Daily reminder that the bench press is a worthless exercise that people only do because it's easy, and you should replace it with overhead press, which is a vastly superior exercise that will make you actually aesthetic and practically strong. You can never have too much ohp in a routine, ever.
Daily reminder that the bench press is a worthless exercise that people only do because it's easy...
t. benchlet
>he doesn't do both
Is this the thread we pretend to be retarded?
daily reminder that overhead press is a faggot exercise for lazy dipshits and people do it because they're half repping, ego lifting turds, and you should replace it with the strict form clean and press, which is a vastly superior exercise that will make you actually aesthetic and practically strong
Why not just do both you shiggydiggy faggots
Does this apply to dumbbell ohp? or just a barbell
I quit doing bench and I also quit overhead press
But you still suck dick right?
Daily reminder to do your facepulls with every workout
Nice cope, benchlet
Bench has more carry over to ohp than ohp does to bench. If you want a good ohp you will either need to train for a good bench, or be prepared to take twice as long.
if its so easy lets see you put up 3pl8 faggot
4x25 on face pulls lat pull downs and Tricep pushdowns before every bench session as a warm up and since had no injuries and gone from 120kg 1rm to 160kg in 8 months.
Thanks Matt Wenning.
How does facepull
I've never sucked one before. Maybe I would like it
there are designated threads for this?
>not doing greyskull at least once
>not doing both for datchestshelf.jpg
Its like you don't even want to make it.
I need to bench my chest is shit, im not aesthetic at all in my torso
but what if you have only one bar dumbass
Do y’all do OHP standing or seated?
Unless you are a powerlifter you are much better off doing weighted dips
For power days I go standing OHP and for volume days I do seated.
I fucked my neck up for a couple days doing ohp :(
How do you even manage that
I think I leaned back during the press upwards. just a minor tweak but I'm not fucking around with neck/spine stuff so I'll take monday off I guess
That's good, that way in one set you can bench and the next you can OHP. This confuses the bar and your muscles, in turn stimulating massive growth in your pp.
theyre usually called /fast/ or /fraud/
>Is this the thread we pretend to be retarded?
Some have it easier than others. OP most so.
But I Press and bench on push day, without benching I would just be pressing. Seems lazy to me
I do mine seated, but I hear standing works your core more so I might switch.
OHP and Bench both hurt my shoulders.
do dips instead of bench then
Barbell OHP doesn't hurt my shoulders but bench always does no matter what I do.
Im sorry that your bench is so pathetic.
I only have 2 arms famm
t. Upper strength let
Do you also sperg out when your onions bottle doesn't open right away?
switch to dumbells you get a better range of motion out of it and do standing OHP for proper stability work on your abs.
always make sure to touch the dumbell to your chest when doing bench. and when doing standing OHP make sure to touch your shoulder to get max range of motion.
Give yourself a good base. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Push up and back on the way up. Use a little leg drive. Your elbows should come in slightly on the way down, and on the way up you should be trying to pull the barbell apart. You are probably just laying down and pressing without doing any of these things that stabilize the motion and are placing undue stress on your shoulders.
I do both. I prefer OHP because I find bench to be the most technically difficult lift out of the compounds.
So true, far more likely to I jure yourself doing BP as opposed to OHP. OHP is love, OHP is life.
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
bench. press. is. king
I had the same issue. Changed flat bench for incline bench press. No pain, better pec recruitment, I think it is a more natural pattern. Truly the most patrician use for a bench.
Yes. Open the catalog and you'll see about 100 of them.
based bench bro. go bump plg again
>Unironically doesnt sit at a 45 degree angle and use one hand to ohp one half the barbell, while benching the other half with the other hand kind of like a bo stave blocking attacks, to do both exercises at the same time with one bar
you're not gonna make it.
this, i banned the bench out of my program, only doing Ohp, olympic lifts and weighted dips
Bench is useless if you have shoulder / posture issues. Enjoy your shitty front delt and triceps exercise
Neither really has much carry over to the other, except in the triceps strength you develop in one or the other.
You made my day bro
Bench press works the shoulders as well as triceps. The carry over to the ohp is that you can train supramaximal weight on these muscles for the ohp. Stronger triceps and upper pectoral, as well as supramaximal trained shoulders=better ohp.
