Listen user, I obviously can't truly know how you feel but I know the feeling of hopelessness and self doubt...

Listen user, I obviously can't truly know how you feel but I know the feeling of hopelessness and self doubt. Yet only focusing on these feelings will blur your vision and you'll fall even deeper into this dark pit.

Whatever it is that you dislike about your current situation, no matter if it's your looks, being single, drug addiction, loneliness. All those things don't define you as a person. You don't need to live up to others expectations. It doesn't matter what you do, people will always find something to nitpick on.

I'm sure you have amazing qualities. Just start with being content with yourself. One step at a time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

When many of these qualities physically make you up as a person (I mean freak of nature shit, not shallow bulshit like manlet/lanklet/etc) it no longer becomes other people's expectations and it becomes being trapped in your own hell

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I ensure you most people don't care about your looks as much as you do. Even if you're 'a freak of nature', people might look for a moment but then move on with their life's.

Will it help you finding a partner? Well of course not but having a partner is not the pinnacle of life as some people here make it out to be.

Don't be so harsh to yourself.

Thank you, wholesome anime girl, but my main issue is not not living up to others expectations. The things you listed hurt enough by themselves. Thanks for trying to cheer me up anyway.

I don't expect to change your world view over the internet but hear me out.

Being single is not a bad thing, it gives you time to work on yourself. Imagine besides having to carry your own burdens you also get those of your partner and trust me everybody has their fair share of bullshit they deal with.

Take time to take care of yourself, you don't need to be a 10/10 to look decent. Dress nicely, comb your hair, brush your teeth, shower aso. This might sound basic but that alone will make you feel more comfortable with yourself.

Also I clean environment helps as well so try to keep your place nice. Or perhaps look for an alternative, move to a new place for a change of pace.

Loneliness is a bitch and making friends isn't the easiest thing to do, especially if you're out of school. However try to find a social hobby, take a cooking course or something like that. Anything that forces social interaction. You might not end up finding your best friend but I'm sure you'll at least find people to talk to.

You're fucking retard OP. Its people like you who should kill themselves, not me.

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Haha I guess you're right. It's not too bad but what's important is I can fix it. Bless you, wholesome animu girl.

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I tried but got cold feet last minute so I figured if I'm to fucked to live but to puss to die I might as well work on making my live better.

If helping others makes me retarded I'll gladly take it

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I cant, i hate myself.

Yeah, go help other mental people who clearly dont deserve any. Go help them to find a STD-ridden roastie, breed maggots and then die in vain so plutocrats on top could continue shit on everyone below. Good fucking job.

Mind telling me why?

So far I haven't encouraged anyone to find a partner at all so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Of course you're not sure, your lobotomite brain cannot comprehend the sequence behind simple words.

Okay then. If you change your mind and wanna talk just say so.

kill yourself edgy faggot, youre the reason the world is as shit as it is

You dont present a single reason for me to do so. I have a great disdain for people like you, so go on, continue to waste your time on my shitposts.

I hate that im a sensitive person and i repress it. I'd like to be intellectual ice queen but i cant do it.

Says pathetic loser who wastes his time on this piece of shit board instead of doing anything with his life. Go on, loser. Entertain me more.

I just want a hug user. please.
Originally of course my dear.

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Everyone has emotions and hiding it is okay, but bottling them up is not. You need to be true to them however you can unless you wish to only ever pity yourself.
Emotions may feel illogical to you but the truth is we have them from evolution for a reason and trusting them is okay.

Sorry if that's a assumption but you say you'd like to be a girl but can't openly admit that?

this image is making me feel

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I wont be happy until Im chad and people actually enjoy my company and shit just falls into my lap. Ill be pretty fucking happy then. Im not chad though

Some people have it so FUCKING easy they dont even know

Here's the deal, if we ever meet in real life I'll give you a big hug. Till then you'll work on getting happy with yourself.

