I cant lose weight cause of my appetite. God made me fat

I cant lose weight cause of my appetite. God made me fat

No matter how much walking i do and shit nothing will ever matter becuase i am born to be fat. All it takes is one extra cookie. All it takes is one extra serving. Literally one bit of food is 300 calories. That is miles of walking. You can walk jog work out do whatever it wont matter god made you either fat or skinny. If i had a lower appetite i wouldnt even need to work out but i have a large appetite. I work out daily. Guess what i did fucking today. 2 not one but TWO fucking bike rides about 2 miles each and then walked on my treadmill again for an hour with max incline.

My diet last week literally consisted of nothing but canned vegetables with a pinch of salt

All it takes is one extra fucking bite. All it takes is one extra little Debby snack.

My friend has 0 fat because he has less of appetite. He gets candy for Christmas or something and doesnt even touch it for months it just sits there. He stares at it. He stares at it. He says hes not hungry he just saves it for whenever. It literally sits on his desk

If i have cookies even in the house PERIOD my mind screams at me to eat them. No matter what i do i cant fight my appetite. God made me fat

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I don't like fat posters they're extra icky and creepy ewwies how old are you


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Fuck you I hate you privileged skinny fucks

You were literally born skinny you didnt earn it fuck you

I wish I could smash your fucking head open and steal your privilege for myself

I know that feel so bad but i don't blame god, i blame my mother. She should have made sure i ate right as a child and knew the consequences of eating nothing but shit. She should have made sure I didn't had uninterrupted access to a river of garbage food and sodas. Now im 22 and after multiple attempts i still can't break the fucking habits and they're spiralling out of control. I've lost all hope. I'm never going to have the strength to overcome this shit. I was robbed of a life before i had a chance because of a stupid single mother who didn't give a fuck.

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I know your feel OP. Your only hope is to just not have any food whatsoever in your house.

Even then that doesn't stop me too often. I bought a $6 gigantic box of goldfish crackers. The kind that normal people would probably take a week or two to finish. I bought it two days ago and it's already gone. I have zero impulse control. I fucking hate my broken sense of hunger. It's not like I want to be like this.

how tf do u get fat?
just don't eat nigga

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I actually run a lot it's how I think I can not have a fantasy without running.

What if I put you in Auschwitz for 6 months ?

Just stop fuckin eating, your stomach will schrink and your Gargantuan appetite will decrease.

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this is the only solution for guys like us
we need to just be thrown in prison for a year
i would volunteer for it

I second this. OP you're going on a vacation.

I have an unlimited appetite. I can literally eat 80 pizza rolls, 40 pizza logs, and an entire 2 extra large pizzas and finally be full. It happened a lot because of weed i smoked weed so much i never felt full and kept smoking and eating repeating all day long

I fucking hate privileged skinny people. I talk to hot chicks and ill be like oh i am eating celery and theyll be like LOL I am eating pizza and cheese itz or ill be like oh i am just eating healthy and i hear oh i am eating non healthy LOL

They are both skinny as fuck. I just sit there eating pizza picking up my tit and dropping it letting it fall and feel the fat vibrate through my whole body while my 12 pound tit fucking slams right back down with the force of Thor

If I do not eat I cannot sleep. I literally roll around for hours and not sleep

i know the feel, man. i think about kmsing daily bc of my weight. i want nothing more than to be thin. im thinking about saving up to get plastic surgery one day

That's very disgusting OP

I lost all my weight by puking up every good meal, starving, eating healthy and then walking 5 miles a day (only way i could lose weight) then i fucking gained it all back by smoking weed to cure my PTSD. Now i take kratom and it has such a strong opiate like effect to me it makes me hungry and tired as fuck but nothing like weed. Its literally impossible in the modern world to be skinny because your body is going to crave fat and sugar and its all right there. Only people who are born with a low appetite are able to stay skinny and thats all it is

My friend does nothing he never moves a muscle or does anything he just gets food stamps and fucking welfare and eats fucking slabs of steak and burger all day long and drinks 12-18 beers a day and all he has is a small gut. Meanwhile i am fucking sweating starving dieting choking down vegetables walking, running, riding a bike EVERY DAY and have giant fucking man tits.

