>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 25
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>uses pharmaceuticals
>raised by single mother(single father is a yellow flag)
>involved with shitty family
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>lives in a city
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>fat or underweight
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
>constantly listening to music
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
>wears jewellery
>has unnatural/nontraditional hair
>wears makeup
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>drinks soda
>is an atheist
>is an egalitarian
>is a multiculturalist
>is a globalist
>curses excessively
>uses Jow Forums
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
>addicted to social media
>is a narcissist
>is a slob/can't clean
>has an aversion to Japanese media
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker
And you?

Attached: DFV26.jpg (692x636, 193K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how many of these rules are okay for the girl to break because these are pretty high standards

Kill yourself you post this thread like every other day

I'll just post my requirements
>no kids
>under 30 or look under 30 (I'm 23)
>not black
>can be a bit chubby but not obese
I don't think it's too picky

They aren't high standards, you have low standards. As for how many red flags, it depends on which they are. Being a non-virgin and not a widow is a single red flag deal breaker, but if she still actively eats junk food and dresses immodestly that is two red flags I could work with if she doesn't display any others.

if a woman doesn't exist whom you're describing, I think it's safe to say your standards are too high.

>not a virgin

Good luck with that. Might as well hold out for a girl that can fly and shit diamonds.

Is it the same user though? He always posts with an anime picture and this time the list has new red flags, such as being underweight.

Why are you concerned with being "too picky"?
A red flag list is not a check list that a woman must meet every single aspect to become my wife. That said, women such as that do exist.

My standards are very basic, with a dash of racial preference.

These are my red flags i think they are pretty fair.
>more than 10 sexual partners
>taller than 6'0" or shorter than 5'0"
>wears extremely heavy caked-on makeup
>overly religious
>likes anime/manga/japanese entertainment
>she smells bad

Attached: 1526913899253.jpg (1024x1448, 133K)

Why are you concerned with "being fair"? Why do you want to please whores?
>>overly religious
Gaytheism strikes again.

>raised by a single mother
>lives with roommates
>went to public school
>wants to go to university
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year (once a week)
>drinks soda
>is a globalist
>uses Jow Forums
>watches netflix
>doesn't like anime
at least i'm not a slut.

>>doesn't like anime
But you lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Dumb tranny.

most of these a good but nail polish, jewelry and heels are green flags.

There are some legit red flags in here, but a lot of these are fine.

I don't wanna limit my options I guess. I have ED and am only 5'10 so I know I'm bottom of the barrel.

>nail polish, jewelry and heels are green flags.
You're wrong.

>has an aversion to Japanese media
I can read between the lines, I know OP is a weeb.

Putting effort into her appearence and embracing femininity is good, as long as she's classy about it. Girls who wear exclusively leggings and sweatshirts are almost always giant sluts.

>this bait again
Fuck off OP

Attached: ddrclose.png (247x265, 69K)

>Putting effort into her appearence and embracing femininity is good
None of the things you said are green flags improve appearance, are feminine, or are classy.

Attached: Wapanese.jpg (800x635, 99K)

Okay, I know this is bait now so I'm not going to bother.

what if you use contraceptives to ease the pain or shorten the frequency of periods

having periods only every three months is the best thing that has ever happened to me

Just run away. Dismiss a conflicting view that threatens your fragile world view as non-serious and protect yourself, little baby.

For me
>abrahamist scum
>under 5'4''
>not spiritual
>less than 5/10

Traps don't have periods ever user, you're going crazy

Attached: 1553907363818.gif (491x491, 1.44M)

Jesus fucking christ, that is the moat incel shit i ever seen in my life, thank god guys like you don't have a real social life i would hate to be in the same place as you, is becouse of fat fuckers like you that feminist exist

>what if you use contraceptives to ease the pain or shorten the frequency of periods
Why do you think consuming damaging pharmaceuticals that compromise public health and personal reproductive health is preferable to experience her natural biological cycle?

Menstrual pains are not life threatening.

Birth control changes your hormones and turns you fat and manly

Because you're basing your "red flags" on your personal taste rather than actual warning signs of bad character.

capitalism makes contraceptives necessary. A bad period can take a woman out of work for up to a week with no treatment.

I wish I was a trap, never having a period would be the best thing in the world

>Because you're basing your "red flags" on your personal taste rather than actual warning signs of bad character.
Red flags are not exclusively the latter, but the majority of mine are based only on objective warning signs of bad character.

Is that worth a severely decreased life expectancy though?

So an Amish weeabo?