>That makes me think did you at one point feel like you deserved help but didn't get any and that's what gives you a hostile stance against 'people like me'?
You prefer the easy way out by playing wannabe-psychologist? I could do the same if I wanted, but there is no reason to justify leeches who can only take shit and do nothing about it. Its the reason why population of so many countries is such an indifferent mess - they dont know how to do shit and they justify themselves with arguments like you spit out and continue to do nothing with themselves except reproduction and chasing money to spend on shit they wont even bother to read a full description of. I have no respect for you.

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honestly this was very a shitty month,my co worker keep harassing me,i have a test for the uni next month, i just want to take a break

I'd unironically hug you irl user.

*hugs through 0s and 1s*

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>cant even get a internet hug
feels bad man

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Being a 'Chad' is a illusion probably this board drilled into you. Sure looking good has benefits but you can still be a very likable person if you have a nice character.

People like other people which can make them laugh, they can talk to aso. A minority cares about your looks.

Thanks user. You're the best.
*internet hug*
Now time to fucking chovy the rest of you cunts.

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I thought you saying

>originally of course

Ment you don't want an internet hug.
Well here goes.

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Lol that was just to make sure it wasnt said before user, thanks. Good choice of gif.

I'm fairly happy with my life by now.
I have no debt, a job I actually enjoy and I'm constantly trying new things to expand my worldview.

Someone who actually starts arguing about helping others as a negative trait may or may not be the 'braindead' he thinks others are.

Let's face it out of all the threads on Jow Forums you picked this one to force your opinion on. So either you are personally invested in this topic to some degree or you truly are just a troll.

>Someone who actually starts arguing about helping others as a negative trait may or may not be the 'braindead' he thinks others are.
By helping braindead unconditionally you equate yourself to them.
>Let's face it out of all the threads on Jow Forums you picked this one to force your opinion on. So either you are personally invested in this topic to some degree or you truly are just a troll.
And out of all other posters you still waste time on my shit, even knowing that I am potentially a troll. Plus this board and Jow Forums in general are dead, I only come here out of habit.

I see how that can be draining but don't think of it as the end of the road. Uni will end sooner than you think and you could always switch to a different job if your coworker gets unbearable.

It's called empathy.
Why would I expect something in return from someone who clearly has enough going on in their life already.

I still reply because I feel like you'd actually like to talk but your pride keeps you from doing so. But you said you keep coming back to Jow Forums because of a habit so we're getting somewhere :)

I cant open them otherwise they'll control me.

But do you feel like these emotions are the 'real you'? If so how would them controlling you be a bad thing?

You express empathy only because its the path of the least resistence for you. You're just as prideful as I am, but of course its me who is somehow supposed to feel bad about this.
>But you said you keep coming back to Jow Forums because of a habit so we're getting somewhere :)
Its you who is getting somewhere by reading all that pointless shit and replying to it. And that "somewhere" is called arse.

You don't have to feel bad about it. If this is truly how you feel about me/people like me, then by all means go for it. In my opinion this way of thinking however only makes one more bitter and isolated in the long run but you already voiced clearly that my opinion has little to no value to you.

I can only keep replying because you keep answering which essentially makes us equally stupid in that regard doesn't it? :)

> In my opinion this way of thinking however only makes one more bitter and isolated in the long run
Indeed, I actually would like to not be a bitter and isolated and join mindless hoardes to fuck around and do nothing while plutocrats above ripe all the fruits. Yeah, thats totally what I want.
>I can only keep replying because you keep answering which essentially makes us equally stupid in that regard doesn't it
Stupidity is subjective, but its you who helps to foster and maintain it.

I see, let me make another assumption and say that you're generally unhappy with the current state of the world.

"The rich get richer and gain more and more control"

I don't really expect an answer at this point but what would be needed to make the world a better place in your opinion?

I'm in my 30s and I'm going to be alone forever. I don't know how to manage the pain.

They're like separate entity - shadow if im going by jungian termonology.

user, animals won't mind. Go and meditate in the Wilderness often. Bring a gun to shoot any normies that @ you thou.

