Is it over for me?
Is it over for me?
idfk lol bump
I think it may just be "maturing". For reference, I am a 24 year old boy.
Mfw I'm worse than you and didn't even realize it
Yeah sorry op
Doesn't look bad to me but what do I know?
>is it over
>posts a normal hairline
what the fuck is wrong with this board????
I actually have that hair line, I'm 18 and me, my mom and some close relatives have it though I have sorta a five head and so does my mom. You look fine, In the second pic you may think it's a sign of balding but it just looks like the way your scalp spits. Your hair doesn't look thin.
Exbaldies, what shit works?
Kirkland/rogaine, finasteride?
grab a cluster of ~50 hairs at the root, then pull up with firm (not hard) constant pressure. if you get more than 2 hairs you're balding. repeat this for both temple areas and crown. also look for miniaturized hairs at the temples
>tfw Vegeta hairline
Vain people are vain.
Being concerned for your appearances doesn't make you vain. Nor does taking care of oneself.
Having unfounded concerns about hairloss if your hairline is normal and it isn't thinning is vanity.
What does Dr. Fit say about me?
Other side
How so?
Seeing something having solely to do with appaearance when it isn't apparent to anyone else is vanity. Like an anorexic thinks they're fat when they're skin and bone. I'm just saying anyone else wouldn't be worried about going bald with a normal hairline.
>is it over for me?
If death is certain, why don't you kill yourself user?
Balding, similar to death, is a natural occurrence that you have no control over. Why waste energy with things you can't control when you can focus on things you can control? For now, toss a coin, heads shave it, tails keep it, then go worry about something else.
yeah, now fuck off
>I am a 24 year old boy
>used to be 23
no point in worrying about something thats inevitable
stick with it for now and once it gets bad enough shave head
no point in coping with some shit haircut making the best of it
Get married before you lose it all.
Mate you're not even losing your hair, you have a normal hairline, are you retarded? It's just not a straight hairline, most men have a hairline like this
If you think this is dumb as fuck you should see /fa/'s obsession with hairlines, everyone who doesn't look like pic related is balding
>non white hairline
Honestly if your hairline isn't at least as low as Paul George, just kys already
PG has a threehead.
looks weird
He looks like a fucking mongol with that 2cm forehead. Few more and his hairline would mix with eyebrows
>Just shave it
Fucking bald retards, you sound like women. It sucks to lose your hair as a man too, and there's plenty of methods to prevent/slow and even regrow it. Having a widow's peak is perfectly fine of course, but for a lot of people it will recede and look terrible. There's nothing wrong with wanting to maintain what you have instead of shaving your head like a coward.
>just give yourself ED bro
Finasteride/Dutasteride is not the only method to prevent hairloss.
that's a hairy forehead