
Drugs you take!

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Drugs are bad don't do them

i take only weed and sleeping pills

>sleeping pills
you're fucked for life buddy, have fun never being able to sleep without your medical overlords granting you the ability to.

I get a very strong opiate like high with nod almost off Kratom but rarely off painkillers

bumpitty bump this thread.
my life is hanging by a thread.
bump this thread, bump your high.
because soon, we'll all be dead.

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I am on probation for being black and if i pop really strong kratom and smoke cbd hemp flower i literally get high as fuck and almost nod off

been on drug court for over a year, finally done in 37 days. managed to get a 9 day vacation to "visit my sick grandmother in florida" starting on thursday, planning on on using 2 grams of some fire looking dope I picked up on the DNM from thursday - monday giving myself a good 7 days before i have to test again :')

Chief Keef is essentially a heroin addict now. He got arrested and when they tested his blood they found like 10 different painkillers

And blood tests only show painkillers for up to like 24 hours i think

Dont!!!! You stupid fuck. You have 37 days wait it out Jesus Christ

i'm not worried about it man, the maximum possible time heroin can show up in a urine test is like 5 days, realistically 4. I've read the scientific literature on the subject, as well as having a fast metabolism. I get prescribed adderall and its always out of my body within 24 hours no matter the dose. Appreciate the concern though homie.

fuck you nigger. You must be the same nigger. There can't be that many niggers on Jow Forums who use that exact wording every time. You are on probation for breaking the law. You probably broke the law because you are a nigger.

White people get second chances and lighter punishments

Oh its h I thought you meant weed. Still not going to Florida is sketchy you are at the end and they want you to mess up and they probably already suspect you of getting high

plenty of white people get harsh sentences. I'm one of them. You're on probation for breaking the law. I never tried to weasel out of the fact that I broke the law when I was on probation.

No one gets as long a sentence as me. And I already lost my whole life to a small town on top of this

you've got a victim mentality, you'll never get anywhere if you keep thinking like that

I will never get anywhere becuase I am trapped in a small town. I used to be outgoing and try at life this place has raped me. It is prison

Idk what u guys are arguing about but im rly flying rn

Seriously kratom and cbd hemp flower gets me seriously fucked. This kratom strain i got right now is strong as fuck and that shit just kicked it into near nodding bed time. Mode

>It's the kratom meme, but in real life!
Can't make this shit up.


I do want to try it though not gonna lie

I'm new to Kratom. Should I buy the powder or capsules?
Also, what's considered a high dose of Kratom?

For some reason i never get fucked up off kratom drinking it. I used to mix 5-10 grams to orange juice and it did nothing at all

I just made capsules out of it and i just pop a few capsules every couple minutes and dont even notice it now that i am popping a shit load

Idk a lot of people say it doesnt do shit but it has been fucking me up on opiate levels. Like seriously high doses of opiates type shit

Also 3 pills got my wrecked my first time and I have loved it ever since

After that I needed 4 then 4 an hour later

Now I take a shit load lol. Only thing i hate is all the gel caps I have to eat it worries me but I prefer to sit there and pop capsules because I am bored anyways I hate just popping one pill and sitting around waiting for it to kick in and with kratom I can just keep going until I get the perfect dose and slowly feel myself coming up for hours

It is truly beautiful

51852778 told you the problem, yet here you are, victimizing yourself again. Stop with the self-cuckery. Get out of your "small town" bro.

I cant god struck me down wont happen with god

How do you even do 2 grams of heroin in a week? Isnt that like 200 doses? Or do you end up just doing like half a gram at a time when you are used to it

"God" was created using pen and paper. No higher beings exist, except for us humans. You're making excuses.

"God" was created using pen and paper.
Higher beings exist. Humans were made by aliens. Aliens genetically made us.

The universe is infinite. There are infinite species in the universe. There are advanced species in this vast cosmos.

but why would they come to some random rock far away from home and create humans?
couldn't they do it in their system?

>but why would they come to some random rock
raw materials. other aliens are interested in human dna hence the abductions.

