How is every single person on this thread over six feet tall, extremely physically attractive, and not a virgin...

How is every single person on this thread over six feet tall, extremely physically attractive, and not a virgin? How much of the board actually falls under these categories? 10% 15%?

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>over six feet tall
>extremely physically attractive


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>your average Jow Forums user

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I'm over 6' and not a virgin but wouldn't call myself attractive.

I’m fairly attractive and not a virgin but I’m under 6’

>why yes, I post on Jow Forums, how could you tell?

ahaha im opposite in ALL of these qualities, sorry retard

5'10, 7.5/10, virgin mainly because im not good socializing, been improving a lot in the past year tho

try more like 1%

>Over 6'
Those of us who are short Speak up about it less.

We take care of ourselves, for one. But many of us are delusional on that front.

>Not a virgin.
Sex is not actually difficult to get. Don't be desperate. Don't make her feel like she'd regret it.

Me, but I was a chubby loser in highschool that didn't blossom until later in life. Lost my virginity in a devil's threeway because my bros gf thought I was hot and I didn't know any better, cucked him and lived with her for a bit. Broke up, then dated a party girl with daddy issues. Broke up, then dated a girl with BPD - that one really fucked me up. Broke up, lost all confidence and friends. Now I shitpost with my brehs on Jow Forums while I try to put it all back together. Thanks for reading my blog :D

I'm a 6'5" attractive (khhl) virgin (wizard) ;)

>sex is not hard to get
>dont be desperate

but yeah spending tons of money on dates and showering attention on girls for the hope they go out with you or have sex with you, that isnt desperate

What exactly is your point

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putting in normal effort to get sex is desperate

It is. But i've been with 12 women and i've never done that in my life. Stop making excuses. You miss 100 percent of the balls you don't swing at.

That is not normal effort. It's pathetic. That is not how to get sex. That is how to become some cumdumpster's free ride. She isn't special. She's a good time. Be moderately interesting and don't sperg. It really is that easy. Especially if you look good.

>martial arts and cardio build, basically 80kg bruce lee
>no dick problems or complaints recieved
>only 7 sex partners in 20s, got married in 30s
Do you ever get the feeling this board and everyone on it is obsessed with bullshit? I do.

Enjoy only attracting women with issues that you can drop without notice. Are you sure you like girls? Really?

>the average /mu/ poster standing next to the typical Jow Forums user

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>only 7 sex partners in 20s
Hey, I only had 0.

>Don't be desperate. Don't make her feel like she'd regret it.
Also don't forget she's made up her mind about these about 10 seconds after meeting you.

5'10" non virgin 38yr old. 6" dick on a good day Not very attractive cause people say i look like an angry convict. Just got off being fat but still dont have a 6 pack, am i gonna make it or is it too late?

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>Showering women with unconditional attention approval and gifts will get you women without issues.
>Looking honestly for a good time and allowing your interpersonal relationships to happen without pretense can't end well.

Are you sure you've ever had friends?

so what? i was at zero until i was 22. It's just all the closeted gays that talk about women like they need to be tricked/snookered/bagged like to snort at anything below triple figures. If they aren't gay it's mad insecurity and if they are stuck on whores it's mother issues.

Why is this a problem? Learn to read the conversation. If she’s not into you, she’s not into you. That’s the end of that. Go find a different bird to squawk at.

Genuine 6'4" attractive Brad with a gf here. Was an autistic virgin until about 20 and it was the misc that helped me out of there, Jow Forums is legit useless.

I also miss the days of random thots desu, once you turn into a slut there's no going back unfortunately lads, keep that in mind. I have the perfect gf now and I'm constantly messaging girls behind her back and wanting to cheat on her (haven't yet) because once you experience the thrill of the hunt, it's hard to go back to having your meals prepared for you

go eat oatmeal GRAMPS
go watch the news OLD GUY

>She's a good time.
Sorry, your post sounded like one of these angry, besieged pickup artists. The 'just playing around' phase can last into your 40s but it doesn't prepare you for anything else.

