Vasily Alexeiev

This man on his prime despite owning many OLY world and olympic records he was able to

>quarter squat 1000 pounds
>clean 600 lbs
>32 strict deadhang pull ups at 350 lbs
>vertical leap aprox 40 inches and some say even more

why cant /fit accept that nowadays strongman and powerlifters are memes compared to back then olympi. lifters let alone 1700-1800 strongman

search in google
Thomas Thopham
Louis Cyr
Victor delamarre

i know a 500 lbs deadlift is impressive as fuck and so is a 335 kg bench, but no they arent the strongest men


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i mean a 500 KG deadlift, not to discredict eddie hall brian shaw and many nowadays guy, but they are not the strongest

not human ever pulled horses like cyr and thopham did

>Arthur Saxon was a German strongman and circus performer from the late 19th century into the early 20th century
>At one point during a bent press performance Saxon claimed the act could not be repeated by the famous Eugen Sandow
> Sandow was unable to replicate the lift and, in retaliation, took the Saxon Trio to court

>Sandow was born to a Jewish family
The eternal jew

He was also a notorious lying fuck

What does it matter if you can lift a thousand pounds but look like ass and don't know what to do in a fight?

Cope harder.

>Thopham still got cucked
>Then he murder-suicided.
Women: not even once.

yes sadly

delamarre and cyr also had very very painfull deaths and all the heavy lifting practically ruined them to the pain they had to live off morfine, thats the price you gotta pay for being a strong fuck

lol it was well documented vasily alexeiev was strong enough to beat any fucker he wanted in a fight,oncr a drunktard break a bottle on his head and he didnt even bother thats how strong vasily was

he was not, many lifters, trainers and more saw his feats

sandow was based anyway, but yeah saxon was another league

Cope harder, loser. The guy wouldn't stand a chance against an MMA fighter or even semi-decent fighter with jiujitsu background.


great thread. totally ahistorical, 0 sources cited

Lel skinny manlet praising bjj but you have no idea how it is to break grips being a strong cunt and you can muscle fuck half your opponents. Twink faggot

>quarter squat
Stopped reading there. What a massive faggot. Now Brian shaw, that's a weightlifter

vasily was from a context where physical strenght was more important that holding a boxing or mma title, mma didnt even exist back then or didnt even had importance, weightlifting was the maximun gauge of strenght for them, vasily was all around a great athlete who could have been a beast in any contact or lifting sport he picked up

remembers they cared all about having gold medals and contact sports taking apart boxing didnt give you one, and why would vasily pick up boxing when olympic lifting would give him multiple medals anyway

vasily didnt focus on squats and deadlift, just would do them for a shortly season, he worked mainly on pulling movements, full depth or not a 1000 lbs squat even quarter rep squat for someone who didnt focus on them is just overwhelming

vasily alexeiev had remarkable grip strenght like #4 COC for reps above, everyone who met him would praise on his handshake

why the fuck does it matter? if you pick a fight with me on the street i will drop you in half a second with just a few trigger pulls. fighting is pretty much worthless nowadays.

You forgot one of his most impressive lifts:

Clean and Press 236.5 kg (521 lbs)

>Now Brian shaw, that's a weightlifter

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there's literally a TV show right now where Shaw and Hall (and two other hanger ons) are looking at and repeating various historical feats of strength

For a superheavyweight lifter once they get to 700-800lb squat it's kind of pointless to keep training the squat due to diminishing returns on their lifts. At that point it's more important to focus on bar speed

yes he was also able to strict overhead press that when he would peak on training

Cope harder, incel. Get laid.

Cope harder, incel. Get laid.

Cope harder, incel. Get laid.

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