How tf is this supposed to make me more aesthetic?

How tf is this supposed to make me more aesthetic?

Also General /cut/ thread.
>I can't for the life of me force myself to eat many small meals so I just eat all my protein and calories in two huge bulks, but eating every two-three hours is just too damn interupting to me.

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It's gotta be on your stomach idiot, you don't cut fat from your arms.

looks like you were playing with your cat. I wish my scars would go away it looks like I permanently tried to off myself last week forever

same lol

I have really deep scarring on my arm from when I used to cut myself with a surgical scalpel as an edgy teen (over 7 years ago now, I'm 21), not exactly a good look but I've come to terms with it. They're like huge keloids at this point and it's obvious to everyone that I am mentally ill whenever I wear short sleeves.

I'm trying to eat clean. But since I've gone on a cut I've had the constant desire for ice cream, pizza etc. to a point where I can't concentrate on anything else. Even when I eat my broccoli and tofu, the desire is still super strong and keeps lingering in the background.

do you have a kitty? they really don't know how much their nails hurt, do they

>gatekeeping self-harm
cutting is a sign of deeper issues, shitposting is also a sign of deeper issues
get help

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kitty :3

my ex used to cut before i met her, said i was too good for her but still miss her desu

Meow meow meow haha

Just out of interest, how do you guys do it?

For me or depends super much on how I feel.
>if I feel aggressive, I go really fast and do a lot of superficial cuts which give a burning sensation in the long run
>If I feel a deeper selfhatred, I really meticulously press the knife in and only slide it really slowly which gives instant, cutting pain and leaves way deeper cuts that are harder to hide the days after.

Shit is serious.

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mirin arms, fuarkin shredded

Psycho girls are goat. Never met a non-borderline /-depressed /-bipolar girl that was really interesting to talk to. Either being a philosophy hoe makes you mentally ill, or mentally ill people just have a deeper view into themselves and the universe.

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No one cares faggot

Are you a woman? Stop cutting yourself. There are different ways of harming yourself see pic related

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I cut with a scalpel, you got any tips fellow user

hahah if you want to hurt yourself try 20 rep back squats. I'd bet money you lack the willpower

>Are you a woman?
Clearly a guy

weak chin gang reporting in

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Anyone with cut scars has a mentally deficiency and are severely damaged. My entire life has been an epic down fall, including my father committing suicide and my mother going to prison, and have suffered from extreme depression and mental illness, but never once thought about harming myself. Beta as fuck and yes people are judging you

I did this a lot when I was younger, but they aren't very deep on my outer arms. A couple bad ones on my inner wrists, but not awful. My thighs are completely fucked however

This thread made me remember banging a girl with cuts all over her upper thighs. They were a few days old too. Fucking hot

Serge Nubret ate one meal a day only. 3kgs of horse meat + sides. 6 meals is a meme

Tiny meals throughout the day is a meme designed to make people buy more food and supplements.

Don't be a fucking sheep.

Get sleeve tattoos

The cuts not the girl btw


interesting how?

I cut myself because I was an emo faggot. Are you an emo faggot?

I thought teenage girls were the only ones who cut themselves. You fags need to explain your poor life choices right now.

You need to have cheat meals. 1-3 a week, try 1 if that's not enough 2.

A cheat meal should be a Pre-Scheduled, safety relief valve for when you're cutting. It's almost impossible to be strict week after week, month after month, to lose weight the cheat meals help reduce the feelings of deprivation that can lead to a binge.

So say your TDEE is 2000 calories, and you're running a 25% caloric deficit of 1500 calories a day. Say that 1500 calories is 3 meals, 500 calories each. Once a week, maybe twice, you can have a cheat meal. The best way I've done it is on the day of your scheduled cheat meal, cut 1 of your regular meals out, so you'd have 2 meals for 1000 calories, and then your cheat meal is 1000 calories (totaling to your TDEE). NEVER go over your TDEE and eat a surplus, ever, when you're cutting.

If you can eat at a 25% deficit for 5-6 days a week, then once/twice a week you eat at maintenance, that's still great. This will stop you from binging and keep on track.

Do guys actually like girls with cuts???


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If she cuts, she fucks

you are very hot

I find scars hot

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We live in a world where that sh*t is still up and sexual health threads get deleted

men harm themselves with drugs or alcohol, pussies cut themselves

The more times you try to kill yourself = the more interesting you are.
It's simple heimerdingian science bro.


I've recently passed the milestone of 50 pounds lost. Just this week, I've lost another 3 pounds. Just wanted to brag somewhere. I still have another 32 pounds to go, but I'm proud of myself for sticking with it.

Why do teenagers think cutting themselves is fun? I never got that. What mental gymnastics are needed to make yourself believe this is a cool idea for a hobby?

Same but with smoking.
I want every smoker to visit a lung cancer ward at a children’s hospital.