It's true, some women you can be too nice to, some you can't be bad enough to.

oh yeah, you've never paid money for dinner, or shown a girl a lot of attention, in order to get sex? thats desperation

It's not a problem, but sometimes there's long-ass blog posts about tricks and tactics for gettin some.

>not a virgin
>average looking at best
2/3 isn't too bad

>so what?
You're a cool guy. My comment was somewhat tongue-in-cheek because I don't care about sex. I am 33 and a virgin though. All I really want in a partner is an intelligent friend who shares at least one of my hobbies and who wouldn't mind cuddling every once in awhile.

m8 how'd you avoid teh sex until 38? Isolated location?

I'm all of those things and I have a really huge dick

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Dude youre talking to a married man of 10 years. I met my wife exactly that way. Without pretense. Without wierd delusional romantic hangups as to where it was going. Without unconditional attention and gifts and approval and ridiculous social hurdles. It literally went
>I am attracted to you
>Cool me too
>Hey that was fun, lets do stuff more.
>Years later
>So we should like, get married or something. This shit seems pretty sustainable.
>I know right? Other people are retarded.

It would be if I had. I'm not attracted to women who trade their swx as a commodity for goods services rent and social status. I like competent adult women who can support themselves and take responsibility for their actions. Who dont need my unconditional worship of them in order to bestow her body upon me.

You guys are really just fucking pathetic spergs making this shit more complicated than it is.

Game recognizes game. Some of us do the complicated dance, some just walk into a room and bellow "Fuck Me!".

Biology doesn't care about anything but results. The weakest link in the line of fathers going back to the dawn of time might be some good-looking bastard that fucked a thousand women but only had one kid because all his sperm were garbage.

You could find that, but people usually go crazy about sex in their teens and stay crazy for decades. This can ruin people for you. Lotsa luck though.

Married 15 years here myself. Your post is fine except for the last line. They know pathetic sperginess is part of their deal, you shittin on them makes them feel outside of life. The thing about pathetic spergs is they can be sanded smooth or weaponized. Exclusion, ridicule and a couple of years of Jow Forums isn't gonna do em any good. Jow Forums and every board needs to not be either Jow Forums or /x/.

NON virgin. Married but shootin blanks but no sex records thats for sure

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I find that coddling people only gives them an excuse not to ever acrutinize their ideas or change. Whereas abrupt confrontation of reality and elimination of their projections and delusions gives them no choice. However I could have made it less of a static statement of what they "are" and more of a statement about what they're doing.

Selection bias, us more attractive types are more likely to boast than the average ugcel.

If people can be weaponizes because true statements made them feel bad feelies, they should go ahead. That way we can identify who needs to be dealt with. Life is hard and mean. We need to accept it.

Who gave you the 7.5? You?

i'm 5'11, moderately attractive, and not a virgin.

>once you experience the thrill of the hunt, it's hard to go back to having your meals prepared for you
So true

6'1 190 lbs, about 10-12% bf. 21 when I bagged bitch lol. Now 23 and 8 others later i've never had a lower respect for women, feels good desu.
t. gym bjj bronon

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whos this sand nigger

Stan Lee cameo

Lurk more

>so what?
Nigger i am 23 and I've had zero. Never kissed or held hands.

Kys you normie faggot

Im 23 now but I'm a complete virgin. Were you on nofap?

Have sex

6’1 and not a virgin. fairly attractive

I don't know how people say college is supposed to be one of the most fun times ever? All I ever do is go to class then go back to my apartment to study. I talk to people but I'm never more than an acquaintance. I just hug my dakimakura at night and pretend it's my wife who is happy have to have me hugging her...

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I'm 6'8", married with kids, but I'm meh in looks. 2:3 isn't bad.

good spot

I match the description.

I'm at a semi secret conservative event with all these semi important people. A couple billionaires, CEO of chick fila, hobby lobby, Mike Pence all dropped in. Everyone sort of cosplays as middle class here but it's only a matter of time before you figure out they're CEO of xyz, with some family office, heiress of whatever, etc.