I'm going to add "has a job" to the list just to make my position on that clear.

capitalism makes a nuclear family with 1 breadwinner impossible to maintain.

but the severe depression and mood swings that come with the menstrual cycle are. having to deal with that for a whole week every month is hell

Uh huh we do, it's when our vagina tries to heal and we manually have to open it up

It's not a period when it happens every fucking day

Communism makes bread impossible

>but the severe depression and mood swings that come with the menstrual cycle are
Oh? Then how did human females deal with these life threatening feelings for all of human history?
>having to deal with that for a whole week every month is hell
Ok, and men having to fight and die to provide for and protect women is hell. We all have our crosses to bear, and a woman that eschews her responsibilities out of selfish desires is a BIG red flag.

menstrual cycles range in severity, I am in the range where I have the option to be able to have a prescription if i have the money

what responsibilities, Im not getting laid, I have no BF, Now that im on birth control I dont ditch uni or work when i have that once every three month period

>dresses prudishly
>doesn't like sucking dick and swallowing
>conservative (really the only deal breaker here)
>isn't into polygamy

for me

>is 25 or older

and that's literally it, I've given up on having standards, at this point I'm just trying to get my fucking foot in the door in terms of dating. maybe once I get some experience/confidence I can get some standards.

>menstrual cycles range in severity
Yes, and I am of the belief that there is no level of menstrual pain that justifies the use of damaging pharmaceuticals. They should be banned.
>what responsibilities
Your responsibility to preserve your reproductive health and continue your bloodline.
>Now that im on birth control I dont ditch uni or work
You should not be going to university or working. No young women should.

are you fucking amish or something?

No, I'm just not a retard.

absolutely and unironically based/redpilled

>She's not in a cage
big red flag for me basically a deal breaker

Attached: 1534651124651.jpg (224x225, 5K)

>not an antinatalist
absolutely normiepilled and kill yourself. there is nobody on this board fit to have kids.

You have unhealthy desires. Maybe try talking to someone?

I will add "is an antinatalist" to the list.

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for curiosities sake, how do you feel about infertile women

You think anyone on r9k should be raising a child? That's foolhardy.

Never met one, but I imagine it is something that would come up early when I meet a woman and I'd immediately categorize her under "not for courting" in my mind.

for me:
>has tattoos
>has piercings other than ears
>has kids unless she has a >daughter
>is black
>taller than 5'11 w/ or w/out heels
>is fat (or out of shape, w/ some exceptions)
>is ugly
>has ugly vagina (beef curtains, etc) or it smells
>is lazy or at least lazier than i am
>is an ultra-normie or npc (eg. she watches kardashians, dresses like like a basic bitch, has no opinions of her own)
>is overly dumb
>is a nag
>smokes cigarettes (though i've made an exception before, namely when i was a smoker)
>is super edgy
>too much makeup
>meat eater (i've had to deal but i'd rather a vegetarian/vegan)
>can't hold a conversation
>isn't in to giving bjs
>too slutty
>can't cook (every girl i've ever met has been a worse cook than myself)
>ugly nipples or body
>short hair
>phone/social media addiction
>tv addiction
>doesn't read
>reads YA
>isn't into literature
>isn't into diverse music styles
>isn't into film
>is a redditor
>no sense of humor
>no personality/boring (most girls desu)
>is mean or unkind
>doesn't take care of herself
>only cares about herself
>is spoiled

those are the big ones i can think of atm

Is this a joke list? I don't get it.

what's there to get? it's just my opinion. i have more but those came first to mind

If you really aren't baiting then enjoy dying alone, OP.

Attached: images.jpg (267x189, 7K)

My personal redflags

>Immaturity, everyone is allowed to have their moments for shits and giggles, but if you're past you early 20's and can't handle reality you're a fucking waste of time
>Uses apps tinder, sorry no. Not for me, shows you're not committed and just want an easy lay. good luck with the STD's though
>Extensive use of make up or body modifcation, here and there is fine, but we all know the kinda girl I mean, shows you're not happy with who you are. Likely a sign of mental instability, I have my own shit to deal with and I'm not your caretaker
>Brags about mental illness or autism, so great you'll use to self aggrandize but not try to better yourself and improve
>Posts inane bullshit on social media, trying to start drama, or reads the headline of an article and reposts without actually reading it, NPC behavior related
>Not being driven, you don't have any goals apart from mooching off mommy and daddy and that will become me
>Not using common sense, "What's a grainstore for"? real world example

There's more I could thing of, but that will do for now.

>under the women are wonderful spell, lacks empathy for men
>shit talks other people a lot
>ugly tattoos
>short hair
>neon coloured hair


Attached: monobeno 2.jpg (1280x720, 257K)

basically all females in the world?

Attached: preguntandose dudando wondering asking question mark pregunta anime monita china.jpg (200x222, 8K)

>what do you think guys
>itt: everybody who disagrees with me is wrong and a tranny
lmao op only wants his worldview reinforced, Nothing interesting to see here, abandon thread!

