Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums

today is my birthday and I feel like crap

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Every birthday since birth is progressively worse.
Just like every Christmas!

Happy birthday fren have a great day. I love you fren in a Jow Forums anonymous way

happy birthday op. treat yourself! it's your day!

happy birthday OP! life might suck but today is your day, enjoy it

Its okay fren you can cry on my shoulder

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Thanks guys, at least I can count on you

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Happy birthday user!
Hope is there for all of us.

Happy birthday, OP. Things'll get better, I promise.

Birthdays are never easy, bro. Don't take it so serious, it's just a day.
Anyway: happy birthday to you.

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Happiest of birthdays user. I'm just some user thinking about you in this moment, and I guess I'll forget you also soon.. Nut st least for now my thoughts are with you.

Happy birthday user, I hope you'll have a great day

Happy birthday OP. How old did you turn today?

happy birthday
I hate my birthday desu

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happy birthday my fren

Thank you my brothers. Turned 20 today. Guess people have more miserable lifes than me but this day still sucks for me

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Happy birthday user! Mine is in 9 days. Have fun today! Very least you can do is buy yourself a bottle of expensive booze haha

Happy birthday friend, I wish you many happy days

its alright brother. happy birthday

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Birthdays.. the day you're reminded the most about the race that were rigged and you "won" but all your brothers and sisters knew, they knew and let you win. They took the easy way out.
I hate birthdays..

imagine there is still at least 40 years of suffering ahead of you

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Go on Grindr and have birthday sex OP

i bet you're in your 20s most probably 20-26.
anyways happy birthday!