My other friend does nothing but drink beer no job or hobbies all he does is shoot up and nod off and all he has is a small gut and still looks skinny


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drink like 3 cans of mosnter a day, cant stop wont stop, also cant get fat.

Because you have a sugar and upper addiction. It is a sign of low appetite my skinny friend is the same way

Honestly. Cut the fucking bullshit. You CAN lose the weight and at the very least look only slightly over weight. I lost 50 lbs from just switching to healthy eating habits and drinking water. Also, stop walking. SPRINT. Walking doesn't do shit for you. I fucking hate this mentality of "omg im fat hurdur". Man the fuck up and just lose the fucking weight.

Oh boy you are in for a surprise at some point

Just cut out sodas and sweets. You just need to eat normal sized meals 2-3 times per day and you will lose weight even if you sit in your chair all day long.

I did lose weight but it is my appetite. Like I said all it takes is one fucking cookie. If I take a few bites of cookies it automatically undoes all my exercise. Every bite of cookie is like unwalking a mile

imagine being this weak willed

Literally all I drink is water dude... it is my appetite

OP how mad are you that i can eat mcdonalds for every meal (if i wanted to, i actually regiment my meals and force myself to stay at 2500cal/day because i have self control) and still lose weight?

ive actually been low carb since the beginning of this year and ive been walking 5 miles a day since late 2017. still fat. and im on adderall. meanwhile my sister is a 105 pound stacey who never fucking gains weight no matter what kind of shit she eats. it literally makes me want to kill myself

oh and i should add i dont usually eat more than 1600 calories a day.

So you arent fat but you get hungry? I do not believe you. Having appetite equals fat there is no way to be thin without running 12 miles a day and throwing up your meals or being born naturally with low appetite. Nice troll though you are either secretly fat or have no appetite

i get mildly hungry. one mcdouble or caloric equivalent is enough to satisfy my hunger for hours. i have to force myself to eat 2500cal a day, i've puked before chugging shakes to hit those numbers

You should probably take a look what and how much she eats.

You are lying. We live in the 21st century. We have access to fats and sugars and our bodies crave them

Being skinny is impossible without your body being programmed correctly

she eats fast food, easy mac, and a metric fuckton of bread. if i ate how she does i would probably be 30 pounds heavier

I have a high metabolism and I got fat. Actually high metabolism can contribute because I was always in a race with my body to outeat the calories it was spending. I'd eat normal size meals and and be like "why am I still hungry?"
It's a real struggle right now trying to balance my mind and stomach that keeps telling me I'm hungry with good-sozed portions.

She sits around all day and eats? Are you sure she is actually eating a lot

I just have a high appetite

I smoked weed ate smoked weed got hungry again and ate again

Cycle that 11 times a day and now I am fucked

The thing is if you spend more calories than you intake you are going to lose weight, no matter what you are eating. You probably don't see how much you are really eating.

she goes to class and goes on walks and hangs out with friends, but thats what i do too. honestly i think whats up isnt our current lifestyles, but our previous lifestyles. shes a recovered anorexic, and i used to binge eat like crazy. i havent lost the weight from it, and she hasnt been eating enough to gain a lot of weight. i also drink a lot of liquor, which is better than beer+wine, but still isnt helping. buuut she smokes a shitton of weed and eats a lot while on it tho, so i dont think shes doing better in regards to that

Like i said dude none of that matters with a high appetite. All it takes is one fucking cookie or one extra bite of pizza every day and you are fat forever

You can walk 30 miles a day wont matter. Every bite of cookie you take is like unwalking a mile. Every Tostitos pizza roll is like unwalking a mile.

Every bite of foood is like walking a mile in reverse

I can literally eat a whole pizza, 40 pizza rolls, 4 poptars, and a whole 2 sleeve of cookies

Easy EASY and thats stopping myself

i dont know. i have lost weight, but i dont look any different. i am still fat.

You have to control yourself. Cut out all of that cookie/pizza shit because few of those cookies have the same calorie value as a decent meal.