>has had or wants casual sex
>wants children
>has children
>multiple failed past relationships
>does drugs / drinks
>is a normie
my extremely low standards


They breath/move around, etc.

Attached: how whores use 'fake-up'.jpg (960x960, 113K)

>more than 10 sexual partners
>taller than 6'0" or shorter than 5'0"
>wears extremely heavy caked-on makeup
>overly religious
>likes anime/manga/japanese entertainment
>she smells bad
N-not normally

Is this how virgins cope? 100% of you would settle for a 4/10 that does all of that

you're the kind of person who will scream "why does nobody want me?!?" when you finally find the 1 person on the planet who meets your criteria and she rejects you because you have no real-life hobbies and you don't shower

>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 25
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>uses pharmaceuticals
For headaches
>raised by single mother(single father is a yellow flag)
>involved with shitty family
N-not directly
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>lives in a city
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>fat or underweight
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
>constantly listening to music

Attached: 18630_Mr5PQ4wy.png (600x600, 244K)

>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
N-Ears but I never wear earrings
>wears jewellery
>has unnatural/nontraditional hair
>wears makeup
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
Y-Clear at the moment though
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>drinks soda
>is an atheist
>is an egalitarian
>is a multiculturalist
>is a globalist
>curses excessively
>uses Jow Forums
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
>addicted to social media
>is a narcissist
>is a slob/can't clean
Am slob, can clean
>has an aversion to Japanese media
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
N-doesnt affect me
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker
How many flags does it take to break a deal?

weow i hit 15 of these :^)

also why would you practice something you consider to be a redflag? ie, using Jow Forums.
also isn't Jow Forums kinda social media? just anonymous.
also if watches tv is a redflag and not liking japanese media, which includes japanese television, is watching japanese television a redflag?

Attached: 1490673892167.jpg (850x476, 104K)

>wide hips
>any body type aside from sticc
>prone to sudden/frequent mind changes
>emotionally volatile
>any sort of mental illness
>too high or too low self esteem
>tries to be cute, "kawaii", or feminine
>avoids cursing
>likes children
>has trouble standing up for herself
>parrots other people's opinions
>any form of hypocritical behaviour
>thinks she's intelligent
>heterosexual/attracted to males in any capacity
>high sex drive
>gets "crushes"
>lacks integrity, morality, or principles
>weeb in any capacity
>thinks she's 'nerdy' or has nerdy interests
>college dropout
>one of the biggest dealbreakers: submissive, either socially or sexually, has ever, EVER, ever submitted to someone, or fantasised about it
>takes pictures of herself of any kind, including clothed and non-lewd
>has EVER sent nudes
>avoids self responsibility for her own stupid mistakes
>uses her age as an excuse for anything
Loads moar but there's the gist.

where are all these egirl larpers coming from, filling it out like its a questionnaire? you know this wasn't supposed to be a contest right? do you all just live in the r9k sewers then just crawl out when somebody vaguely mentions females?

Attached: S1LBYrO.jpg (206x206, 4K)

Did you even read my post you utter fucking retard

Idk its fun :D

Good point.

My anxiety has decreased a bit once I've started (correctly) assuming that no women virgins exist.

I feel contempt for them now which is a sad thing. But at least I no longer put women on a pedestal .

Attached: images(3).jpg (239x211, 10K)

>posts consistent half naked pictures on social media for attention
>using mental illness to feel unique
>some obscure or dumb orientation (pan, demi, etc.)

Sluts are better user. I've had like super amazing sex with minor sluts. And I've done so much freaky shit with major sluts I got my sexuality figured out. Experienced women are a gift, not a curse.

What you guys need to do is fuck as many nasty white girls, Asian girls (a especially paki/Indian Korean/Japanese) and as many black chicks as you can. Fuck there tattoos habits all that shit. Charm that bitch, grab that bitch, as long as she is minimum 75% down for it. Trust me boys. Ive seen more pussy than a litter box! RIMSHOT!

>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
You're right.
>older than 25
Depend on your age. I would only go for a girl that is younger than me (or one year older at maximum if she's worth it).
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
Well, i don't see the point of a virgin using that...
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
I don't mind it, as long as she's reasonable and don't abuse it. After all, i do it myself and i'm no hypocrite.
>uses pharmaceuticals
I avoid them myself, but i don't consider that as a red flag in itself. The redflag would be the weak immune system for me.
>raised by single mother(single father is a yellow flag)
Depend on her mother. A few (0.01%) are really dependable and teach their children discipline and virtue, like mine (she's a widow).