Being in your 30s is far from the end of the line. Some people get devorced and have to pay child support at this point. You still have the joy of dating.
Thank you pal, it's nice to have a inspiring things thread from time to time.

>don't really expect an answer at this point but what would be needed to make the world a better place in your opinion?
Its not a problem in itself. Idiots need guidance of master, regardless of how much master can undermine the efficiency of idiots for his own pleasure. And there is no combating this except resorting to the same strategies and ultimately turning into the same thing. The only thing I'm unhappy with is that I had to be thrown in this shitstorm and observe it without being able to change anything.

Active Jow Forums Discord, stay out normalfags:

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So kinda like schizophrenia?
Did you ever talk to a doctor about this?

The problem with my life currently is that I don't see a reason to do anything.

Yes I could go back to school, learn shit, get a job etc, but why? What's the point? Life's shit either way.

I absolutely despise social interactions though, they give me a lot of stress which also helps me to not do anything.

Life feels empty and meaningless, which it is and I think about it every day, it makes me even more empty.

I don't see a reason to do anything because I just don't care.

If my parents will force me out/whatever, I'll just commit suicide, it's really not an issue for me because I'll die anyways.

Thanks OP
Made me feel better

So you feel powerless at the moment which makes you sad and angry at the same time? You'd like to be one of the string pullers but your current situation simply doesn't allow that. Which makes you think any activity that isn't striving to be one of those 'masters' is a waste of time and resources.

>So you feel powerless at the moment which makes you sad and angry at the same time?
I feel like that for few years in row.
>You'd like to be one of the string pullers but your current situation simply doesn't allow that.
I dont like anything. Being a string-puller means either responsibility for people who cant think for themselves or licking asses of string pullers above you who sometimes can be as dumb as their assets.
>Which makes you think any activity that isn't striving to be one of those 'masters' is a waste of time and resources.
To some extent, but this is what I am doing right now. I feel bad about that, but I feel bad about everything else surrounding me.

You are right. Life itself doesn't really have a meaning, it's up to us to give it a one.

Your way of thinking surely is one way to approach that issue, mind you not a really healthy one in my opinion.

Sure you could simply let life go past you because why would you do anything? You're going to die anyway.

But consider this. The chances of you existing were incredibly slim. You came to be basically out of nothing.

Sure life can be hard, you'll get hurt and sometimes you'll suffer and question everything but life allows you to even feel any of that.

I'm rather certain you had at least some good times in your life. Maybe you fell in love, laughed or just felt happy.

If you'd off yourself not only the bad things of life will vanish. Everything will. Of course I can't proof that but the afterlife in which everything is perfect doesn't exist.

After you die there will be nothing, less than nothing because you are nothing. You wouldn't be able to enjoy that as a way out of your misery.

If you feel like life is meaningless, death will be even more so.

Its not schizophrenia but rather a good part of me represented by that archetype. Im attending therapy for this problem.

But I didn't ask to be alive, did I?

Death would allow me to be in peace, away from this awful world and life.

Asking questions and seeking answers is a good thing but we need to know and accept some things that we can not change.

Ever since humans existed there were leaders. Some helped to progress humanity others seeked personal gain.
That will not change anytime soon.

But does not being on top of the hierarchy mean you can't have a good life? Absolutely not. Of course our current system requires you to work for someone higher than you and make them money, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

You might think that this way of thinking is only for the 'sheep', for retards. Even if it would, I'd rather be a happy retard than being a miserable "alpha".

Life isn't all that bad, you can basically do whatever you want as long as you don't break rules that our society crafted over millenia.

You can be happy, don't deny yourself happiness by overthinking life as a whole.
Think, be angry but come to term with somethings that won't change no matter what you do.

You did not, yet here you are.
Either you see it as a punishment or you take what I'd consider a gift and turn it into something desirable.

"The living shouldn't envy the dead"

If you are going to die anyway way not enjoy the path to it?