I can't say much more but advanced species live deep underground the earth. They already talked to our politicians and scientists about who knows what. Theres a lot of drama in the universe and on earth.

earth is more than a fucking rock.
higher advanced species exist.
We aren't slaves or free, the universe is one.

>pop really strong kratom and smoke cbd hemp flower
Does using two useless meme drugs at once mean they actually add up to some effects?

Holy shit this nigger has been spamming Jow Forums for like a year now and now he's shitting up this thread too, can't he just get perma-banned already

Powder tastes bad but if you do capsules they'll take way too long to kick in
I usually have to have about 10g to get a buzz

why am I only able to enjoy drugs when I'm not anxious or depressed?

On meth. no h for another 12 hours. No other drugs. How to mitigate comedown pls

Pls respond pals

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These drugs are based according to Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli:

Can pharmacists cook drugs? Or do you need to be an actual chemist to make a quality product

Actual chemists design the drugs.
Pharmacists are the assembly line plebs.

I mean pharmacologists i.e. people with a doctorate in pharmacy, not the guys who sell aspirin in supermarkets.

Hmm I'd say for drug development, a PhD in Orgo/MedChem is definitely the way to go. Pharmacology is a biological science, it's more like applied molecular biology than it is synthetic chemistry.

You don't see a lot of Pharmacol PhDs at Novartis/Pfizer/etc R&D simply because its easier to teach a synthetic chemist biology, than to teach a biologist synthetic chemistry.

So what do pharmacologists even do then? If the chemists make the drugs, and the physicians understand their interactions in order to effectively prescribe them, why is pharmacology useful as an actual degree?

Been on methadone and quetiapine for about 4 months, longest I've been clean and somewhat stable for about 5 years. FeelsNeutralMan

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Not really sure but biologics, cancer research and pharmacogenomics seems like promising areas of research in the 21st century.

>biologics, cancer research
Those seem covered by medical specialty like med bio, pathology/cytology and onc though
Interesting. Most pharmacologists aren't involved in that though.


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How to ease meth comedown pls

>taking a weed break to make sure I'm not dependant on it, also tolerance
I don't feel any "withdrawal" symptoms but I keep getting the urge to smoke out of boredom

because anxiety and depression are no enjoying feelings

why do people even use kratom? its literal shit tier drug and i know being sober its horrible but i rather be sober than on this garbage

heroin my duderino

Is it really that easy to get drugs in America?
Where I'm from you actually have to have problems to receive drugs.

I take accutane. It makes me sleepy and my weewee dry af.

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Weed is not physically addictive. You will not experience any physical symptoms, like an alcoholic gets shakes and nausea if they stop.

2- 5g clonazepam + 5-8g kratom with tolerance/thc breaks to avoid w/d

How hard is it to get prescribed benzos in Europe? The Netherlands specifically.

The Netherlands? Impossible!

Lol, do I just have to say I have anxiety and they'll give it? I have no idea how these things work.

Wont get H for another 10 hours REEE

They will absolutely not prescribe you benzos with just that mate. It's almost not even a last-ditch effort, near impossible to get prescriptions for them.

why would you go through to trouble of bullshitting a doctor when you can just order them online?

Really? Well that fucking sucks.

Wrong. You just never smoked enough to feel withdrawals.

Is that difficult? And can I get locked up for that?

Yes, it is impossibly difficult and you will get locked up instantly. Give up on drugs, leave this thread and do something with your life.

>Is that difficult? And can I get locked up for that?
no and no

Okay, thanks for nothing.

Always glad to help people like you.

To what extent would an independent chemist be able to make his own shit for personal consumption?
Assuming he only has his knowledge (no privileged access to precursors), what could an orgo chemist do? DMT and meth most certainly, but what about complicated shit like MDMA, acid, benzos, ketamine...?

How much lsd cost? I was talking to a friend, and he said he was offered lsd. I asked him how much, he said the dealer buys it for 10 euro a tab that can be split for 2 people. Don't lsd tabs cost over 70 euros? He said he "wants to support a local business" too, so I'm assuming he knows the dealer.