I have been eating nothing but vegetables for a few days but i just broke it and went back to normal for some reason. I was doing so good i was just eating nothing but plain vegetables with salt and then today i went fucking crazy

eat less, you get used to the hunger

I am also obese and it gets hard to breathe at times. I feel like I'm dying. The worst part is I just can't stop binge eating. Food is too addicting

Waterfast boi for a month. I lost 20kg from 90 to 70 after half a year im 75 now. Half of my hair have fallen out but i think its overall worth it. I could control myself after fasting

You need to eat some quality meat with your vegetables. Don't eat too much bread tho.

>tfw you have candy canes from Christmas 2015 still at home
I guess I should throw them out, I'm not gonna eat them anyway.

You need to cut all pleasures in life user, no chips, no soda, no candy, no cookies, no cake etc.
Your diet should be meat and lettuce with only water, boring I know but it works. I dropped 44 pounds(20kg) in 3 months with that. The worst part is getting started when you have all your cravings and the "I'll make an exception today" everyday. Soldier on and within 2 weeks your cravings have died out, it's a mental battle you have to win to get results.

Make cookies from scratch, it's incredible how much butter and sugar is in them, you will understand why they are so many calories.

Does that work for you? Like you are always fucking hungry and just got used to it? I thought everyone skinny just was not hungry

I will mostly eat vegetables and soup. I have just been liking canned vegetables with light salt

I want to start cooking vegetables and shit. I wish I could have something like instant noodles or Campbels chunky soup without it being off the shelf and fattening as fuck

I am like 20 miles from stores

Your stomach shrinks so a smaller amount of food will satasfy you longer, so eating less makes you less hungry. But I also get used to being hungry.
Today I didnt eat until 5pm because I was working from 6am, I felt hunger around 7am, it went away until 1pm.

Just eat a deficit and go to the gym

Fast you fat fuck.

Oh I thought if you had hunger you were automatically fat without starving

>stop eating food
>all i can think about is food
>nothing is fun anymore
>cant sleep for long because hunger keeps waking me up
Yeah bro just dont eat, ive water fasted for one week and it made me feel like im dying.

Canned stuff isn't really the best thing either user.
Also forgot to add in my previous post but cut rice/pasta/potatoes too.
Get some fat burner pills like pic related, works for me at least, my cravings die out and they're stacked with caffeine so I don't get tired and can function normally for a full day.
You need to eat boring to get results, it sucks and I still want pizza or something good once in a while but not telling your cravings to fuck off and not eat healthy is a slippery slope back to weight gain.
The longer you can avoid carbs the more you're forcing your body to use fat as fuel and the faster you drop. Then you need to keep it there and your body will try to trick you to eat carbs again but eventually adapt to the change.
It's as much mental battle as it is physical.

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You are fat because you are lazy and undisciplined, I went from a BMI of 35 to 20 in a period of 6 months by just not eating and endurance training. I even managed to hook up with a few random grills when I have forced myself to go out "clubbing" and even got laid a fair few times. It is pretty Autistic but think of yourself as a machine, Don't over fuel and make sure you are "running the machine"enough to get fit.

I am still socially awkward and autistic as fuck,But at least women find me attractive enough to look past it. Managed to even awkwardly throat/ass fuck some girls, while living with my mum kek .
get your shit together user.

Dude, just do keto.
All I eat is meat. I lost like 300 fucking pounds, and I can eat as much as I want.

Try it for a month, and see if it works. My appetite incidentally dropped drastically.

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Ketogenic diet. No bread, no sweets, basically no carbs, more fats to get your body used to burning fat. Other than that you can eat as much as you want and you will still lose weight, I have seen it work first hand. You will either adapt or be left behind as the genepool that darwin forgot, it's your choice

just don t eat HAHAHAHA.
no but seriously coffee and cigs could help exercising will not help if you continue eating like a fat fuck.

You don't even need vitamin c and most other vitamins if you do keto. That shit is only needed to help digest the carbs from bread, and such and such.

