How many shakes do you drink a day?

How many shakes do you drink a day?

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One. Double scoop + banana with 10-20% brown spots, half avocado, tablespoon peanut butter, and three oreos. Half cashew milk half water and a half teaspoon of ground flaxseed.
Thinking of adding some acai or berries, or changing the cashew milk for yoghurt.

It currently stands as 1400 calories and goes down real easy.

Do you drink shakes on rest days?

A double after a workout. Might have have one during the day if my protein is down.

for the past year 95% of my protein intake has been whey protein

Yes always

I don't drink anything out of those stupid bottles.

Based thanks for the support goyim.

Your protein needs don't change on rest days

Fuck I forgot to drink a shake today.

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depends on how much protein I eat that day itll vary between 0-3. normally 1, 2 a day more often lately because I've been too lazy to cook

How much liquid cause avocado and banana would make that shit thick as fuck

1 with brekky and 1 with dinner

One. Double scoop with 1 tbsp wheat germ oil and 2 cups of doujiang. But I drink it out of a glass though, I'm not sure about the plastic shaker bottles. Can't you just blend it?

>three oreos
Why tho

3 - 4 with varying scoop sizes depending on my need

whey is cheap compared to meat and i'm a poor fag

one, two scoops.
im only aiming for 1g/lb lean mass per day


Huh I’ll actually try that thanks user

2 shakes of 2 scoops per day :^)

my nigger

Idk, usually 2, 4 scoops and 500 ml of milk... 50 gr each shake I guess

If it's a hot day, I take 3 shakes, it's tasty