/uni/ how is uni life going senpai?

/uni/ how is uni life going senpai?

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2.4GPAcel here.
Thinking of suicide.

Is your major hard?

>writing my thesis
>trying to figure out for 2 hours how I start page numbering from a certain page

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>have to start working on my bachelor's thesis
>keep putting it off
I know I have to do the work and it'll be easier if I start sooner
a day comes, I find an excuse to dick around all day, rinse and repeat
why am I such a fucking retard

not well, I've thought about the next 2 years and realized that the longest break I'll have from school/internships is 3 weeks during christmas. on top of that I have medical issues complicating things. in short I'm fucked.

I graduated already, got a job via connections and did it for 2 years (accounting) . But I left the firm 5 months ago and I'm unemployed now.

dropping out of my electrical engineering major to study medicine, will probably go to the same university my father went too

Dropping out of Political Science after dragging on for almost 3 years and never finishing 2nd course. What's the most useful humanities degree?

English. If you are bilingual certified you can always get a job teaching tacos

I'm in Europe, so I don't think that would work for me.

terrible. absolutely terrible. i was only taking 4 classes, i withdrew from one early on so now im only taking 3. and i am still failing horribly all 3 courses. I barely even show up to class all semester, there were group projects but I never even joined a group so I didnt turn in a single project. Theres been I think 3 tests and I only showed up for one and I got a 50 on it. I wish I had an excuse but I dont. I started working a part-time job but I quit so I can "focus on school" but clearly im not doing shit. Meanwhile I get to witness these superhumans in my classes who are doing 5 times as much as as me while working full time jobs and passing every class with top marks, and having social lives.

I failed at life desu, I just want off this ride

i dropped out and have been a neet ever since except for the one week i held a job
i wish i never went

haha is she taking a really hard exam or something

>5 group assignments this term
I legit want to die

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Not a student any more but back in 2015 I was bullied out of my student halls (dorms for you americans) because people found my anti-feminist youtube videos

>tfw research project due wednesday the 17th
>tfw required to have at least 5 participants in the study
>tfw too autistic to reach out to people

>posting anything about your views publicly
what did you expect user?

Really? I have my 2 year in accounting and at the firm right now. It's tough man. What was your client load?

>virgin with no friends
>everything seems to be going great in classes but I always manage to fuck up at the worst places
>have a group project that started a while ago and lasts until the end of the semester
>lazy shitters in the group keep completely skipping and handing off their parts of the project to others but I'm too beta to say anything about it
Yeah so uni is fun

Worst semester yet. Very tired. Really wish I wasn't in this situation. I wonder why I do this to myself. /blog

I didn't post it publicly, it wasn't associated with my name or face at all, I actually never found out how they found it.

Pretty big name companies. Mostly in the aerospace and logistics industries. Long hours and I burnt out. Didn't even finish my CPA. I'm such a brainlet.

No worries man. I plan on getting my CPA soon. I have a NASA contracting client and the in charge is not nice.


Lauren Phillips on pic if anybody is asking

I like working accounting, for a smallish company 3rd party to the banks. Not a ton of room to grow but if I stick around long enough and prove myself I could end up doing something comfy for awhile like payroll or trust management. I don't want to be just an in house auditor like my older brother.

I kinda want to go into stock trading, at a bank or something. Not sure how my auditing experience would help but I've been trading stocks via Robinhood/E-Trade for a number of years now.

I was on robinhood for a year. It's a lot of work on top of my actual work though.

Made a killing off of a few biotech stocks that got acquired. These days I just buy passive ETFs.

Aree those superhumans women? If yes than they sleep with their tutors and get solved old exams from smart betas.

This is the case 100% of the time, no exception.

I've managed to put myself on track to graduate at long last but I still have no friends and want to kill myself on a daily basis.

Graduating this year. Still no sex.
WTF is wrong with me?

>Dropped a class because I was failing for the first time in my entire college career
I'm fucking ashamed

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Progress on my paper is virtually nonexistent but at least the weather's warmed up again. I'm going to actually do my homework for once tonight, exams this week are going to fuck me right up the ass if I don't at least pretend like I've prepared.

