This glasses

where can i get glasses like this? what are they called?

Attached: glasses.png (1051x432, 848K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Faggot shades

why are you so dumb?

Attached: file.png (475x425, 147K)

heres the sideview

Attached: sideview.png (1048x442, 780K)

You need lmao1tritium


>Fitness and exercises
Welders use masks.
You are a steampunk larper.

>getting your fashion tips from Sam Raimi’s 2004 hit Spider-Man 2
What fucking board am I on right now?

you want to look like this OP?

Attached: abe99c62-d121-491b-9f64-ad28d5400387.jpg (640x485, 56K)

>he isnt a Raimiboi

Attached: 1563488674275.jpg (2208x1242, 234K)

>these glasses

except i wont look dumb because im not dumb

>not preferring Alucard's glasses
Never gonna make it

Attached: IMG_8136.jpg (796x732, 157K)

Doc Ock was a pretty big guy in 2006

Attached: C9C1F13F-E46F-4BFC-BAFE-C38B1FFEFF54.jpg (1024x1601, 235K)

fuck me i thought i was on /fa/ sorry everyone. mods you can delete the thread. my bad.


How is he doing BP with those things on his back?

Shit artist. Should've just added holes for his tentacles to the bench and it would've made sense.

> Shit artist.
Well, isn't that always the case.

you have to be able to hold the power of the sun in the palm of your hands. Tell me OP, are you strong enough?

His tentacles probably suspended him a lil off the bench while he was pressing.

bro where

what that user said

where can I get these?