You're a dummy. The body spends at least 60% of its energy on merely existing! Eat 60% or less of your daily recommended calories, and you would lose weight by merely existing! Eat 70% of those calories, and you'll lose weight by existing and doing normal amounts of activity. Eat 80% of calories, and do some exercises, and you'll still lose weight. It's that simple, OP.

hey ! Man , I know what are you going trough. I am all of that , but also a woman so it makes it much harder, i guess, because of social pressure and huuuuuge hormonal oscillations. In order to lose what I've lost ( i lost a lot and i need even more) , i've been trough pain , suffering and mental death basically.
BED, bulimia , re-thinking of my mental stability ...literally a lot of pain.
To add to that, it's very ironic, but I am a cmpetitive athlete, every sport control rate is 10/10 even with overweight on scale -my health is perfect , my family was loving and full , my communication with people is untoched.
But suffering because I was born determinely fat and ugly is always there, it strikes me hard, and that is the cross that I have to carry. i cannot blame anyone, even myself - i am doing and i did everything to change that.
My literal dream is to spend one day of my life without looking at mirror and crying because of my appereance. thanks for listening.

You will sleep on the second day, don't worry.

Ladies and gentlemen, USA - the post.

Don't push yourself down user, we all struggle with self image here but it's not helping you to look at yourself and be upset. Instead, keep on trucking with your training and avoid judging yourself, if that means avoiding mirrors then so be it. I know because I did that. Still do but least I can look at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth now but in general I avoid myself.

Find a thing you will passionate about and you will forget to eat often.

>waaaahhhhh, it's God's fault I can't stop myself from shoving high calorie crap down my throat

Lol no, God has nothing to do with it, you just have zero self control. Eat less, exercise more, that's literally all there is to losing weight. It's not fucking brain surgery.

I've taken down my food intake to a tea in the morning and one can of soup a day 8 hours after waking up. I've lost all motivation to workout as I'm literally starving myself to death and I'm also not losing weight. Life is fun. hkhv no friends poor as shit and constantly bored out of my mind to the point that I just pace around out of sheer frustration. I miss food, it was my only happiness my entire life. I don't even know why I'm alive anymore.

Just bulimia your way out of it ezpz lmn sqz

count your calories. find out your TDEE and never exceed it. you WILL lose weight if you follow that strictly. btw you need moderate and steady activity and exercise throughout the week, you can't just do one day of exercise and expect that to burn off all your fat. you didn't get fat in one day and you don't get fit in one day.

>I just sit there eating pizza picking up my tit and dropping it letting it fall and feel the fat vibrate through my whole body while my 12 pound tit fucking slams right back down with the force of Thor

best post I read on Jow Forums today. thanks user

>I have an unlimited appetite. I can literally eat 80 pizza rolls, 40 pizza logs, and an entire 2 extra large pizzas and finally be full.

And you wonder why you're so fucking fat? You're stuffing your face with high-calorie, low-nutrition garbage, THAT'S why you're so fucking fat! You should cut anything pizza-related out of your diet immediately. I'd recommend some high-fiber food too. Fiber takes longer to digest, so you'll feel full longer.

It must be horrific to be so weak willed

Nooooo, I'm not weak-willed, it's God's fault I'm fat! It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that my daily caloric intake is enough to feed a family of four, or that I exercise less than a coma patient, nope, it's all God's fault, I'm a blameless perfect being! God makes me gain weight if I eat a single cookie! (Pic totally not related at all, honestly!)

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Now imagine being obese and not eating anywhere near that. In fact if I ate what he did in a day I would die a horrible death.

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>stop walking. SPRINT.

Bad advice for actual fatasses, they'll ruin their knees from trying to support the 200lbs+ of weight crushing down on it with every stride

I'd rather be addicted to meth than food

It sounds like you suffer from a combination of cravings, low impulse control, and a binge eating disorder. You have to find whats making you binge (it usually comes from a place of food being your only pleasure, so try to find other pleasures on life to fill the void) and control cravings. My advice for dealing with them is to make sure you get absolute nutrition in your diet healthily, balanced and well cooked meals (learn to cook if you otherwise haven't) and cut out granulated sugar and processed foods. It will be hard to cut them out for the first few weeks, because your body has gained an addiction to them, and it'll feel like drug withdrawl. If you give in to any bit of processed food during this period, you will relapse. But, if you make it through, it will get easier and you will have way less cravings.

Active Jow Forums Discord, stay out normalfags:

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