You can get tabs for 2.50gbp each off the DN and 5-20gbp on the street where I live

5 bucks for a tab

Would taking some hurt if you don't have a home to crash at? Spring/Summer is pretty warm here, what are the biggest concerns for taking it? Is 1 tab split for 2 people enough? Is it worth testing it if you're taking so little?
I keep hearing "have a tripsitter" why? Do people commit suicide? Get arrested by the police? Jack off in public?

LSD is pretty safe. A trippsitter might help but is not really necessary if you are not completely retarded or the dosage is too high. Without a tripsitter you might get worked up about something, but it should not be an issue if you know that you are high

Tripping on about 80ug acid right now i can chill with my mom on this dose honestly

Tramadol and Zopiclone to help me sleep when I run out of Tramadol

I've never done tramadol, only opium and codeine, how do you think it compares?

benzodiazapines desu

Would 2 guys taking a tab outside be dangerous? When the weather is warm, of course
Does lsd get laced with dangerous stuff?

oranges. vitamin c makes amphetamines metabolize more efficiently or something
You'll probably need to have a bit worse than "anxiety" for a benzo prescription. I know here in america the magic word is "panic attacks" because it shows that your anxiety isn't something that you can handle with simple coping mechanisms
What do you mean don't have a home to crash at? Are you doing it at a friend's house or out in public? Because having nowhere to truly relax might tire me out, plus if I was in public the whole time I'd be worried about police. It's highly recommended to take LSD in a private place because the headspace can make you feel vulnerable. If you aren't doing it in a private place though you'll probably want a tripsitter just so they can handle everything for you, transport you around if need be, talk to any necessary people, etc.

Ehhh, take enough tramadol and it's fairly indistinguishable from stronger opiates like oxy.

i live alone and prefer to take it here or sometimes i get on a bus and just ride it for hours looking whats going on outside. also find out how much ug your blotter has. i prefer to dissolve the blotter in a can of water and than drinking it this way. this way you have good control

How many hours after taking oxycodone is it safe to drink?

Depends how fucking tough your system is bud.

What about taking it in a forest? I know a few nice places there, pretty sure it's common to smoke weed there, never saw police anywhere near.
Do you take a little bit, then after a few minutes take more until you feel unright? Is the efficiency the same?

well nowadays i know which dose is fine for me. so i will dissolve my blotter in a liter of water and than drink the right amount to get the dose i want. i dont drink it all in one go, usually sip it over an hour or so

Acid doesn't kick in immediately. You don't feel the full effects of a dose for like an hour, which is why people usually take it all at once.

This post should just be stickied on this board kek

> I know here in america the magic word is "panic attacks" because it shows that your anxiety isn't something that you can handle with simple coping mechanisms
Might just say that then, thank you.

Inhaling computer duster (1,1-difluoroethane) is an experience everyone needs In their life once in order to be a true druggie. Whats so bad about losing a few brain cells to have that feeling

Any of you take beta blockers originally?

aren't those for heart problems

The only time I was ever stupid enough to consider trying that was when I was fucked off etizolam (like borderline blackout) and nicotine (and another drug probably) so I wasn't actually able to tell which effects were from the duster.

Over the span of my life I've taken plenty of things, pretty much any pill you can get cause I used to go around to a lot of parties and take whatever they had without knowing the name as one big suicide attempt, had a bad acid problem for a while, cocaine twice, lean plenty of times, shrooms whenever I can find them. Always been a huge stoner and drinker, those are the only two I use habitually. In the last three years the only things I've done are xanax and weed, along with the regular booze and cigs. But one of those years was spent in a shitty rehab facility so it doesn't count

Active Jow Forums Discord, stay out normalfags:

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>Whats so bad about losing a few brain cells to have that feeling
Well there's also the fact that the majority of inhalants can cause sudden death

you need to be 18 to post here dumb fuck :)

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A fren bought these for me, took a whole strip, not feeling anything yet.

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lmfao are those fucking hormones

What the fuck why lol