Why don't you have a cute autistic gf user?

Why don't you have a cute autistic gf user?


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I had one until she fell off a cliff and died on impact =(

Because there will already be enough autism in my relationship coming from me. Don't need her to be an autist too.

>fell of a cliff and died on impact
Apologies if that's true. At least she didn't suffer.

I know a qt autistic girl. She's still a thot that does tiktoks and shit like that. So there'd be no benefit to dating her.

Guys just say their gf died when they got dumped.

yeah but if she's autistic then she can understand where you're coming from. it's a match made in heaven
not THAT kind of autistic ya dummy, the sweet kind where she doesn't like social situations and has tons of quirks and is super naive to the world

>Why don't you have a cute autistic gf user?
im a shut in you dumbass

Super cute teeth

>the sweet kind where she doesn't like social situations and has tons of quirks and is super naive to the world
I know a girl like that but she's not romantically interested. Maybe with time we can be a couple but I think a good friendship is a better starting point than a chase.

>why don't you want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't understand your emotions
Gee I wonder

Yeah nigger, I know her in real life. She's not vocal in real life, but still does a bunch of internet shit and texts a lot. She's literally diagnosed with autism and it's noticeable. There's just no such thing as a pure naive girl like you want. The internet exists and autisic people aren't full on retarded.

I do. We like to burrito ourselves together in blankets and roll around. She also likes it when I lie on top of her. No better gf exists.

She reminds me of someone familiar...

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what happened to her, what's she up to in 2019?

>Why don't you have a cute autistic gf user?
i would like one very much.
do any autistic femanons want to ldr?

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>Why don't you have a cute autistic gf user?
yea but how do i find one, where do they go

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they all go for Chad actually lol

>still camwhores
Robots don't have female counterparts. Never had and never will.

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oddly enough, I'm actually trying to start something with one.
Way back when, we almost went out, and stuff happened (yes, it was my fault). It's all good now though, and I told her why that shit happened, she understood.
>autistic girls are the best

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>>autistic girls are the best
how do you acquire them though

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I've had a few OP. I'm not parasitically that well off myself (somewhere on the spectrum but not diagnosed) but fucking hell autistic gf's are a fucking nightmare. These are just examples for my last gf who bear in mind was 27. its like dealing with a 2 year old at is worst and its best an entitled 14 year old. Take autism add in the general entitlement women are granted...you get temper tantrums over the smallest shit, like dying in a video game, can't have serious conversations because "That's grown up stuff and I'm still a child in my mind" General public awkwardness, "I want to be a voice actor" starts quoting anime is weird voices at the top of her lungs Listening to nightcore full volume unironically. And if you call her out on any of her bullshit "Why do you hate autistic people user?" Seriously dude it'd be better to hold their head down in a sink till the bubbles stopped.

bz, I'm so ugly that even autistic girls rejected me.

Eat shit

hey user
your imaginary girlfriend is shit

>Why don't you have a cute autistic gf user?
Autistic males outnumber females like 5 to 1 at least.
Secondly, normie males are perfectly willing to date an autistic girl, so not only do I have to beat the rest of the autistic competition, I have to compete with normies and worse yet, Chads.
Normie females are generally completely unwilling to date an autistic male, unless he is really rich or really good looking, so the sheer difference in potential dating pool and competition that an autistic male faces when trying to land a gf just isn't even worth the effort.

I've known some extra-high-functioning chicks that are straight up wifeable. One of them liked a status of mine from 2014 a few weeks ago, but again, autistic, so not necessarily a hint.

I knew an autistic girl from school, she didnt have any friends and was bullied but she was cute.
Now she's married and has a kids and I'm still friendless and get snubbed at work. I was to reroll life and go back and talk to her

>what happened to her
The inevitable. I would post the picture of her with dyke hair and a face full of piercings, but I didn't save it.

An austistic woman is just a regular roastie who has limited empathy. She will emotionally abuse you and feel justified in doing so.

>I use my autism for camwhoring so autism shouldn't be cured and instead people should (((''''''''accept'''''''))) it like one of those reasons that people use to pretend to be a special snowflake
>also did you see my dyke hair?
I have an urge to punch her in the face.

>I use my autism for camwhoring so autism shouldn't be cured
This bitch is so full of herself that she sees herself as perfect. Curing autism is heresy to her because she thinks herself a god.

>have autism gf
>notice she tells long stories for no reason with no point, especially about video games
>tell her to play Dwarf Fortress because the stories are most of the point
>she actually does and I keep getting BIRB BARD adventure stories
She has the emotional maturity of a baby cockatoo but I'm at peace with that.