People are very much above average. The Jews are definitely shorter but the average is probably around six two or so for guys, probably 5'7" for women. The tallest here is around 6'8".

But yeah above average people exist and congregate together in small groups. Which is totally fit.

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6'5", been married once, maybe 5/10. Met all gfs online and didn't tell about height beforehand.
You just need to not have a shitty personality to get pussy.


Dilated your mom’s vagina last night (with my penis (which is very large)), and by “dilated” I of course mean I inserted my cock into it (several times)

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>Over six feet tall
>Not a virgin
Eh 2.5/3. So ok

I'm 5'5"

28 5"8 virgin who works out 6 days a week, work for my father's company, make over $90k a year and own my apartment but I'm a khv. Thinking of going vacation to south America for whores

This is an 18+ board my small dicked chink friend

>how do people have fun in college
they don’t major in STEM, user

I'm 6'1, but my physique is shit, my face is average and I'm balding.

our problem is that we're largely misanthropes and/or antisocial


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I made a mistake then. :(

same here, although I have done some bad things behind my wife's back for years. How do I stop? I just love the hunt, after I've had my prey I have no interest and honestly love my wife. I don't wanna lose her but my urges are unstoppable.

As a khhv, I think you guys have everything. Why? I just want someone to love me ;_;

back to /pol for JEW

not sure, one is never satisfied I guess, as to why I'm successful? I look good, I am wealthy and an asshole.

Pretty much, the problem with fapping is that its cucked behaviour so your mentally cucking yourself.

Girls don’t fall out of the sky to land right in a particular guy’s lap. Gotta go out and find em, champ

how is fapping cucked behabior

makes the mind weak, u need that aggro for the edge, which is lost after a fapout (aka self-tapout), you release your mental sharpness and game spirit, becoming lazy and complacent.

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Good breeding

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I fall under everything but six feet tall. Although only times I had sex was for a while with a geeky gamer girl and another with a girl who apparently wanted my seed in her for her to perform a magic ritual of sorts. Didn't ask questions but I obliged.

Make sure you're only hooking up with married women, then. They're less likely to rat you out

>solid 7 although some people have said 8
>not a virgin but not exactly fucking dimes either
I'm doing all right, I think.

I travel a lot through work and can lie through my teeth, not worried about it, more the moral aspect and I feel shitty afterwards and compensate by treating my wife really well, but she bores me. Still want her to bear my kids and none of the other women.

I'm 6'4, have had multiple girls have explicitly called me handsome/attractive etc, message me first, etc. But I'm fully aware it's myself that prevents me from going further. I'm just really inexperienced and awkward, please help me

I'm 5'10, kinda dyel and have a pretty weird looking mug. People projecting those things over here are just insecure faggots trying to impress strangers on a micronesian spear fishing forum

Need to be willing to make the moves, and physically escalate the situation. Just try to make moves, it doesn’t matter if you fail with 50 girls in a row because you only need 1 success at a time, and it gets easier the more you do it.
Experience is just a fancy way of saying you learnt from mistakes, so go make some mistakes.

Central and northern europe average height for young men is above 6ft. You just have inferior genes

I also think that todays climate is worse than for a boomer like me, I had been with 4 women by the age of 18 so I have never worshiped women like a lot of young men seem to do. They are just sloots, fuck em and enjoy life. Or don't fuck em, it's not a big deal, I'd say I appreciate my sweet as LANs I had as a teenager more than anything. You youngsters don't even have that, 14 sweaty boys playing games in a house, drinking booze, vomiting and having bbq. Sweet times

not sure if im attractive though i think more 'ok'

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ugly people too scared to post

im 6 feet tall and a khv
its really simple actually if youve never put effort into approaching women it will simply never happen

pls share your profile, pic and everything , hide personal details or your face if you want.

You're gonna make the retirement home alright.