The ohp strengthens the shoulders more than bench does. Stronger shoulders=better bench.
What you've just said is like saying squats and deadlifts have very little carry over except that they make your legs stronger...
OP is a fag but OHP is indeed the superior exercise
Cope more shoulderlet
t. sub 225 bench
except thats the point. look at doctor deadlifts current ig feed. +800lbs deadlift vs 625lbs poverty squat.
you want a better bench? do more bench and bench variations. want better ohp? ohp and variations. they both help each other sure, but dont expect one to greatly increase the other if your not blasting the one you want to increase itself
I do this too. Impressive results
I do 4x25 latpulldown tricep pushdown. Facepulls. And low weight dumbbell bench beforehand
is the (dumbbell) shoulder press the same as a overhead press?
Agreed. I love OHP but I think I caught shoulder bursitits from doing shoulder cable raises
just split the difference and do incline bench. you autists needs to stop arguing over everything. bench and ohp are both good exercises
I'm the best at negotiations, believe me!
Standing, and I clean the weight from the floor. Stop being a pussy.
I agree that the overhead press is, overall, a better and more functional exercise for most purposes.
In full-body pushing movements, most of the force comes from your lower body: this leads you to naturally lean forward, hence why upwards vertical pressing strength is more important than horizontal or downwards pressing strength.
That said, if you're gonna bench press, the dumbbell variation is a superior exercise in nearly every way, and the same goes for ohp.
The only "disadvantage" is possibly hurting your fragile ego since you're not lifting as heavy, but unless you're a powerlifter, where the precise bench press weight matters, who gives a shit.
Even strongmen often use dumbbell variations in their training, because they are beneficial in many ways.
Bench press gave me a shoulder impingement that knocked me out of training for month
It really is a shit exercise. Infact all of “the big 3” are
Bench Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Close Grip for reps. The others for strength. I got to 1.5pl8 Bench in less than 2 months and 2pl8 In 5 months. OHP to 1pl8 in 3 months
Bench press is an isolation exercise. It's more related to things like bicep curls.
yea id o
>replace a vertical press with a horizontal press
here's your (you)
>has seven days in a week
>can't find one for OHP and one for bench
those sketches in the back kek
Ohp is a completely different muscle group you actual fucking autist
What % of a normal set's weight are you doing with those face pulls
>That Leonidas
Lift the bar off your mid chest to your chin. Not straight up.
>4 months of lifting and I can only bench press 40Kgs
feels bad man, I can do 5Kg but only 3 max
What program are you running?
4 sets 10 reps
That's not a program
what are you talking about? the bench press program?
Are you retarded? I'm talking about a program for your workouts, not just your bench press. It sounds very much like you just go to the gym and "do whatever" without a program to help you progress.
your looking for a light pump.
oh I got it, first time I started someone told me to do PPL
I don't do Legs because I've been cycling almost my whole life and they are already strong as fuck
>I don't do Legs because I've been cycling almost my whole life and they are already strong as fuck
>I don't do Legs because I've been cycling almost my whole life and they are already strong as fuck
almost fell for the bait
my ohp has always been higher than my bench, I fucking hate benching. Maybe that just makes me a retard but I find it the most technically challenging as well.
Please post those juicy cyclist legs lmao
How does he put the bar down and pick it up between sets?
>not knowing the myth of Sisybenchus
>the man cursed in the afterlife to bench press with not relief for eternity
>punished this way to atone for his gymbro sins including benching all the time and neglecting his other lifts
obviously you're not /fitlit/
I love you user, best answer I could have recieved.
>300 reps, 12 sets of warmup
>now im ready to start my workout
Yeah ok, but what do you do if you have an actual full time job?
thanks man. it is kinda funny how they make pictures like this without realizing how dumb it looks to anyone who knows anything about lifting.
>put the bar down
Roll of shame
>pick it up
Reverse roll of shame
>he doesn’t do both
It shouldn't take long if you do it with no rest. Maybe 8-12 minutes tops! Workout should be around 1 hour or maybe 1hr 15 minutes tops
words cannot express how triggered pic related makes me
omo she touch her breast
Post body big boy
too many fags cheat bench, its only based if its pure flat back, and barely wider than shoulder grip.