What do you hate most about boomers/our parents generation lads?

What do you hate most about boomers/our parents generation lads?

Is it the fact that people our age will never be able to afford a house because money grubbing 70 year old cunts will sell their houses for 300k? Elected corrupt politicians who FUCKED our generation on taxes? Borrowed trillions on credit and expected our generation to pay?

I love my family, but when I hear my dad say shit like "Well when I was your age I was already in my second house"- When I know for a fact they payed 20 grand for it, and it's now worth 200K. Sorry dad, if I could afford 20 grand I wouldn't waste it on a house because women these days are such morally repugnant cunts that there's no point in owning a house.

Seriously, fuck boomers

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imagine being mad that a generation of people took advantage of the prosperity given to them

also what do fembots have to do with owning a house retard

Mostly their worship of working.

>beeing this new
You have to go back.

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>Lol fix our mistakes you lazy slobs
i hope i die soon

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it's like an entire generation of NPCs

They complain about every fucking little thing and will not shut the fuck up about it even though it is obvious nobody gives a shit.

The "forced optimism" culture they have created. Where things are "never that bad" and if you say something negative that goes against their world view they will claim it's impossible and minimize your suffering.

oh wait thats this generation too

>sell their houses for 300k?
In my country (Australia) that's more like 2 million+ for their houses they originally got for peanuts

If they are selling their houses for that much that means they are able to find a buyer for that much. Boomers didn't invent supply and demand

rich chinks and other foreigners buying out extra real estate all over the world while locals struggle to afford to live in the same neighbourhood they grew up in

>Boomers didn't invent supply and demand
But they certainly did invent selling off our country to China

the sexual revolution they supported

>mom literally got her job at lehman handed to her
>banks offered 9% short term interest rates
>tells me "but that's how life is" every time i tell her i'm terrified of working for 40 years paying off a mortgage then retiring

i just want to shut them up and make them feel like their way of life is wrong.

I told my father that I would never deal with the debt from buying a house. He said that it is more expensive to rent in the long run. He does not understand.

Nothing wrong with that but is annoying having them hold us to the same standards as theirs when life was much different when they were our age.

No its called debt. Basically, desperate retards will borrow 6-8x their annual income or whatever the bank approves them for (when they should be borrowing at most 3x) to buy a house and this pushes prices up so now everyone including financially responsible people have to take out massive enslavement contracts (mortgages) just to get a place of their own. Abolish mortgages or raise interest rates and house prices will drop by a rock. These prices all propped up by government printed funny money

Wait you mean you can't magically pull 50 grand out of your arse to put down a deposit on a house? Maybe if you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps

Just give them a firm handshake... That's what I did...

I'm probably gonna lose my job in education next week. I'm a hard working, dedicated employee but there's no money in UK education anymore. The school have to cut 100k out of the budget by next year.

When I told my dad this, what was his reaction?

"Just go into town with some CV's and start hanging them anywhere that will accept them"

This is not a joke

The fact that they think circumcision is a good thing

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Maybe it's a British mindset, but literally what are the benefits for chopping half a babies cock off?

>What do you hate most about boomers/our parents generation lads?

Their insatiable greed, black hole egos and instability to admit to wrongdoing. They genuinely believe that the world revolves around them, that everyone else exists to do what the boomers want, and that they deserve everything they've gotten by screwing over the future generations. They honestly believe that they've done nothing wrong, and that the next generation just isn't trying hard enough. They sold our futures to enrich themselves, and they think they were right to do so. We're probably never going to undo all the damage they've done, even after the last of the boomers has finally died. Those greedy old fucks ruined the world, and they're going to die without ever facing the repercussions. And those smug pricks know it.

To give you an example of how out of touch boomers are with the real world and money:

My grandparents just bought a 30k new car. They're 75. When I asked why they bothered "Well why not, we can't take the money with us"

My mum is also spending 5 grand redecorating her front room. There's literally NOTHING wrong with it, they just "felt like a change". All that's being changed is carpet>laminate, some new paint and wallpaper and a pair of new couches.

