Mfw when people actually do splits

>mfw when people actually do splits
>mfw people don't train fullbody and use myoreps to get the same or better training stimulation in a fraction of the time

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>mfw OP is a dyel

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>mfw people train the same muscles multiple days in a row and don't allow for adequate recovery

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You have approximately 48 hours of elevated protein synthesis after working out a muscle. If you split train then your muscles are growing 2 days out of the week, and 5 days they are doing nothing.
Full body every second day is the only way other than steroids to ensure constant growth.

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>I want much bulk fast

OK zoomer lifting isn't an infomercial with fast easy results. Go jack off if you want near instant gratification.

>mfw i do this and see the reaction of others to it

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Post body

48 hrs is only for absolute novices. The window gets even smaller, sometimes even to only 8 hours if increased muscle growth.

*sucks ur dick*

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Full body 3 times a day masterrace reporting in

How do people unironically do 1 muscle group per week? I guess if you're a 15 year old at your local YMCA and you're just starting to lift it might be a good idea. How can you bench only once a week? How can you have one day for legs? It's fucking retarded

I want to bench 3x a week and there's no smart way of doing it other than full body.

*lets you put the tip in*

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Based Arnoldposter. Frequency is the absolute key to natty lifting. So many guys go and do these hour long 5way splits and only hit each group once a week. Huge waste of time and they usually burn out after a month or 2

No idea, I do full body 3 times a week and love it.

>People unironically posting that they do Full body 3x a week

You're just exposing yourself as DYEL.

For any long term lifter, 3 times a week full body is nowhere near enough volume per body part. Unless you're doing 4 hour workouts which is retarded in it of itself.

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Frequency is overrated as-is, but even more so with the recent findings by Israetel and Schoenfeld showcasing that as long as volume is equated it doesn't matter much.

It only comes down to how you prefer to train.

>mfw I do what feels best for my body
>mfw I get solid steady gains ezpz

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The human body adapts to situations, not exposures. The workout is just a stimulus to grow, and you can only grow so much from a single workout. It is better to hit it 3x a week than each muscle once a week and just spin your wheels and waste time doing a million accessory lifts. Bing 'diminshing returns'

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>mfw doing bro splits for 3 years
>mfw made slight mod so i hit every body part directly once and indirectly once (total twice a week)
>mfw bout to break my bench of 325x3 and squat of 405x5

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lmao do you watch jeff nippard too? you fucking faggot

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just do an 8 hour workout once a month

Here was the routine I started with

>Chest day
>Bicep and tricep day
>Leg day
>Shoulder day

I didn't even do deadlifts, or overhead presses.