Does this man look like a lanklet? Would you say this guy looks like a lanklet? He's 6'2...

Does this man look like a lanklet? Would you say this guy looks like a lanklet? He's 6'2, he probably has a jew nose that makes him terribly insecure, he probably thinks he looks like a lanklet, why is that? Does this man have body dysmorphia or is he truly a lanklet? Would you say this man looks good? Does he look strong or is he another mentally ill normalfag who fell for the lifting meme thinking it would cure his depression? Does this guy look like he has BDD when he says he looks like a lanklet? He looks pretty big, doesn't he? Men who look like him shouldn't have BDD or self-harm yet they do, why is that?
Is this man a lanklet, Jow Forums, or is he just mentally ill?

Attached: IMG_20190711_114329.jpg (1199x1567, 154K)

Go hiking in the rain. You need to clear your head.

Lanklets are 6'4+ you're just a DYEL and a retard

Say lanklet one more time you fucking retard

Does he look like a lanklet or is he just a crazy jew with body dysmorphia?

Looks like a manlet going by that lightswitch

Looks like a normal body type who just started lifting this year. Im guessing this is actually you or a person you're jealous of. No reason to make this post other than to be affirmed and reveal your massive insecurity

Why are you trying to show bulge in the pic user

He's a huge faggot thats why

Ok can someone explain to a newfag what the fuck this picture is. I’ve seen it posted here so many times.

its just some mentally ill fag who ripped it from a CBT and keeps making larp threads about it.

But why would "he" do that? What's the motive behind it? Don't you think the person making these threads has found a pattern behind those pictures? Maybe the person making these threads knows who the guy in the picture is and is desperate to find him

not a lanklet just skinnyfat

Look at the door knob hidden behind his arm. I wouldn't consider that a manlet.

how is he skinnyfat wtf

You look good. A lot of girls like jew noses on men.

post body lol

you first cunt


Attached: 20190803_232317.jpg (971x1099, 604K)

He looks like an early intermediate lifter at 13-15% body fat. Most men would be happy to have his body even if it isn't up to fitness model standards. He should be happy with the progress he's already made and keep making more.

I think he's a queer with an undiagnosed mental illness

He does look good but lying to him about that second part is just not needed. Women overlook jew-nose