They're so far out of touch with how money works it's like they're from a different planet

their entire generation is completely sociopathic and they would rather waste money on luxuries and bullshit than save some money for their children. they are entirely insane

>My grandparents just bought a 30k new car. They're 75. When I asked why they bothered "Well why not, we can't take the money with us"
I mean they're not wrong. They're about to die let them enjoy the final years.

Typical boomer mentality: "Should I make sure to leave behind an inheritance for my children and grandchildren? NAAAAAAAAAH! I'm gonna piss all my money away on pointless wasteful crap before I die! Fuck my kids, they're just greedy little shits, they don't deserve MY money!"

I guess I know how much my parents struggle for money, despite busting their asses. I'm not saying they can't buy a new car, but do they really need to buy a 30grand car for a knockabout?

They have absolute no value about leaving any kind of legacy behind, except "we're massive cunts"

No I'm mad that they fucked everything up and except later generations to clean up.

>I mean they're not wrong.

Well, they're right about not being able to take it with you. But they think that means it's okay to piss away their wealth on frivolous crap and not leave anything to their kids. That's the problem; boomers see their children as extensions of their will, that exist only to serve Lord Boomer's will, and they don't give a fuck what happens to their kids after they die. They are self-absorbed to the point that it destroys their family. Boomers don't care what happens to their kids after they die, because it won't be their problem anymore. All they care about is living a life of luxury and making others pay for it.

You know what would make me enjoy my final years? Knowing I was endowing my blood with wealth that would help our family thrive in the years to come, no matter the hardships this brutal world throws at them.

Generational wealth is extremely important to a family's continued longevity. If you want to know a big reason why the black community is in shambles right now, understand how little time, and how few opportunities, they've had to build generational wealth, and the many ways in which it's been destroyed when they did have a chance.

Boomers who are truly this hedonistic obviously have no conception of how precarious material well-being is in this world. I guess if you grow up in a time where all you need to do to acquire wealth is just "work hard," you don't feel bad about pissing it away later. Meanwhile, most of the world salivates at the thought of $30,000 and what that could mean for their life.

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I want to move abroad to teach abroad. It's been a dream since I was about 18 and I'm 30 now.

When I told my dad about it, he just said "Well why would you give up your safe job where we live to live somewhere foreign?"

Cause I don't wanna retire in my 50s in a village of 10k people dad.

so when you're old as shit you would rather waste money on bullshit than give it to your children?

your dad is smart and you're an idiot

Why not just find a Boomer sugar momma?

>You know what would make me enjoy my final years? Knowing I was endowing my blood with wealth that would help our family thrive in the years to come, no matter the hardships this brutal world throws at them.

Again, boomers don't care about any of that. They don't give a single withered shit about what happens to their family after their death. The only reason they had kids to begin with is so they'd have someone to take care of them in old age. They see their children as servants, merely extensions of their own will, placed on this earth to do the boomer's bidding and nothing more. Once the boomer dies, his family can go fuck themselves.

Boomer sugar mommas just want Chad

this is pretty much my dads mentality. he just collects and buys shit. when he dies it's going to take me 30 fucking wears to sell it all.


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Boomers live in an anomal time period where most of the world economy was destroyed due to war and therefore united states enjoyed an enormous prosperity, also add to that the FDR reforms which created a strong middle class (GI bill, housing subsidies etc) and Ike who continued the said policies.

Nowadays the rest of the world is catching up, the global economy makes it easy to outsource your manufacturing or let in immigrants who do the work cheaper, also add to that most of the middle class protectionism being lifted since Reagan. Now you have shrinking middle class, extremely wealth few rich and growing poor

Mind you this was THE NORMAL. The good old 50s was the anomaly. The desire to revert back to those days is absurd, it is not going to happend. Look at the other decades The 20s-30s are very similar to 90s 2000s, periods of boom and periods of busts and all the time the middle class is shrinking. This is the normal, always was always will be.

