Why does Marky admin mchan (a pedophile imageboard)...

Why does Marky admin mchan (a pedophile imageboard)? Someone who claims to show sympathy for other girls who were preyed upon by the chan crowd, yet she's admin of a board that does exactly that.

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Other urls found in this thread:


First Marky pretends to not be herself, and then sends Ciara what I assume is the next picture I'll post, a picture of her in a pair of pajamas that Ciara bought her.

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Here is the email where she sends the pajama photo.

Attached: 02c6c2f3-42af-4f1d-89be-fd36366f7b93.jpg (311x553, 30K)

The photograph I assume was embedded.

Attached: 94234342.jpg (647x903, 66K)

And then Marky exposing herself as the admin. These events transpired in early 2017.

Attached: 261ada22-5b4f-4bf3-b46d-f3d257aea661.jpg (311x553, 38K)

Also for fun, Ciara being a retard and taking her bait.

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It really is a mystery. Arwen-chan has some loli-loving tendencies.

Let's talk about the life of Marky.

>early high school
>boyfriend gets blowjobs by other kids in the class
>becomes a stoner
>obsessed with sam hyde, messages him on facebook and he responds, they meet up and fuck anally
>marky's mother finds out and makes her go to the police but marky refuses to say anything that would incriminate her idol
>on christmas 2013, she was "depressed" and "lonely" because mommy and daddy didn't love each other
>marky decides, as you do, to post her 16 year old boobs on Jow Forums
>doxxes herself by posting her email with her full name
>cries rape when it actually doesn't go the way she wanted
>keeps in touch with orbiters from time to time
>around 2014/2015 she meets a half jap named Charlie
>marky is in love with his japanese ethnicity and sends him pictures of her fucking sam hyde as if it's "some sort of feat" as charlie puts it
>he's a cuck so they start to e-date
>they decide to go to college together
>they fuck all the time with no condom and he cums in her mouth
>she tries meth once because she's "depressed"
>loses a ton of weight
>meets internet pedo named Robert on some shitty internet game
>they fall in love, marky tells charlie he's just a friend and that he's gay so there's no need to worry
>marky cucks charlie and starts dating robert, moves to brazil to be with him
>she goes back online and says she was recruited by a super secret gaming company to draw pixel art all day (spoiler: the company was just her 33 year old boyfriend robert. it's literally just the two of them working on the game)
>marky lives in brazil for a while drawing all day while he pays for food and a lot of wine for her to drink
>she goes back to her home in the USA to be with her family for a few months
>marky gets bored of no male attention and meets up with an internet friend, dumps robert for him, and then ends up being all confused :((( and then ghosts the poor kid
>roberto the cuckoldo takes her back
>she's now in brazil again living neet life

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Hyded, chinked, methed, brazilled. What a great story.

>Day #2 of the boring stalker drama

Oh no, don't worry, I will leak more interesting things like this every day ;-)

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Here's a bit of foreshadowing when Marky justifies cheating to Sam Hyde.

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is sam = blue?

what kind of trash answer is that lmao omega asf

Hi marky post your butthole pls

Such a good little gf

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if shes so good, then why arent you fucking her?

Yes he is.

Marky is a textbook sociopath who can't love.

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I don't want Sam Hyde's leftovers tyvm

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if shes such a sociopath, then why are you still talking about her?

if you dont want his leftovers, then why are you saving their intimate texts?

idk maybe shes infiltrating and is going to completely destroy it. on an other note the chan crowd did some shitty things like trying to dox teenage or tween girls thats a no no

Sociopaths don't have regrets.

Why shouldn't I expose a literal sociopath that some people here unfortunately still orbit?

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Because OP is fucked in the head. He needs a shrink.

It's been around a year and a half since she started admining. I doubt that's her plan.

Sociopaths like to lie. She's lying to get what she wants.

No he isn't. Blue calls grey Sam and grey calls blue Marky.

if youre such a non orbiter, how come you have more pictures of her than anybody else?

lol I like how you summarized that

Her life is like a train wreck. I want to observe it.

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if you dislike her so much, how come youre more obsessed than anybody else?

Tom is the biggest marky orbiter to exist, he is also off his meds right now so that explain the surge in threads about her

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if her life is such a trainwreck, then you must be a train station that doesnt get any incoming trains.

is that asian thomas? the guy who shipped alcohol across state lines to underage?

Stop whiteknighting I just fucking hate women

I'm not Tom you paranoid bitch. Go around hurting people and fucking them over and you'll find yourself with a looot of enemies.

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if you hate women so much, how come you have tens of thousands of pictures saved of women?

Has someone ever dedicated a cum tribute to Marky? How did she like it?

Tom, sweetie, just go back to your shitty server and keep talking about asterias tits

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I had to stop lurking to say... you remember Thomas Tomato? He left after Agatha did.

i remember all

Direct the blame elsewhere, as I'm not him.

>Stop whiteknighting I just fucking hate women

who hurt you?

He was a sweet guy.

Different Tom but just as autistic as tomato, this one is in charge of a pedo ring in discord, he enjoys posting and talking about underage girls tits

This is his discord if you would like to remind him how pathetic he is Jacky#5973

Attached: Tom (2).png (721x102, 13K)


oh you youngins crack me up


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Wew this faggot needs a psychiatrist asap, sick of these orbiter threads too but thanks for the quick laff