>goes through each red flags to see how she measures up, and posts about it
this is a big one

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a small favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really nice server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join by entering this link in your URL bar now:


Attached: akarin 5.png (419x398, 235K)

>has any thoughts, opinions and beliefs other than the ones I allow her to have
>isn't a perfect little doll that exists only to serve me and validate my monstrous ego
>has free will
>has intersected with any male that isn't me

>involved with shitty family
Can't choose your family, m8.
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
What's wrong with living alone?
If she doesn't have family close and study somewhere far, it's not a problem.
>lives in a city
I won't blame someone for their location, they don't have a choice.
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
I agree.
>fat or underweight
Depend on the amount, i can accept a girl a bit chubby or too thin.
>went to government school
We don't all live in shithole, in my country, government school are high tier, so whatever.
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
If she had a fixed plan and didn't went because of some retarded thinking, that's alright.
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
Hmm, i agree somewhat.
>constantly listening to music
Do people like that exist?
>has dark skin
I don't mind at all, i ain't a racist.
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
That's right, those are degenerates.
>wears jewellery
Family heirlooms or formal occasion are ok for me.
>has unnatural/nontraditional hair
Aposematism. Nuff said.
>wears makeup
Sometimes, if she feels like it, it's fine. But everyday is a no for me.
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
If she like the esthetic of painted finger and she doesn't cook when painted, i'm good.
But plastic are disgusting.
>wears high heels
I don't understand the point of wearing those shoes, if one has a rational explanation, i wouldn't mind.
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
No, i like eating at fancy restaurants sometimes.
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
A lack of discipline is a redflag indeed.
>drinks soda
It's junk food.
>is an atheist
Depend on her philosophy
>is an egalitarian
Equity > egality.
If she can't understand that, she must leave.

>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>uses pharmaceuticals
>raised by single mother(single father is a yellow flag)
>involved with shitty family
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>lives in a city
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>fat or underweight
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>listens to "pop"
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
>has unnatural/nontraditional hair
>wears makeup
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>drinks soda
>is a multiculturalist
>is a globalist
>curses excessively
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>watches television
>is a narcissist
>is a slob/can't clean
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker

>is a multiculturalist
>is a globalist
True, i agree.
>curses excessively
Vulgarity is not good at all, i wouldn't like someone speaking like that in front of my children.
>uses Jow Forums
I'm not an hypocrite, if i use it, she can use it, as long as she isn't an attention whore or a spammer.
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
I wouldn't understand her if so anyways.
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
If she really needs it psychologically, i wouldn't forbid her.
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
A few old movies sometimes are nice, but watching TV shows is horrible.
>addicted to social media
Pitiful people, i wholeheartedly agree.
>is a narcissist
Avoid it with all my might.
>is a slob/can't clean
Same as laziness, lack of discipline is no good.
>has an aversion to Japanese media
What's wrong with that? I can understand her if she cringes seeing some weeaboo's shit. That would be a green flag for me.
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
If she have similar standards for her taste, she's an hypocrite.
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker
I don't care about that

>>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>>older than 25
>>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>>uses pharmaceuticals
>>raised by single mother(single father is a yellow flag)
>>involved with shitty family
>>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>>lives in a city
>>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>>fat or underweight
>>went to government school
>>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>>listens to hiphop/rap
>>listens to "pop"
>>constantly listening to music
>>has dark skin
>>has tattoos
>>wears immodest clothing
>>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
>>wears jewellery
>>has unnatural/nontraditional hair
>>wears makeup
>>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
>>wears high heels
>>eats fast food
>>eats junk food
>>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>>drinks soda
>>is an atheist
>>is an egalitarian
>>is a multiculturalist
>>is a globalist
>>curses excessively
>>uses Jow Forums
>>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>>watches television
>>has a Netflix account
>>addicted to social media
>>is a narcissist
>>is a slob/can't clean
>>has an aversion to Japanese media
>>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
>>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker

your list is too short

Frame this one. Its exactly what men want.


Attached: file 17.jpg (1016x774, 191K)

this is why youll never have a gf

t. lots of "red flags"

>my gf is riding horses and recently told me she has bpd
still not gonna leave her desu bros, I love her company too much

OP post is obviously exaggerated bullshit

I'll give my own personal realistic ones though:

>Obese (not overweight, but obese)
>any huge tattoos
>more than 2-3 small tattoos
>excessive piercings
>very politically outspoken (in any direction)
>excessive politics on social media
>huge debts (over 50k) unless medfag/lawfag
>over 10 sexual partners
>single mom of mixed race children
>single mom of more than 2 children (i can't support that financially)
>any casual sex/hookups/tinder/flings

I'm aware the last one will flag many but I just can't compromise on it.

t. Cyborg who has had gf's and would unironically date pic related if she met the criteria

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 22K)