What the fuck do I do, Jow Forums?
What the fuck do I do, Jow Forums?
>black girl complaining about her life being a mess
red flag
Say hello.
who cares, those tits are great
Swipe left, delete Tinder, rethink your life
Be assertive; flirt around with what you want but get closer until you're out with it; and "looking for a nice guy!!" does not mean to put her pussy on a pedestal.
do not go for girls who revel in being "depressed"
Thats what i thought and wasted 2 years of my life with that depressed fucking mess of a person
The girl in the pic is here on vacation so I don't think I'll be spending 2 years with her no matter what
Why not could be good to have someone who can relate to my pessimistic isle of existential perception.
Cum on her fivehead
How do I get to that stage? I'm a slav so please explain in simple english
Literally type 'do you want to have sex?'
Say whatever you want if she doesn't respond to it positively. If she is interested tell her where you can meet offer to go to a coffee shop or something first but make it clear you are going to your place to fuck after. Any other move is for losers.
Red flag red flag red flag red flag
This bitch probably has BPD. She'll bang on first date but she also will spaz out and ruin your life.
>t. Banged crazy chick from tinder that ruined my life
Colonize her butthole
She's in my country in vacation so her impact on my life cant be big and fucking on the first date is literally the thing I'm looking for
Swipe right and call her a moon cricket
she's BLACK
Reci crnkinji da ide u tri zive picke materne i nadi sebi neku dobru poljakinju, tupane
Do a convorstation with her
>aspie needs to ask an anime board what do to with a girl
>thinks he's having sex on first date
this. sorry OP but if you have to ask what to do, then it's not happening.
"hi, i don't speak english very well, but you are very pretty :)"
hit her with the retarded foreigner routine, and then hit her with the BSC (big slavic cock)
Kek you realise Chad literally tells these girls his address and is getting laid within the hour right?
you are missing the point entirely.
>woman complaining
>red flag
Women complain no matter what you virgin incel.
Right up that poop chute bro
I literally had sex for the first time yesterday and that shit was tiring, but holy shit it feels like a power move. I nutted in a teenage girl and got her pregnant after slipping off the condom. Nofap/noporn is sort of a blessing. My confidence is at an all time high.
Confirmed for never having gotten a match.