I used to cut before I met my ex, always felt like he was too good for me, broke up when the crazy got to me again. Doing better now. Made massive mental gains. Really want to see him again and apologize but don't want to dig up the past ;-;

>the absolute state of Jow Forums in August
See ya in September boys.

If every cutter in the world died you wouldn't lose anything of value. Lose the alcoholics you would lose a lot of productive people. Lose the drug addicts and the entertainment industry would die overnight.

Cutters? Nothing.

just to flex on kids who never smoked and still got lung cancer lmao

I don't know why, but when i see women with visible scars i just want to hold her, and love her and protect her.
But i know they don't want me.

>the absolute state of jannies

Knock it off anons here’s a better thread theme

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I read ones that schizophrenia is corelated with higher intelegence. Currently looking up study

nevermind... also *once

I’m a cutter fag and I can never lift properly because my right arm is so fucked

Honestly, girls with scars generally have more going on upstairs both positively and negatively.
Also if they can survive what ever got them to cut themselves they can survive somebody as fucked up as me

Maybe you're just really attracted to women who are mentally ill for some reason?

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People cope as they can. I used to think self harming was retarded, but some of their stories, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Congrats user, keep going, you can do it

Cutting is for losers

I honestly feel kinda bad for liking them because deep down I fear I might just want to manipulate or exploit them. But I genuinely find them more interesting to be around, I can't help it.
They've usually thought a lot about stuff which makes super interesting conversations, seem to empathize more with me (probably because we had similar youths) and even if they have a break down and hurt you, it's much more rewarding to help them out of it than to have a girl who only passive aggressively tries to change your relationship. Plus you grow much more closer emotionally if you go through a lot of ups and downs together.

>I can't for the life of me force myself to eat many small meals so I just eat all my protein and calories in two huge bulks, but eating every two-three hours is just too damn interupting to me.
This is my problem, I just never am able to get myself to be that consistent with making food and stopping everything I'm doing to take like 30 minutes to force myself to eat, and this is assuming I'm even able to stop what I'm doing to do this. If I'm busy or working I'd have to have something prepared in advance in which case this is even more unlikely

Cut in patterns. Make a few sigils or maybe a pentagram. That'll make it effay.

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>cutting yourself
I don’t get it. I mean, I’ve been suicidal too, but cutting is attention whore shit. If you are just crying for help, be a real man and get naked in public

I have no idea why anyone would want to show they cut. I've only ever cut in places that are easily concealed by clothing because of this.

>an emo thread
is summer/fit/ the new myspace?

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>implying people who cut are stupid enough to wear short sleeves
git gud kid

Get some gauze and your cauter ready.
Also remember to switch to anatomical tweezers once you're past the fascia.
What kind of surgeon are you even, you should know this.

Someone explain cutting to me.
I read its about regaining control or some shit, but i dont really understand the mentality behind it, just looks like it'd hurt.
I wouldnt want a voluntary free trip to snapcity.

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It's two-fold.
The first is attention. Sometimes it's hard for people to notice that you're depressed/angry/crazy, so you go out of your way to demonstrate it with something as alarming as self-harm.
Secondarily, it's about a mindset of your self. You basically validate that you truly hate yourself when you cut your body, when you physically opt to harm yourself. That's where the "control" comes in, because it goes from "god i fucking am so miserable, but am I just acting? am I just being melodramatic?" to "nope, that fucking hurt, I definitely fucking loathe this body of mine". Talk the talk, walk the walk basically.

I-I only know this because of a friend is all, haha.

I get it.
I get it in the way that i get the acts of a schizophrenic writing a novel with his own shit on his bedroom wall.
I get it, but i dont understand it.

Right, and I'm sure a cutter would probably tell you the same.
It's a pretty obvious sign of someone who isn't mentally healthy and needs therapeutic attention badly.

Good point.
Thank you for the insight user.

Jow Forums = my space + (Jow Forums - Jow Forums)
Rawr XD

Imagine being so angry at someone you love that you might just actually harm them (for me this was my mom), and you want your protect them from you/ punish yourself for wanting to hurt them

Bit different than the other user:

For me it's a relief of anger. Like you know that feeling when you just get unreasonably aggressive because someone is drinking too loud or simply near you at the wrong time? And you know it's stupid and you shouldn't be feeling this way, and reacting negatively in any way would be an overkill, but somehow you can't stop imagining punching their face until they fucking bleed to death. You're the only person you can act that feeling out on, so you do it when you feel like it.
For example when I remember back to points in time where I did stupid things and it makes me really angry with myself, it feels good to finally release that built-up anger by cutting myself. It gives you a way of acting on that urge to hurt people (which I think most have) in a way that doesn't involve actually hurting anybody.

i never got the whole "make the inner pain go away" thing with cutting, to me it was all about taking care of the wounds. the deeper, the harder to take care of, the bigger is the satisfaction when you get them all healed up. i used to find that process very calming, but i'm ashamed af over the scars now.

No, i laugh about them with my friends.

stop doing that shit its stupid