Does anybody else get really intense random mood swings / emotion swings throughout the day? I got these ever since I started lifting seriously.
Like for example I wake up at 6am I feel great until 11am then I get sleepy, tired, depressed, lethargic. This goes on until around 2-3pm then suddenly I feel euphoric, happy, like everything is going to be alright, full of energy, then this lasts all night and then repeats the next day.
It happened again today, it's 5pm here and I just got a wave of energy and euphoria when I was lethargic and depressed 2 hours ago.
Intense mood swings since started lifting
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lifting makes me horny as balls, if that helps
No, I’m an adult. But leg days feel like I’m cumming all day. OP control your emotions you weak faggot
it makes me horny too but I dont have a gf so i think that might be a problem with my emotional fluctuations
This isn't normal. I've heard meditation can help you control your emotions so I'd try that
You've got higher testosterone
Read the Bible brother
I haven't read it in a while. You're right. Any guidance on what book to start with again?
The Bible
You've got too much testosterone running through your bloodstream. Regular exercise also opens up all your blood vessels and you become more energetic overall. Also, lifting is a massive confidence-booster and it does bring you closer to your animal side. That third part is sort of bullshit, but I am speaking from personal experience and what I've seen other guys change into. Emotional swings are normal, especially if you are running tren (which I REALLY hope you're not). Just be more mature and handle your emotions. If they come on too strong, just try not to open your mouth too much around others or you might end up saying something stupid or insult someone you didn't mean to. It's called growing up mate, you have to handle yourself properly. Best of luck and keep lifting, we're all gonna make it.
Thanks for normalising what I'm feeling bros. I am natural. I have controlled my emotions in the sense I have not had outward displays of my emotions (no rages, no crying to others, no whining, no simp behaviour), it's all internal emotions and I keep it there for just me to see.
What you said makes a lot of sense.
Maybe mental illness? Sounds like Borderline PErsonality Disorder
If not, maybe its caffine, or something in your pre workout, or maybe you have a lack of zinc so you get random bouts of low energy. IDK if I agree with everyone saying its high test, you shouldnt feel randomly tired or depressed, in fact low test causes depression and anxiety, not high test.
Somethings not right
Yes, exact same pattern, its comes from overtraining
He just said the Bible lmao
chek youself before you wreck yourself
Besides reading the bible, you are probably experiencing higher Testosterone levels from training and eating more food. Since T is basically a prohormone, higher T allows for more T-conversion to DHT and Estrogen. You might have newly high levels of Estrogen, which could be what you are experiencing.
Also, when and what do you usually eat?
I eat mainly my big meal at the end of the day and smaller snacks at breakfast/lunch.
Breakfast/lunch i'll have a couple eggs, some cheese, or some fruit.
Then at dinner i'll have some meat (mostly red meat beef/lamb/kangaroo) with rice, then a couple eggs, milk, cheese. Basically my diet everyday.
When I read what I wrote it does sound bipolar i guess lol.. I take a ZMA supplement every night (zinc + magnesium + b6)
Interesting. You have experience with this? I always hear over training is impossible for a normie non-professional athlete
is right. I have borderline personality disorder and I get this way all the time after lifting. Go get checked out
nigga the Bible is like 1200 pages give me which chapter to start with
Supplements brah. I started following the supplement advice in the stickied Jow Forums Wiki and that cured me right up in a couple of weeks. Magnesium in particular is vital in maintaining your mood and motivation.
What happens after you get diagnosed? Medication? Send to a mental hospital?
Moses the fucking first
There are certain meds like mood stabilizers but I wasn't sent to hospital. They just teach you dbt to help you better deal with your borderline symptoms.