Boomers are delusional because they lived in an abnormal period and think that is the normal.
But if there is anyone worse than the boomers are the young conservatives who buy the same kool aid of thinking 50s were normal.
''If only it wasn't for these dumb brown immigrants my high school diploma ass would be able to afford a house'' is delusional boomer level thinking, discarding many of the other factors that made 50s unique and that are not here anymore. The good old days were an anomaly they are not coming back.

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>The desire to revert back to those days is absurd
that's a really retarded way to look at it. you want to know what's even more normal? reverting to hunter gatherers. that's how dumb your logic is.

Well you are right of course I judge capitalism, not hunter gatherer society. Or rather I judge by what is normal as of today.

50s were quit exceptional because most of the world was not able to compete with USA due to being fucked in WW2. Also USA pushed a lot of strong middle class policies due to the fear of Soviet Union (look how popular Huey Long had become in 30s)

Now you have rest of the world catching up to US, outsourcing and moving your factory etc is far easier than before. So this is the new normal
Ironically we are also reverting back to 30s in that socialism is also becoming popular amongst the youth.

i was just in knightsbridge london and the entire place is owned by rich Arabs now because the boomers who all ended up with those nice places are selling out their own culture for a quick buck

Haha my parents are gen X get wrecked.

>50s were quit exceptional because most of the world was not able to compete with USA due to being fucked in WW2
we would have been completely fine if the boomers didn't betray this country and send all the manufacturing jobs to fucking china and hire a bunch of illegal mexicans to work farming and other bullshit jobs. they sold out and destroyed this entire country from the ground up.

real estate is a scam. it's only going to get worse with all this foreign investor bullshit too. they're just going to keep flipping houses between themselves and everyone who actually lives in that area will be priced out. it's already happening and it will get 10x worse unless they completely put a stop to this shit.

>50s were quit exceptional because most of the world was not able to compete with USA due to being fucked in WW2

This guy gets it.

Europe's industrial base was gone so they couldn't compete and the US Industry sold them the shit they needed to rebuild. That's a rare set of economic circumstances.

What a steal.

Nah they're pretty easy, rejected one and she got with a virgin.

Bluntly you should be mad at the govment and banks that enabled that bullshit. The reason a house went up 300% was becuase banks started giving loans out in such high levels that the housing market had no reason to play nice and adjusted the values accordingly to what the new max amount of loan money buyers had thanks to those loans

Oh look it's another "i'm an unemployed virgin who hates old people because i'm a miserable failure."

What did they "fuck up"?

it is a good thing. It shows you come from a civilized society.

You're going to inherit their shit someday. Unless your (grand)parents were slackers and never invested in anything

boomers buy shit that no one other than boomers want. they mostly waste their money on vacations, cars, and collectible bullshit

many boomers planned poorly for retirement and some will reverse mortgage their house (if they even have one)

many of them are also still working instead of retiring

sure it might not happen to you or me but it is definitely happening

1. That is a horrid mindset, you are banking on their pesudo means of wealth
2. Most boomers fuck up really bad and are still working in their 70s, they have no real retirement and many are still paying for a house because they were still playing the house shell game up to 2008 so they still have a morgage

I've had partners, I have a full time job, and I don't consider myself a failure. Keep projecting though friend

So what your saying is we need a 3rd World War

they're not grasping how badly the internet has fucked over future generations and all this funding is being funneled into more internet shit, particularly, smart phone internet shit that facilitates government tracking or just tracking in general.

what makes people think technology won't become so advanced that it makes your entire life transparent?

fuck it, i'll be dead by then.

300k for a house is like winning a lottery in where I live. Why is the world so fucking unfair. Why does simple life have to be so nightmarish hard for us. The world fucking hates me and wants me and everything around me suffer. I am laughing hysterically as I type this.