How do i quit smoking? i want to quit but i just can't :/
How do i quit smoking? i want to quit but i just can't :/
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I can't remember where I heard this, but someone played Super Mario Sunshine to distract themselves form needing to smoke.
Also try eating, you'll get fat but you can burn it off after the first few days which are supposed to be the hardest.
Best of luck, user.
There is this stuff called CBD hemp. It is essentially weed that doesnt get you high but just a mild buzz and some nice effects. It kills the craving to smoke
If you go online you can buy a pound of cbd hemp trim for 99 dollars. Grind alll of it and buy a cigarette rolling machine. Buy 1000 empty cigarettes with the filters attached. Roll up all your own cigarettes with the hemp and smoke those instead
They sell hemp cigarettes but its 20 bucks a pack fucking scam
Smoke until you die from lung cancer then you stop because you can not smoke if you die.
I've heard of a couple good ways
One was to take a handful of awful tasting candy and eat a piece every time you're about to smoke, the flavors will be disgusting and the urge to do it may lessen if you get grossed out every time you think of taking a smoke
Another is a similar approach with toothpicks, just gnaw on one or two before/ after smoking and it'll become an oral habit that's not nearly as gross, my friend said this one takes a while but works
Good luck user
Oh and also get a vape pen
It's simple, just don't smoke. If you don't have the control you may ask your family to lock you down in the basement for a week.
The cigarette companies literally add 10,000 chemicals and alter everything about it and literallly perfectly engineer it to be as addictive as possible. The Jews literally scientifically engineered cigarettes to make them legal deadly crack
1. Stop smoking
2. Do 300ug of LSD if you never tried psychedelics.
Just quit cold turkey. Don't vape, don't chew nic gum, dont smoke "less", don't wait to finish the pack then quit, throw the pack and away and just straight up stop smoking. I smoked a pack a day for 6 years and trying to wean yourself off doesn't work. Find something else to distract yourself when craving. Play video games or go for a walk or chew gum.
Dude i smoke half a cigarette at a time and literally smoke like 2 cigarettes a day and even i couldnt quit without a vape pen. That nicotine shit just feels good
First of all you need a clear mind, if you are frustrated or depressed, it's pretty hard, bearing daily sorrow without nicotine if you are already a smoker drives you insane. First of all try clear your mind, then you can fallow next steps that others anons already posted here.
>smoke more than a couple of cigarettes in the same day
>mouth dries the fuck out and lips start peeling off of my face
how the fuck do you get addicted in the first place? I love cigs but they don't love me
Personally I quit while having withdrawals on LSD. Didn't smoke the day before and had this weird suffocating feeling in my chest that didn't go away. It took me like about half an hour to realize that it was my nicotine addiction acting up, haha. That feeling was so annoying and infuriated me so much by ruining my chill trip that I decided to quit smoking so I can enjoy my next trip in peace. Worked pretty well.
Get yourself some psychedelics and suffer, user.
Drink water you ashy fuck and stop deepthroating the cigarettes.
One day I will probably quit before I'm 40 but I love it too much and it calms me but the main thing is I mix it with weed and I don't want to give up on weed (alcohol is worse).
Those Chantix pills or whatever do work. I couldn't deal with the nightmares I couldn't wake up from, but apparently that's like a 1 in 10,000 side effect.
>stop deepthroating the cigarettes
no. I won't have it any other way.
you are smoking for self-medication. find out what your problem is
i smoke, but i have to force myself to do it. after quitting my job my stress levels went to 0 and now i don't really even crave it any more
Pussy, you're disrespecting the cigarette user.
it's so easy user just follow the instructions inside the box. it's cheap too.
That's because you have absolutely shit-tier will power.