Are there any other normal types who frequent this general, or are we all virgin loosers here? I need ideas on things to do with my gf now that the weather's nice out, I've never been in this position before.

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i've almost finished second year but still no friends or even a gf

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>spent 3rd year smoking weed and avoiding lectures
>graduated with a first
it's possible robots

Welcome to the club At least you have 2 more years to go. I'm fucked.

My sociology profeessor has the most grating fucking voice, jesus CHRIST. This nasally scratchy bitchy piece of shit, maybe she's actually autistic

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I remember that shit freshman year, I had to write an essay on the evil's of white privilege (unironically)

user with the stacy film project partner here, the professor was on my side and said if she tried to interfere or pawn off to friends with my new role in the project (editing) he would deduct her grade

>school is 70% male
>all the cute girls are taken
might as well kms

we watched a bunch of movies that were probably on her bucket list and had to relate them to the subject

the worst part was that she graded attendance

The best part of studying humanities is that its mostly females.

>in a subject with 75% females
>get ignored and no one interacts with me despite being here since two semesters

>got 3 assignments
>got 60 pages to write for thesis
>got 1 exam to study for
>got 0 fucking friends holy shit help me

i'd like to say it gets better user, but it doesn't.

today may have been the last time i go in for class. after class today i sat in this little quiet spot on the first floor with huge windows with a cup of coffee, just watching everything go by as if i didn't exist. what a miserable 5 years.

>taking a class that I need at least a B in for my degree
>got a 63 on the second exam
I hate being a retard
Fortunately my grade was good before that exam so I just need at least an 80 on the final to get a B in the class

good luck user, you got this champ

mturk nigga

sauce pleaaaseslslslrandomses

History is a sausage fest. I guess all the girls go to english so they can improve their fan fiction

Lauren Phillips nigga

why did you quit, and are you looking for a job?

cheer up dude, you'll have so many bigger problems after you graduate that you won't even think about it.

Fuck man I'm in my last semester of Uni, graduating this fall. I LIVED for uni threads sophmore year. I'm taking all online elective classes this semester, because I'm done with my major classes. Meanwhile I'm job hunting for an internship and its as soul crushing as last time I looked for a job. Take it from me bros, start applying to internships early. Don't wait towards the end.

I want to be a teacher. I will be put into a classroom and observe for 40 hours does that count?

What's the best humanities degree? I'm too brainlet for STEM.

If you're too brainlet for STEM at least do some business degree or something, humanities is a pure waste of money

Yeah, teachers are a bit different, there more of a direct pipeline, and a guided path to your career. You'll be fine, I'm a business major.

Kind of crazy though, I got emails from a teacher training and certification company, through my school email. I guess teachers really are in high demand, they are asking whoever they can to be a teacher.

2.49GPA. Worried about future prospects but not enough to do anything

If, you are good with numbers, probably accounting. You just have to work with numbers all day, and get a good salary.

>have a 10 page paper due friday i havent started yet
>Have a 5 page paper due saturday
>Have an internship interview later today
>Havent slept in two days

Starta few days ago and friend groups formed already, i personally don't give a single shit about relationships anymore so i don't care. I go in, finish my business and i get the fuck out of the neet filled classroom as fast as i can

Statics is kicking my ass
Why does physics suck so much?

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Dropped out of compsci bc was too much of a brainlet for math. Kept failing so I just dropped it. Been working with my dad helping him with his construction projects, doing this and living semi neet. I don't regret dropping out but I regret even bothering now since I'm 10k in debt which isn't that bad but could be way worse. I wish they pushed learning a trade as much as they did going to college when I was in high school they barely ever mentioned anything about trade school.

This, lots of people go to college and get a degree that is either useless or they don't care about, just because it's "the thing to do"
Plus if more people went to learn trades, not only would it be good for our national economy, but then college degrees would be less useless.

Yea it's dumb. Trades can be just as good as college degrees if not better, but unfortunately I didn't start looking into them until I was already in college. Meanwhile some kid I had math with senior year was leaving school early to do his trade courses, his dad is a plumber so I think he took him in. Kid is probs making tons money now and younger than me, meanwhile I've dropped out of college with nothing to show for it.

