awaits!


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make me

>getting outplayed by a woman
It happens but don't let it happen again

Not seeing a Push up thread, you guys know what to do


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What does Jow Forums think of xanax?

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i cant stop smoking weed bros...



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Never had it but I hate-love clonazepam. Such a stupidly mind numbing substance, but I end up going full retarded. The other day I got detained for 6 hours and I was still high as fuck when I got released.


Using drugs as a form of escapism is degeneracy and should be rejected. Face life head-on.

Xanax and rest of those drugs are poison
Stop taking them

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>of course I jacked in how could you tell?

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