>tfw junior spring and I'm finally experiencing tfw gf
Spent this morning in bed with her reading a novel, feels fucking great bros. Put in the work and keep trying to improve yourself and your social skills, I feel like having this as a late bloomer is more rewarding than just having it from the start.

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>2 years of being a NEET
>starting school again in August

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What do you do in accounting?

Its basically recording and organizing financial shit for a company. It would mean sitting in front of a computer looking at numbers all day.

>doing my PhD in CS
So I'm the only successful robot here? I'm still a virgin, but at least I'm having academic success.

What made you decide to do a PhD? Just curious as a current CS undergrad

Never forget, ther's always an emergency exit
pic related

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here you go

Protip: Don't do it, robro

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>a month and a half since uni started
>still no gf
im dying

thinken about dropping out of my MA lads, how's life with just a Bachelor out there?

History major here and I'm still struggling
Is there any hope for me?

What career?
What school?
Give us details fagboy.

>signed up for a course with professional experience hoping it would improve my chance
>the whole thing is just a farce where they make student apply for a uni project rather than just get allocated
>have 3 of this fake interviews tomorrow
FUck I couldn't even be bothered.

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>Tfw no Lauren Phillips college gf

Don't do the group assignments?

If you aren't making six figures with a degree in CS you're a lazy bum.

bleak in cali

I'm currently in school for CS and I really don't care about getting a high paying job once I graduate. I'd even be happy with the pay of starting positions which is like $70k. I'm just not a very ambitious person.

It's a sociology professor thing- I'm about to graduate and I've spent the last three years desperately trying to avoid any modules taught by women as they're just never as good as those taught by their male counterparts

I'm doing my master's in CS because it's too hard to get a programming job in the US with just a bachelor's. I tried for six months leading up to graduating, failed, and decided to go for the master's. I'm not bad at programming. I've written a toy kernel, a 12 kloc compiler with an LLVM backend, and a bunch of server code from scratch. I'm not a complete sperg either. It's just that the competition is so fierce that you either need an exceptional background or to know somebody at the company to get a job at a big tech company, which is where I'd like to end up.

>Hopeless crush on girl in two of my classes
>Semester is over in a month
>I've never even talked to her
Why am I autistic

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>ending years civil eng
>used to be ~10% grills, dropped to about 2% through the years
>building just has other engineering students in it
>they didn't even bother building girls washrooms in certain areas

just kill me senpai. I'm starting to forget what real girls look like

how do i get sex as a socially low ranked human without being accused of rape by praying on drunk girls that are insecure like me? I get that this is considered rape but it isn't is it, its just a way for a women to reclaim her insecure shame in a socially acceptable and self-assured way. I'd like to graduate and have sex but god damn I'm scared of getting rape accusation but I really need to have some sex my biological drive is huge.

Chasing sober girls is a waste of time and as I'm not socially high ranked all I can get is mid to low tier women (hypergamy) and that's not worth the effort compared to getting drunk.

nigga just go to titty club meetings. Do the 2% of girls have loads of orbiters?

>class is 10 guys and 2 "females"
>An ugly whore and a 200lb beast.
>Unironically the most feminine thing we have is a faggot
>Building is 96% male

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Nursing or Psychology?

>school is 60% female
>still cant get a gf

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yeah, girls left are either lesbian, obese chinese or black holes of attention.

I run part of the photography club for the uni. It hasn't really helped much

Strange I would think there would be Instathots and polaroid art hoes at photography club.

I am the treasuer of the Agricultural Business club we are like 90% guys. Pre law club is like 40% girls but they are insufferable cunts

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I fucking hate trying to get a degree in history, its 95% male and I hate most of the peolpe who are in the program. Going to switch to political science and hope its better

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nah, thats in class

photography club is mostly dudes, girls prefer having their pictures taken.

Maybe its because I just handle film stuff

>judging your degree by the transient group of people you happen to be with
>switching to fucking polsci instead of doing history
You MUST be a woman, there is no way a man would think like this

History at my school was like 70% male. The people are chill some can get Jow Forums
I have noticed more guys being active in clubs. I guess the roasties all have BFs to care for